INSERT INTO `cache` (`cid`, `data`, `expire`, `created`, `headers`) VALUES
('filter:3:bf46c0f9309dff0d542b40c7dc0d380f', '

<|Gray clouds and rain. Cold. Wet. How did I get here? Where was I? ...Who am I? Am I always this forgetful? Have I always been lost? The feet are wet. I wish they were dry. I wish I could sleep some place other than under this bridge. People look at me when they walk past. I want to introduce myself. What am I to say or see to them? My name. I think I know it. I feel my name is my name, but I feel nothing else. I know how I live is not how anyone wants to live. Not many people living under the bridge. Those that are talk about wanting to live in one of the buildings or houses that surround. They talk of making a lot of money and being able to shower every Cycle and eat every Cycle, of living the good life and being able to live like those who pass in the morning. The people I sleep with seem to know who they are and where they come from. I don''t. I try to think of the past and on a fog of abstract images are thought. Like the gray clouds.>

\n', 1245606199, 1245519799, ''), ('filter:3:3eefd2a763517b4c2b5a625b84f498db', '

(What are these marks if not for thought?)


What''s this?


<|Where is this data?>


(These marks are internal known recorded thought.)


<|These thoughts are for internal thoughts of a being with a mind. The focus. It''s focus. If I don''t focus then the data is created by it.>


<|What is it?>


I have been standing on a pile of piles of objects. The objects are many. There are senses fuming from the piles of objects.


The object are red, blue, yellow, brown, gold, silver. They are hard and soft.


,,My voice sounds weird when I talk.''''

\n', 1245630284, 1245543884, ''), ('filter:3:899216bdbcc1b9b884f1100a7d298b0d', '

Who am I?

\n', 1245630319, 1245543919, ''), ('filter:1:007d198298b0eab40e2a66eab30ff757', '

<|WHAT THE! WHY THE? THAT''S A... ...Where? All this trash. All this trash. No hidding. No place to hide. DAMN! BULLET. RICOCETE. JUMP...WHY! BECAUSE I LEFT UNITED STATES OF EDEN? BECAUSE I LEFT THE DOMES. ...THERE''S NO. ...THERE''S... ...There is not stopping. That''s. ...I need to go back. I need to get in the dome. I need to be in. If I die will I die. Will I rebirth? I don''t need to die.>

\n', 1245630319, 1245543919, ''), ('filter:3:f399e8b7505900c70e308e7978150e28', '

<|Where does it end? This larger than a dome. Larger than a dome. Where was I when I left? Texas? It''s hot. There''s the light? That light. Where''s the jade? I miss the jade. This yellow ball of light. Sky is blue. Blue. What happened? When did the sky become blue. This should be a great place. This should be, but there is trash...Food. That''s what I want to try. FUCK. IT''S EVERYWHERE. DOES IT END\\? I want it to end. It''s endless. Cycles. Cycles of the big yellow thing going through the sky. It''s hot. Heat. Heat. It''s...Hot and endless. Endless amount of waste. Cans. Shirts. TRASH. No more drinking this, this, this sludge. This sludge. This. I want back in. I can''t go on. I need back in. Stop. I need to stop. STOP. NO. STOP. GO BACK. GO BACK. GO BACK. This is nothing, but trash. Trash. A land of trash with a bit yellow ball of heat sometime floating above.>

\n', 1245630319, 1245543919, ''), ('filter:3:2ad025efbec30d7636bb4014d2004f7b', '

<|How long have I been naked? My whole life in the jaded domes have I been naked? Now I am naked walking in the trash. The trash. Where''s the cloths trash? There are trees. There are trees. Trees. They look greener. Greener againsts the blue and the gray. The blue and the gray. It''s. It''s not cloths. It''s cold. Naked? I WAS NAKED MY WHOLE LIFE. ...The Entropy of the jaded dome. Did the jade dome really cloth us? Warm us. Give us cover. Protection. WE WERE NAKED! Where is the cloths trash? CANS! CANS AND BAGS OF TRASH! Where? WHERE ARE THE TRASH CLOTHS...NO WHERE! NO WHERE BECAUSE ALL THE CLOTHS OF EDENS WERE JADE ENTROPY!>

\n', 1245630319, 1245543919, ''), ('filter:3:6e7d8fd11b803e88cf3a47d23f1dfca4', '

<|It is everywhere.>

\n', 1245630319, 1245543919, ''), ('menu:1:en', 'a:3:{s:10:"path 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(What are these marks if not for thought?)


What''s this?


<|Where is this data?>


(These marks are internal known recorded thought.)


<|These thoughts continue. They are for internal thoughts of a being with a mind. The focus. It''s focus. If I don''t focus then the data is created by it.>


<|What is it?>


I have been standing on a pile of piles of objects. The objects are many. There are senses fuming from the piles of objects.


The object are red, blue, yellow, brown, gold, silver. They are hard and soft.


,,My voice sounds weird when I talk.''''

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'blog', 'Where Am I?', 1, 1, 1133107699, 1133107732, 1, 1, 0, '(Besides Here.)', '(Besides Here.)', '', 0, 3), (3, 'blog', 'What is this?', 1, 1, 1133449031, 1133449106, 1, 1, 0, '(Other than my thoughts.)', '(Other than my thoughts.)', '', 0, 3), (4, 'blog', 'What time is it?', 1, 1, 1133881180, 1133881263, 1, 1, 0, '<Other than now. Other than time for this output system to record what I am thinking right now.>', '<Other than now. Other than time for this output system to record what I am thinking right now.>', '', 0, 3), (5, 'blog', 'Time?', 1, 1, 1134449547, 1134449699, 0, 1, 0, '<What time is it? Why is the time decimal based? Everytime I see again it seems many cycles pass.> ', '<What time is it? Why is the time decimal based? Everytime I see again it seems many cycles pass.> ', '', 0, 3), (6, 'blog', 'Where?', 1, 1, 1135037680, 1135379291, 0, 1, 0, '<Cold is what I feel. I think. Because that is all I seem I can do. Is think. What I think appears here for other to see. What I do or feel does not. Why? What is this. Why only my thoughts?>', '<Cold is what I feel. I think. Because that is all I seem I can do. Is think. What I think appears here for other to see. What I do or feel does not. Why? What is this. Why only my thoughts?>', '', 0, 3), (7, 'blog', 'Should I get...', 1, 1, 1135379323, 1135695788, 2, 1, 0, '<A hamburger or fries. The fries smell good. So does the hamburger. The hamburger will be more filling. But the fries smell really good. I like the smell of them. Mmmmmm reminds me of something. I just don''t know what. A time? A place? Oh! They talking to me...I''ll have the hamburger...there that was easy. Now hopefully I''ll get it soon. My stomach hurts. Oh! They''re talking to me again...What?...Dalobs?''s enough. It should be. Oh how those fries smell good. What a weird light. Yellow and red. Why? Did he just throw all those fries away. I think their refuse bin is a good place to find fries.', '<A hamburger or fries. The fries smell good. So does the hamburger. The hamburger will be more filling. But the fries smell really good. I like the smell of them. Mmmmmm reminds me of something. I just don''t know what. A time? A place? Oh! They talking to me...I''ll have the hamburger...there that was easy. Now hopefully I''ll get it soon. My stomach hurts. Oh! They''re talking to me again...What?...Dalobs?''s enough. It should be. Oh how those fries smell good. What a weird light. Yellow and red. Why? Did he just throw all those fries away. I think their refuse bin is a good place to find fries. And many other things. What? Oh...Thanks. Yeah the hamburger is done. Too bad it is too small. Now where should I sit. The place is packed. There is place. That person seems calm. Wow. They have a lot of fries. Here. I shall. Oh...It''s taken. Sorry. I guess I can stand and eat. Wow this place just became more crowded. Must be MidWorkBreak...The hamburger is good. Cold, but good. It that mustard? I hope. The onions are old. The bread a bit dry...>', '', 0, 3), (8, 'blog', 'Cold. Cold. Cold', 1, 1, 1135695796, 1135696120, 1, 1, 0, '<|How can it get. Cold. COLD. Hands froze. Warm. Think warm. Try think warm. Move. Move. Move. Rub arms. Rub arms Rub arms. Rubs hands in palms. Breathe. Breathe. Think warm. Move toes. Move toes. Wiggle toes. Move Move. COLD COLD. COLD. COLD. WARM. MOVE. MOVE. Rub toes. Rub toes. Rub toes with fingers. Warm. Warm. Fuck. Rub arms. Rub arms. Rubs palms. Breathe. Breathe in to palms. Shiver. Jolt. Rub legs. Cold....>', '<|How can it get. Cold. COLD. Hands froze. Warm. Think warm. Try think warm. Move. Move. Move. Rub arms. Rub arms Rub arms. Rubs hands in palms. Breathe. Breathe. Think warm. Move toes. Move toes. Wiggle toes. Move Move. COLD COLD. COLD. COLD. WARM. MOVE. MOVE. Rub toes. Rub toes. Rub toes with fingers. Warm. Warm. Fuck. Rub arms. Rub arms. Rubs palms. Breathe. Breathe in to palms. Shiver. Jolt. Rub legs. Cold....>', '', 0, 3), (9, 'blog', '', 1, 1, 1135978461, 1135978916, 0, 1, 0, '<Maybe. If it rains more and blows more. I don''t know how it could rain more. It is raining too much now. Soon that puddle will become a pond. A big pond at that. Big enough to touch the leaf and the street and me. How many days does it rain here? How many days has it rained? Twenty? Two? Do people own boats? I haven''t seen any boats? All the houses are above ground. No basements. Well, non that are lived in. That seems to be now explained. But that only leaves the question of if that is really a leaf. Last I remember when I could remember (I think) I remember leafs and the trees they came from to be going extinct.', '<Maybe. If it rains more and blows more. I don''t know how it could rain more. It is raining too much now. Soon that puddle will become a pond. A big pond at that. Big enough to touch the leaf and the street and me. How many days does it rain here? How many days has it rained? Twenty? Two? Do people own boats? I haven''t seen any boats? All the houses are above ground. No basements. Well, non that are lived in. That seems to be now explained. But that only leaves the question of if that is really a leaf. Last I remember when I could remember (I think) I remember leafs and the trees they came from to be going extinct. Is that a leaf? I that a tree. Will this rain kill me as I think it may have almost in the past once before?>', '', 0, 3), (10, 'blog', '', 1, 1, 1136247866, 1136603986, 0, 1, 0, '<|Is that wood smoke? Is someone burning wood. Where is that coming from? Where is that? Is it. No is it from the...oh right there. Is that really wood smoke? Wood fire. Wood heat. Wood heat is bad but right now any heat will be good. That has to be wood smoke. That. What? What was that? That didn''t sound good. Was that a scream or a shout. I can''t see anything in the shadow too dark. Unless the focus had faded. Wait.>\r\n<|I should be safe. Was that really a gun shot? A gun shot? How was that a gun shot? It must be the wood. Eden of Eden can''t have a gun shot.', '<|Is that wood smoke? Is someone burning wood. Where is that coming from? Where is that? Is it. No is it from the...oh right there. Is that really wood smoke? Wood fire. Wood heat. Wood heat is bad but right now any heat will be good. That has to be wood smoke. That. What? What was that? That didn''t sound good. Was that a scream or a shout. I can''t see anything in the shadow too dark. Unless the focus had faded. Wait.>\r\n<|I should be safe. Was that really a gun shot? A gun shot? How was that a gun shot? It must be the wood. Eden of Eden can''t have a gun shot. I should be safe behind this. As long as the focus shines. The shadow saves. I can lay here and smell the wood smoke and wait for a bit. That can''t be a gun shot.>', '', 0, 3), (11, 'blog', '', 1, 1, 1136604396, 1136604426, 0, 1, 0, '<|All of it. All of it. No one needs that much food. Put it down. Come on. Come on. Come on. Put the fucking food DOWN. PUT it the refuse bin. And walk away. COME on. I need to eat. Please, please, please, please, please, please, PLEASE! WHY DO YOU NEED MORE FOOD. WHY DO YOU NEED TO EAT RIGHT BY THE TRASH BIN WHERE I KNOW THERE IS SOME FOOD. Fuck it. I''ll just walk over there and...>', '<|All of it. All of it. No one needs that much food. Put it down. Come on. Come on. Come on. Put the fucking food DOWN. PUT it the refuse bin. And walk away. COME on. I need to eat. Please, please, please, please, please, please, PLEASE! WHY DO YOU NEED MORE FOOD. WHY DO YOU NEED TO EAT RIGHT BY THE TRASH BIN WHERE I KNOW THERE IS SOME FOOD. Fuck it. I''ll just walk over there and...>', '', 0, 3), (12, 'blog', '', 1, 1, 1137133320, 1137133521, 1, 1, 0, '<|Or there. Are they still behind. Yes. No where. That doesn''t. But that''s the only way. Bad idea. I know this is going to be a dead end. The walls to high and smooth to climb. Are they behind. Where did they go. They still have to be there. They are. I know it. Go. Run. Run. No they are. There they are. Yes. Maybe. Just run. Right there. The end of the alley. There the street. The crowd. Run. Faster. Come on. Just run. Run. Run. They are there. Is that them. Yes. They are gaining. Shit they are fast. The crowd is right there. If I can only get in. If I can only get in. If I can only get in.>', '<|Or there. Are they still behind. Yes. No where. That doesn''t. But that''s the only way. Bad idea. I know this is going to be a dead end. The walls to high and smooth to climb. Are they behind. Where did they go. They still have to be there. They are. I know it. Go. Run. Run. No they are. There they are. Yes. Maybe. Just run. Right there. The end of the alley. There the street. The crowd. Run. Faster. Come on. Just run. Run. Run. They are there. Is that them. Yes. They are gaining. Shit they are fast. The crowd is right there. If I can only get in. If I can only get in. If I can only get in.>', '', 0, 3), (13, 'blog', '', 1, 1, 1137684127, 1138067370, 2, 1, 0, '<|Why will it stop raining. Rain, rain, rain, rain, rain. I should go out. I know they will find me. Who ever they are. Why have they chased? If it wasn''t for the rain then maybe I could hide somewhere else. Maybe there isn''t any place to hide? Maybe they are every where? Maybe that couple kissing in the rain are them? Maybe everyone is them? I am cold and tired and wet. Hard condition to think. That looks like a dry spot, but there are lots of people over there and one of those people could be the ones who chase me. Would they chase me in the rain :) Maybe? ...Where is the couple kissing?>', '<|Why will it stop raining. Rain, rain, rain, rain, rain. I should go out. I know they will find me. Who ever they are. Why have they chased? If it wasn''t for the rain then maybe I could hide somewhere else. Maybe there isn''t any place to hide? Maybe they are every where? Maybe that couple kissing in the rain are them? Maybe everyone is them? I am cold and tired and wet. Hard condition to think. That looks like a dry spot, but there are lots of people over there and one of those people could be the ones who chase me. Would they chase me in the rain :) Maybe? ...Where is the couple kissing?>', '', 0, 3), (14, 'blog', '', 1, 1, 1138067377, 1139080385, 2, 1, 0, '<|I haven''t moved from here in four Cycles. People come and go and people some time point and stare. I should move. My legs need more than just the occasional stretch. A good run would work them out. I should run but I have been seeing sites in my mind every time I step from the from the alley in the streets. I don''t know where the images are coming from. Probably from those who chase me. Of course I am beginning to think those who chase me aren''t real and just something I am seeing.', '<|I haven''t moved from here in four Cycles. People come and go and people some time point and stare. I should move. My legs need more than just the occasional stretch. A good run would work them out. I should run but I have been seeing sites in my mind every time I step from the from the alley in the streets. I don''t know where the images are coming from. Probably from those who chase me. Of course I am beginning to think those who chase me aren''t real and just something I am seeing. I should go. I should go right now. Okay, so here I go: One, Two, three...wait. That should be Three to One to Zero shouldn''t it? I think so. So here goes. Three, Two, One. Go!>', '', 0, 3), (15, 'blog', '', 1, 1, 1139080474, 1139081208, 2, 1, 0, '<|Persistence is nice. Memories come and go. This morning I had coffee and when I was asked if I wanted cream or sugar I remembered a face. The face of a man. Rugged and sharp with a scare on his chin. The man could have been Machiuman for I seen nothing but the face. And then I saw the shadow again coming toward me. I dropped the coffee and cream and ran. Now I rest under a bridge listening to the R.O.D.(s) and P.O.D.(s) wondering who are you. Why do you chase me. Why do you follow me? Are you seeing my thoughts now? My feet and legs and tired and chest sore from running.', '<|Persistence is nice. Memories come and go. This morning I had coffee and when I was asked if I wanted cream or sugar I remembered a face. The face of a man. Rugged and sharp with a scare on his chin. The man could have been Machiuman for I seen nothing but the face. And then I saw the shadow again coming toward me. I dropped the coffee and cream and ran. Now I rest under a bridge listening to the R.O.D.(s) and P.O.D.(s) wondering who are you. Why do you chase me. Why do you follow me? Are you seeing my thoughts now? My feet and legs and tired and chest sore from running. How can run so much for so long? I always out run you but soon you find me again. You never shout. Or call out. Sometimes there are three of you or four. Why me? Are you real? Are you just another memory that comes at unexpected times?>', '', 0, 3), (16, 'blog', '', 1, 1, 1139584419, 1139584705, 2, 1, 0, '<|I want another. I do need a napkin. Stuff gets all over. Hard to get off with a dirty rag. I don''t want to touch that rag too much. Wonder who used it. Who cares? I need another bite. Oh...I should....remember to chew before I swallow. Need something to wash that down. Theirs that water. I wonder how long that has been sitting there. It should only be rain water. But the bottle is. I need something to drink...that''s...oh no. I don''t want to...then I''ll be.... To late going to puke.>', '<|I want another. I do need a napkin. Stuff gets all over. Hard to get off with a dirty rag. I don''t want to touch that rag too much. Wonder who used it. Who cares? I need another bite. Oh...I should....remember to chew before I swallow. Need something to wash that down. Theirs that water. I wonder how long that has been sitting there. It should only be rain water. But the bottle is. I need something to drink...that''s...oh no. I don''t want to...then I''ll be.... To late going to puke.>', '', 0, 3), (17, 'blog', '', 1, 1, 1140308170, 1140847300, 2, 1, 0, '<|Don''t want to get up. Don''t want to move from under the bridge. Dirt and trash and stink of shit and piss is everywhere, but it is warm and dry. People are around sleeping, eating, talking, dreaming on the walkways and the platforms under the bridge. When will the rain stop? When will the cold become warm? It''s cold. Things are starting to freeze. It was warm a couple of Cycles ago. Hot enough to sweat without moving. Now it is cold. Real cold. At least the cold has probably driven the shades away. Where have they been? They must be human if they cold has stopped their tracking of me. Maybe they know where I am and can''t stand the smell of shit and piss? Maybe they have caught me and this is all a dream? Maybe but don''t want to leave and find out? I don''t want to see and know.', '<|Don''t want to get up. Don''t want to move from under the bridge. Dirt and trash and stink of shit and piss is everywhere, but it is warm and dry. People are around sleeping, eating, talking, dreaming on the walkways and the platforms under the bridge. When will the rain stop? When will the cold become warm? It''s cold. Things are starting to freeze. It was warm a couple of Cycles ago. Hot enough to sweat without moving. Now it is cold. Real cold. At least the cold has probably driven the shades away. Where have they been? They must be human if they cold has stopped their tracking of me. Maybe they know where I am and can''t stand the smell of shit and piss? Maybe they have caught me and this is all a dream? Maybe but don''t want to leave and find out? I don''t want to see and know. I don''t want to do anything but sit here and be warm. Don''t want to be cold.>', '', 0, 3), (18, 'blog', '', 1, 1, 1140847867, 1206500821, 2, 1, 0, '<|I have seen with someone who lives under the bridge. They seen that we are in District of Columbia of United States of Eden. I don''t know what that is or means. They seen that is an important place but it''s not. It can''t be. There are too many poor people. There are too much junk to be anything but a dump. The place does feel like I have been here before but why I don''t know. How can the District of Columbia of United States of Eden be worth more than another place?>', '<|I have seen with someone who lives under the bridge. They seen that we are in District of Columbia of United States of Eden. I don''t know what that is or means. They seen that is an important place but it''s not. It can''t be. There are too many poor people. There are too much junk to be anything but a dump. The place does feel like I have been here before but why I don''t know. How can the District of Columbia of United States of Eden be worth more than another place?>', '', 0, 3), (19, 'blog', '', 1, 1, 1141363888, 1141363915, 2, 1, 0, '<|People everywhere. How can they see me? How do they know where I am going? There. Go. No. Shit. Damn. How? They are, turn, run through, say, sorry, say nothing just run. Breath. Breathe. Breathe. Shit that sting. Hurts. Is that. No that is not one. There is an opening. I think. Yes. Yes it is. I think I can. Maybe. Maybe. Behind. Are they still behind? Yes. But further. But not far. They are more than one. Four. Five. OUCH. Look ahead. Push. Shove. Wedge between people upon side walks and street. Jump. Duck and run. Don''t look back. Looking back slow done down. Run. Just Duck and run. Don''t push.', '<|People everywhere. How can they see me? How do they know where I am going? There. Go. No. Shit. Damn. How? They are, turn, run through, say, sorry, say nothing just run. Breath. Breathe. Breathe. Shit that sting. Hurts. Is that. No that is not one. There is an opening. I think. Yes. Yes it is. I think I can. Maybe. Maybe. Behind. Are they still behind? Yes. But further. But not far. They are more than one. Four. Five. OUCH. Look ahead. Push. Shove. Wedge between people upon side walks and street. Jump. Duck and run. Don''t look back. Looking back slow done down. Run. Just Duck and run. Don''t push. Don''t shove. People will screams and yell and move too much. They will. Now someone else. Ahead. Could be one of them. Maybe? Slice through the crowd. Lower. Duck Lower. There''s a wall. Run to the wall. Run against the wall. Jump over bum. Hey I saw the bum under the bridge. No time. Look ahead. There. And there and there. They are every where. The are against the wall. Run into the crowd low. Wedge. Smile. A street band. Noise. More cover. Now just run and run fast and run and shove and push and pull and jump run, run, run and don''t look behind. Look ahead and run...>', '', 0, 3), (20, 'blog', '', 1, 1, 1142119017, 1142119153, 2, 1, 0, '<|To tired. To sore. Don''t want to run. No more. Where can I go know. Everywhere they go I see the shadows and shades. Right there no. Not enough cover. Under the Duke Bridge? No. No one likes me under there. No one wants me under there. Did they really beat up my friend. I can''t even remember her name. Said it many times. Too busy looking for them. I know. Maybe I should go to the Golden Dome and hide in one of the Car Hotels. There are lots of people there. There are ways to hide and eat, maybe sleep. I remember sleep. I can''t remember much else but I do remember sleep. How good it feels. Don''t think about sleep.', '<|To tired. To sore. Don''t want to run. No more. Where can I go know. Everywhere they go I see the shadows and shades. Right there no. Not enough cover. Under the Duke Bridge? No. No one likes me under there. No one wants me under there. Did they really beat up my friend. I can''t even remember her name. Said it many times. Too busy looking for them. I know. Maybe I should go to the Golden Dome and hide in one of the Car Hotels. There are lots of people there. There are ways to hide and eat, maybe sleep. I remember sleep. I can''t remember much else but I do remember sleep. How good it feels. Don''t think about sleep. Not when I am in a dark dumpster. Not now that the adrenaline is slowing. Not now when I have to go because I know they will find me and then I will have to run. To where. The Golden Dome. There I can rest and think of what do do next. I need to find a way to capture on and hide so I can ask Why me.>', '', 0, 3), (21, 'blog', '', 1, 1, 1142573328, 1142573352, 2, 1, 0, '<|I am done with running. Once I have rested and ate and shit. Boy do I need to shit. All this tension has me running slow. I just want to relax under the Duke Ellington Bridge. The people here are nice. The don''t say much. They talk about the weather. They talk about the past when the where living someplace other than under a bridge. They talk about dreams and how it would be to be given money or a house of a big meal. They talk nothing of themselves. This is good. I only need to come up with a past and a dream and I can make it anywhere. Where I can''t make it is in a bathroom. They have made one over in the corner and have tapped into the water system to flush it to the Rock Creek River but I can''t shit.', '<|I am done with running. Once I have rested and ate and shit. Boy do I need to shit. All this tension has me running slow. I just want to relax under the Duke Ellington Bridge. The people here are nice. The don''t say much. They talk about the weather. They talk about the past when the where living someplace other than under a bridge. They talk about dreams and how it would be to be given money or a house of a big meal. They talk nothing of themselves. This is good. I only need to come up with a past and a dream and I can make it anywhere. Where I can''t make it is in a bathroom. They have made one over in the corner and have tapped into the water system to flush it to the Rock Creek River but I can''t shit. I do need to shit so I can test my still growing belief the shades are not real, they are just caste to scare me. What is real is the ones who want me. I just don''t know what the shades are. I do know they are all in my mind.>', '', 0, 3), (22, 'blog', '', 1, 1, 1143040145, 1143040298, 2, 1, 0, '<|I won''t call it gleaning, more of a food hunt. Not enough stability in location and time to even resemble gleaning. Because of time it is more like a hunt of a scavenger. This is not a scavenger hunt. Two old doughnuts, some pieces of half eaten pizza slices. Sitting on my ass trying to heat the pizza over the fire with with a grate I found in some ones trash. I looks like and oven rack. The fire is maybe too big. I should add some cover. No shades for a few Cycles and there is no need to send a beacon. Though it would give me a chance to test my new resolve and see if all the shades are real.', '<|I won''t call it gleaning, more of a food hunt. Not enough stability in location and time to even resemble gleaning. Because of time it is more like a hunt of a scavenger. This is not a scavenger hunt. Two old doughnuts, some pieces of half eaten pizza slices. Sitting on my ass trying to heat the pizza over the fire with with a grate I found in some ones trash. I looks like and oven rack. The fire is maybe too big. I should add some cover. No shades for a few Cycles and there is no need to send a beacon. Though it would give me a chance to test my new resolve and see if all the shades are real. Some, if not all, I think to be fake. The move to fluid like to be real. Or of the world I think I know. For I still only remember certain knowledge of what to call things and what things do but the knowledge that would make me an individual in the masses eludes me. I can see it any more than I can see me ever eating anything but gleaned pizza if I don''t do something to get money, some DALob.>', '', 0, 3), (23, 'blog', '', 1, 1, 1143917075, 1143917103, 2, 1, 0, '<|It moves like one of them and looks like one of them, but it is too far away for me to identify it and I can''t just jump from the dumpster into the street and the crowd, run across the street through the crowd and to the other side without causing alarm. Probably wouldn''t get two steps after landing and there would be a scream and a shout and then the shade, or what I think is a shade, would be aware of me.>\r\n\r\n<|But is that a bad thing? It is likely already aware of me probably. Maybe it can read my thought? Maybe it is reading my thoughts right now? No, it probably isn''t because if it was then it would know I don''t remember much beyond the past couple of Tropos living on the streets of what I have been told to see as District of Columbia of United States of Eden.>\r', '<|It moves like one of them and looks like one of them, but it is too far away for me to identify it and I can''t just jump from the dumpster into the street and the crowd, run across the street through the crowd and to the other side without causing alarm. Probably wouldn''t get two steps after landing and there would be a scream and a shout and then the shade, or what I think is a shade, would be aware of me.>\r\n\r\n<|But is that a bad thing? It is likely already aware of me probably. Maybe it can read my thought? Maybe it is reading my thoughts right now? No, it probably isn''t because if it was then it would know I don''t remember much beyond the past couple of Tropos living on the streets of what I have been told to see as District of Columbia of United States of Eden.>\r\n\r\n<|Is that one of them? I think it is but I know I should wait until I make my move to see if it is really what it wants me to think it is.>', '', 0, 3), (24, 'blog', '', 1, 1, 1144519938, 1145591139, 2, 1, 0, '<|My lungs hurt, burn. How many...Are there....behind. One...Two, three, four. There is. Is that one? Is that one? Yes. Yes, that is one. There are five. What happened to the one. Maybe. Maybe only one of them is real. Maybe they are only one. Over there. Across the Duke Bridge. There''s Rock Creek below. Five shades behind. People are looking. Legs are aching. Can''t...inhale...need. Fuck. Cramp. Can''t slow down. The pain. Going to fall. Where to go. They are real. At least one. The river. The bridge. The cramp. The river. Rock Creek. I can swim.>\r\n', '<|My lungs hurt, burn. How many...Are there....behind. One...Two, three, four. There is. Is that one? Is that one? Yes. Yes, that is one. There are five. What happened to the one. Maybe. Maybe only one of them is real. Maybe they are only one. Over there. Across the Duke Bridge. There''s Rock Creek below. Five shades behind. People are looking. Legs are aching. Can''t...inhale...need. Fuck. Cramp. Can''t slow down. The pain. Going to fall. Where to go. They are real. At least one. The river. The bridge. The cramp. The river. Rock Creek. I can swim.>\r\n', '', 0, 3), (25, 'blog', '', 1, 1, 1144976311, 1145591156, 2, 1, 0, '<|Fucking love this. This is so damn good. The cheese is just falling off the crust. The sausage chunks still warm. The grease. So much grease but it''s good. I want to eat it all. I know I use to like this. I had to have liked this. My mouth is watering too much and the string cheese, everything a pull a bite from the slice, drops and falls to the ground reminding me of sun and grass and kids running around and playing. I see the cheese hit the ground and I can almost hear laughter form someone calling a name, my name, and then the cheese pools and all I see is trash littered back alley with a horde of rats fighting me for the left overs.', '<|Fucking love this. This is so damn good. The cheese is just falling off the crust. The sausage chunks still warm. The grease. So much grease but it''s good. I want to eat it all. I know I use to like this. I had to have liked this. My mouth is watering too much and the string cheese, everything a pull a bite from the slice, drops and falls to the ground reminding me of sun and grass and kids running around and playing. I see the cheese hit the ground and I can almost hear laughter form someone calling a name, my name, and then the cheese pools and all I see is trash littered back alley with a horde of rats fighting me for the left overs. I can remember this. I know I like this. I feel I have been here before. I feel I use to come here often with someone at some time for some reason. I need to remember this place at this time. Where dose all this pizza come from? Why doesn''t any of my other friends come here for food? Who cares? I am hungry.>', '', 0, 3), (26, 'blog', '', 1, 1, 1145591170, 1145591203, 2, 1, 0, '<|I once went there before. I use to eat there at that table. I know it was that table. I couldn''t have been no other table because when I see that table I feel it. But I can''t remember what I ate there? Everyone is eating Pizza and I can''t remember eating pizza there. I just feel I always use to order something. The same thing. Always. I remember every time I would order it she, someone, a face with a bright light blinding all her features stuck in the depths of time and mind, to says something when I would order the same thing.', '<|I once went there before. I use to eat there at that table. I know it was that table. I couldn''t have been no other table because when I see that table I feel it. But I can''t remember what I ate there? Everyone is eating Pizza and I can''t remember eating pizza there. I just feel I always use to order something. The same thing. Always. I remember every time I would order it she, someone, a face with a bright light blinding all her features stuck in the depths of time and mind, to says something when I would order the same thing. I remember the days begin like they are now: sweaty and hot. But some how the place radiated cool. I remember feeling free. And safe and secure. Why? Who was I then? Where was I? I know I was there but was I really there or am I just wishing I was there now sitting with all those clean eating people under the shade of the umbrella eating pizza. But it wasn''t pizza I use to eat there and that''s how I know that what I feel now is something that happened. I just need to know what I ate but can''t remember.>', '', 0, 3), (27, 'blog', '', 1, 1, 1146116543, 1146116575, 2, 1, 0, '<|What was that? Where am I? Who? I know who? I know for how long who and where. Where? District of Columbia of United States of Eden. Yes What was that? A dream. It was a dream. But what was it about? Who was that woman? Was she some one I knew? Someone I know? Where were we at? The bridge. The bridge we were walking over seems like the bridges here. But then things changed. Black spots and then everything changed and it was dark and we were still by each other but then she was somethings else. Replaced by a shadow. Before that there was something else I was asleep and dreaming and there was something else.', '<|What was that? Where am I? Who? I know who? I know for how long who and where. Where? District of Columbia of United States of Eden. Yes What was that? A dream. It was a dream. But what was it about? Who was that woman? Was she some one I knew? Someone I know? Where were we at? The bridge. The bridge we were walking over seems like the bridges here. But then things changed. Black spots and then everything changed and it was dark and we were still by each other but then she was somethings else. Replaced by a shadow. Before that there was something else I was asleep and dreaming and there was something else. A smell. It was a smell. Was that smell here or in the dream? Am I still dreaming? Am I real?>', '', 0, 3), (28, 'blog', '', 1, 1, 1146538584, 1146538617, 2, 1, 0, '<|No more eating out of garbage cans. No more sleeping under the bridge and over the vents. I need to do something more than wait for the shades to come. I need to do more than wait for the restaurants to throw out food to eat. I need to begin something to get me somewhere else. I continue to remember things in the area. Things that tell me I have become something or someone that I was not, who ever I was. Who I am now is not wanting to wake on a cement side walk or on a heat vent. Who am I am now is one who want to do more than get by. Shades be damned. So be it if they stop me. I need to try to do something.', '<|No more eating out of garbage cans. No more sleeping under the bridge and over the vents. I need to do something more than wait for the shades to come. I need to do more than wait for the restaurants to throw out food to eat. I need to begin something to get me somewhere else. I continue to remember things in the area. Things that tell me I have become something or someone that I was not, who ever I was. Who I am now is not wanting to wake on a cement side walk or on a heat vent. Who am I am now is one who want to do more than get by. Shades be damned. So be it if they stop me. I need to try to do something. I need better ways to find out about the past. Who am I?>', '', 0, 3), (29, 'blog', '', 1, 1, 1147060261, 1147060285, 2, 1, 0, '<|What do they mean see it''s what I see. They see I can see Eden of Eden or Earth of Earth. Why did I only see Eden of Eden? After they showed told me everything was Earth of Earth, I began to find many signs of a place called Earth of Earth and those signs showed be that I am on Earth of Earth.', '<|What do they mean see it''s what I see. They see I can see Eden of Eden or Earth of Earth. Why did I only see Eden of Eden? After they showed told me everything was Earth of Earth, I began to find many signs of a place called Earth of Earth and those signs showed be that I am on Earth of Earth. Still, I don''t get it. I can still see Eden of Eden. When I see people see they see mostly of Eden of Eden. Eden of Eden is everywhere, right? What is Earth of Earth. I I don''t know what to do now? I was going to go to Virgin of United States of Eden and now I don''t know what exist. I want to leave the home under the Duke Bridge. Earth of Earth sounds big and unknown. I don''t want to go, but I have have been told I am already there. How? I don''t remember most everything, but I remember Eden of Eden, or so I think. Why don''t I remember Earth of Earth?>', '', 0, 3), (30, 'blog', '', 1, 1, 1147238443, 1147238473, 2, 1, 0, '<|Where? Where? WHERE? Earth of Earth. WHY DO REMEMBER THAT NOW. ...Why do I remember Earth of Earth and now smells and sites more than I have ever felt when thinking of Eden of Eden? Maybe the shades are something else? Maybe they are not shades at all but only elements of Earth of Earth? When I see that it feels some how true. Why? Why does the thought of the shades being elements of Earth of Earth feel intrinsic as truth to me? More than shades for United States of Eden.', '<|Where? Where? WHERE? Earth of Earth. WHY DO REMEMBER THAT NOW. ...Why do I remember Earth of Earth and now smells and sites more than I have ever felt when thinking of Eden of Eden? Maybe the shades are something else? Maybe they are not shades at all but only elements of Earth of Earth? When I see that it feels some how true. Why? Why does the thought of the shades being elements of Earth of Earth feel intrinsic as truth to me? More than shades for United States of Eden. The more I see Earth of Earth and think of Earth of Earth the more I see new things called elements in things. I know not (I don''t know as they say here in United States of Eden. Is there an United States of Earth? More questions, What''s that right there. In the shadow. That''s that. Is that. That is. Yes. That''s a mirror. That''s me? Who am I? What have I become?>', '', 0, 3), (31, 'blog', '', 1, 1, 1148154780, 1153455249, 2, 1, 0, '<|There they are. Why are they there? What are they doing? They don''t see me from the trash can. The don''t feel me. Maybe they do? Maybe they do but are more concerned about what they are circling. How many are there. Five. or Seven? Two of them can look like two. Are the splitting? I wonder if I could get out of the dumpster and sneak over without being noticed. Probably not. Hungry. I was going to leave but food lately has been scarce. None found.', '<|There they are. Why are they there? What are they doing? They don''t see me from the trash can. The don''t feel me. Maybe they do? Maybe they do but are more concerned about what they are circling. How many are there. Five. or Seven? Two of them can look like two. Are the splitting? I wonder if I could get out of the dumpster and sneak over without being noticed. Probably not. Hungry. I was going to leave but food lately has been scarce. None found. No food has me here looking and then the shades. Are the really looking for me? What are they doing now? It looks like two are crouching over an object. Move. Just move to the side and let me see what you huddled around. A little more. MOVE!!. Oh well. it is better for them to be around that object than around the object of me. Here. I will lift...slowly...the garbage bin lid...and slowly lift...and slowly lift and proper up. They didn''t look over. They must be focused. They must be confident because they are out in the open and not caring to be looked at. Maybe the other can''t see them? Now I need to get out. Slowly. FUCKING BOTTLE. That was loud. I hope they''re not looking over. It''s would be hard not to noticed the garbage bin lid is now raised and propped open.>', '', 0, 3), (32, 'blog', '', 1, 1, 1148443539, 1153455226, 2, 1, 0, '<|In a ditch. Muddy. Smiling. Looking up at the sun and feeling the soft rays of light upon face. Laughter. Soft laughter that warms body. I feel it everywhere. The ditch. The mud dry. The smell of dirt. The smell of you. What is the smell? Who are you? The name. What''s the name? Your face I felt it. I felt it so many time and it felt so soft and feels so soft now. Where are you? Another time.', '<|In a ditch. Muddy. Smiling. Looking up at the sun and feeling the soft rays of light upon face. Laughter. Soft laughter that warms body. I feel it everywhere. The ditch. The mud dry. The smell of dirt. The smell of you. What is the smell? Who are you? The name. What''s the name? Your face I felt it. I felt it so many time and it felt so soft and feels so soft now. Where are you? Another time. Did time forget me like I have? Is there something to be remember more than this. The smell of the mud on my had in now but only now.>', '', 0, 3), (33, 'blog', '', 1, 1, 1149299879, 1153455099, 2, 1, 0, '<|The grass is green. Really green. Greener than the jaded sky. How do they get it this green. Did I know? Maybe? Why does that happen? I stare at something and that something leads the mind to think of something I don''t know, or remember. I focus on it, the something I don''t know, then the something I don''t know is unknown. Why? I stare at the something again and some times the something I don''t know comes back, but hardly ever does the something I don''t know focused upon long enough become something known.>\r\n\r\n<|I know this grass, this field, this large glowing dome. I know all these things somehow.', '<|The grass is green. Really green. Greener than the jaded sky. How do they get it this green. Did I know? Maybe? Why does that happen? I stare at something and that something leads the mind to think of something I don''t know, or remember. I focus on it, the something I don''t know, then the something I don''t know is unknown. Why? I stare at the something again and some times the something I don''t know comes back, but hardly ever does the something I don''t know focused upon long enough become something known.>\r\n\r\n<|I know this grass, this field, this large glowing dome. I know all these things somehow. The focus better. I know them as a whole. I see people around me, walking with me. Talking with me. The smell of hot dogs. The laughter of children. Smiling. I remember smiling. Feeling good. Then I don''t know.>', '', 0, 3), (34, 'blog', '', 1, 1, 1149601526, 1149601554, 2, 1, 0, '<|That pizza grease is out of my hair. The dirty off my skin. Hands are flaky and finger tips wrinkled. Finger nails clean, I need to cut them. How long as that been. I remember when she use to cut my finger nails. She? She again and she always makes me feel safe and breath easy even when scared or hungry and tired. Who is she\\? She is always there in the distance holding a baby, or something that looks like baby from far away. The shadows caste and she just bounces there and rock back and forth, back and forth, back and forth.>\r', '<|That pizza grease is out of my hair. The dirty off my skin. Hands are flaky and finger tips wrinkled. Finger nails clean, I need to cut them. How long as that been. I remember when she use to cut my finger nails. She? She again and she always makes me feel safe and breath easy even when scared or hungry and tired. Who is she\\? She is always there in the distance holding a baby, or something that looks like baby from far away. The shadows caste and she just bounces there and rock back and forth, back and forth, back and forth.>\r\n\r\n<|Then it is is gone. Then it is gone and I have a clean body covered in dirty, torn, cloths. I see the hair of my head and feel is should be cut. I missed the back of my ear. Last time I hurry with the free showers. It''s just there uncomfortable. Not that I mind being around naked men, but lines of naked men with looks passion in their eyes waiting for water makes me nervous. Why? ?\r\n\r\n<|Wow, the wind feels different now that it can blow across the skin.>', '', 0, 3); INSERT INTO `node` (`nid`, `type`, `title`, `uid`, `status`, `created`, `changed`, `comment`, `promote`, `moderate`, `teaser`, `body`, `revisions`, `sticky`, `format`) VALUES (35, 'blog', '', 1, 1, 1150246175, 1151032880, 2, 1, 0, '<|Money, money, money, how to get. I can beg more, but begging doesn''t work. I can steal. I can steal, but I feel I shouldn''t. I shouldn''t but I need money. I need money to get cloths and a room to shower. I need some food and stability. I need money. Without money how am I to get money. Is there way to get money having nothing? Without stealing? Sell illegal goods? There is Han what''s his name. He has drugs to sell. Nothing stolen. Is there a way to get money without selling drugs? Rob a house of A.L.L.? No, too many guards, it is still stealing. Drugs. selling drugs. Is there another way to get money without money? Once I have cloths, a bath, sleep and food, I can get a proper job and trade cleaning floors for money. Albeit much less.>\r', '<|Money, money, money, how to get. I can beg more, but begging doesn''t work. I can steal. I can steal, but I feel I shouldn''t. I shouldn''t but I need money. I need money to get cloths and a room to shower. I need some food and stability. I need money. Without money how am I to get money. Is there way to get money having nothing? Without stealing? Sell illegal goods? There is Han what''s his name. He has drugs to sell. Nothing stolen. Is there a way to get money without selling drugs? Rob a house of A.L.L.? No, too many guards, it is still stealing. Drugs. selling drugs. Is there another way to get money without money? Once I have cloths, a bath, sleep and food, I can get a proper job and trade cleaning floors for money. Albeit much less.>\r\n\r\n<|Drugs for money is not stealing. It is one need for another. One needs something. One trades something. Where''s Han what''s his name? He has drugs to front for me to sale. He always talks about it. He shows me. He has asked me before. He always sees his desire for me to sale.>', '', 0, 3), (36, 'blog', '', 1, 1, 1151032891, 1151806117, 2, 1, 0, '<|You were suppose to be here. Where are you? It is night. It is now suddenly cold. Figures. A good couple of cycles, now I have the money to front my own, the guy is gone with the money. Rookie mistake. Should have known the fuck was only leading me on, getting me to work for free and be a chump. Maybe the drug think isn''t such a good way to make money? ...Unless I''m the one growing. Then there is jail, and the need to have a place to grow. Is that him? Right there. That shadow right...No. That is not him. FUCK. I need just to only sell this stash then I have another way besides drugs to make money.', '<|You were suppose to be here. Where are you? It is night. It is now suddenly cold. Figures. A good couple of cycles, now I have the money to front my own, the guy is gone with the money. Rookie mistake. Should have known the fuck was only leading me on, getting me to work for free and be a chump. Maybe the drug think isn''t such a good way to make money? ...Unless I''m the one growing. Then there is jail, and the need to have a place to grow. Is that him? Right there. That shadow right...No. That is not him. FUCK. I need just to only sell this stash then I have another way besides drugs to make money. It will take longer. A lot longer. But no one will fuck me over...No one will be able to as easily fuck me over. Where are my drugs to sell. Come on, come on, come on!. Get here. Doesn''t this fool know. I NEED TO GO. Sitting under the bridge is not safe. Come on, come on, come on!> ', '', 0, 3), (37, 'blog', '', 1, 1, 1151806444, 1151973830, 2, 1, 0, '<|There. There. Damn! Locked. And another locked. Are all the doors here locked? Just one be open. Need to lose the people chasing me. They keep telling me to stop. Stop now. I want to run. Where? The hall way is at and end. I am on the top floor of the building. There is only a window. Up. Go Up. They won''t follow. They can''t. Why would they? Damn, another locked...who is that. Oh no, one of them, the window it is. There are three of them...the window. Locked. Won''t slide. Won''t, won''t, move. This will...OUCH. FUCK. I should have took off my shirt, wrapped it. Unlock. Out the widow there is up and down.', '<|There. There. Damn! Locked. And another locked. Are all the doors here locked? Just one be open. Need to lose the people chasing me. They keep telling me to stop. Stop now. I want to run. Where? The hall way is at and end. I am on the top floor of the building. There is only a window. Up. Go Up. They won''t follow. They can''t. Why would they? Damn, another locked...who is that. Oh no, one of them, the window it is. There are three of them...the window. Locked. Won''t slide. Won''t, won''t, move. This will...OUCH. FUCK. I should have took off my shirt, wrapped it. Unlock. Out the widow there is up and down. Up. NOW. Let go. Let go. I''ll. Falling...>', '', 0, 3), (38, 'blog', '', 1, 1, 1151973726, 1153066473, 2, 1, 0, '<|When will the broken arm heal? Luck there is only one broken bone in my body. Could have been many more. Even the skull. Even death. The fall from window. What was I thinking? I was only selling drugs, not taking them. Yet I still had the rush and the addiction the money once made made quick. Too quick to feel right. Too quick to respect. Was I right in giving the money to my homeless friends? I will never see them again. I am a free man. As a free man I will find a new path, a new journey even if I remain in District of Columbia of United States of Eden.', '<|When will the broken arm heal? Luck there is only one broken bone in my body. Could have been many more. Even the skull. Even death. The fall from window. What was I thinking? I was only selling drugs, not taking them. Yet I still had the rush and the addiction the money once made made quick. Too quick to feel right. Too quick to respect. Was I right in giving the money to my homeless friends? I will never see them again. I am a free man. As a free man I will find a new path, a new journey even if I remain in District of Columbia of United States of Eden. Should I remain? For now, yes. Takes money to travel, need money. I need Identification to travel, too. I need to find more about me before I can leave. I need to shower again. Create some new cloths. Find a job. A job. What can I do? I don''t know. I think, I feel, I can cut hair, but how, why? I feel I can kill really well, and break into any building. What can I do? I need to do things and see.>', '', 0, 3), (39, 'blog', '', 1, 1, 1153067171, 1153067201, 2, 1, 0, '<|What was that day dream I had? Why was I dressing in black pants and black jacket with a red and blue tie. I was with two other people wearing black sun glasses and sonus transmitters from ear. What was I doing walking walking from the White House. Getting in a R.O.D. with other people dressed like me. We wall just sat in the R.O.D. silent and looked forward. Everyone just sat there. I some how had a briefcase of something. No one said anything. Then I woke up from the light dream and found myself starring at the White House thinking of when and how and why I had a light dream about the White House.', '<|What was that day dream I had? Why was I dressing in black pants and black jacket with a red and blue tie. I was with two other people wearing black sun glasses and sonus transmitters from ear. What was I doing walking walking from the White House. Getting in a R.O.D. with other people dressed like me. We wall just sat in the R.O.D. silent and looked forward. Everyone just sat there. I some how had a briefcase of something. No one said anything. Then I woke up from the light dream and found myself starring at the White House thinking of when and how and why I had a light dream about the White House. Why that light dream of me being coming from the White House. Is there something connecting me to that place? Who were those others? G.O.D.(s) or Queens or Kings? Was I with the Trunks or the Asses?>', '', 0, 3), (40, 'blog', '', 1, 1, 1153455281, 1153455785, 2, 1, 0, '<|Her, maybe her. She looks like she will give, no. No food from, maybe her and him. They seems pleasant. They aren''t from here. Tourist looking at the Golden Dome. Tourist here to visit the G.O.D.(s) palace. Tourists here to see the White House...they are eating...hopefully the will...YES...YES...half a hamburger. Smile, see, thanks, eat. That''s good. That''s taste like its fresh off the grill. Is that a pickel! IT IS. That''s good. Mmmmmmmmm...I must looking like a pig. I need the food. Here comes some food stomach, just for you and your emptiness.', '<|Her, maybe her. She looks like she will give, no. No food from, maybe her and him. They seems pleasant. They aren''t from here. Tourist looking at the Golden Dome. Tourist here to visit the G.O.D.(s) palace. Tourists here to see the White House...they are eating...hopefully the will...YES...YES...half a hamburger. Smile, see, thanks, eat. That''s good. That''s taste like its fresh off the grill. Is that a pickel! IT IS. That''s good. Mmmmmmmmm...I must looking like a pig. I need the food. Here comes some food stomach, just for you and your emptiness. Now you won''t have an excuse to cause pain. ...Gone. The hamburger is gone. Need something to drink. The Reflecting Pool, or the moat around the White House. Wait! That group. They are from another domain. They have food. Maybe? Maybe some spare food is there?>', '', 0, 3), (41, 'blog', '', 1, 1, 1154137312, 1156826584, 2, 1, 0, '<|There, one more, this one almost whole. Some on didn''t even smoke this one. There''s another. That''s a lot of tobacco left. Rich people. Good area for collecting buttbac. A few more of those. Hey there is another, and another. Waste. What time is it? Bright time. No people time. There''s another one. That''s good too. The pack is full! Good. One more. One more and that will be three backs of tobacco for 999 Dalob. 999 Dalob plus the 1439 Dalob saved and minus 99 for a meal. 2339 Dalob.>', '<|There, one more, this one almost whole. Some on didn''t even smoke this one. There''s another. That''s a lot of tobacco left. Rich people. Good area for collecting buttbac. A few more of those. Hey there is another, and another. Waste. What time is it? Bright time. No people time. There''s another one. That''s good too. The pack is full! Good. One more. One more and that will be three backs of tobacco for 999 Dalob. 999 Dalob plus the 1439 Dalob saved and minus 99 for a meal. 2339 Dalob.>', '', 0, 3), (42, 'blog', '', 1, 1, 1155273340, 1156826626, 2, 1, 0, '<|Need. to leave. I need to go. Need to leave. I need to go...Time to go. It is. Right now. Go. Go somewhere. Not here. Not there for I have been there. I don''t want to go there again, but I need to go somewhere. Too much to do to get what I feel I need to do what I feel I need to do. But why do I feel this need to do something more that I know I can''t begin here, but no I will complete it here.', '<|Need. to leave. I need to go. Need to leave. I need to go...Time to go. It is. Right now. Go. Go somewhere. Not here. Not there for I have been there. I don''t want to go there again, but I need to go somewhere. Too much to do to get what I feel I need to do what I feel I need to do. But why do I feel this need to do something more that I know I can''t begin here, but no I will complete it here. I need to go. Need to go. Now and not look back until I know why I feel and why I want to return to the District of Columbia of United States of Eden and do something. Why? Something. Need to go. Where to begin the go? Over There? Over something. How am I going to get over there. Over there anyway. Over there anyway is impossible for me to get to for I have no Dalob and it take Dalob to get anywhere here in District of Columbia of United States of Eden.>', '', 0, 3), (43, 'blog', '', 1, 1, 1155703827, 1156826727, 2, 1, 0, '<|...Is this a good idea? That''s a lot of space from here to there. The transport is moving fast, but it is long. If I time the run, I can grab the side rail, climb under the frame of the transport and ride the journey out below where no one looks and on can''t see. Can it be done? It has to have been done? It is too easy and idea. Why does everyone I watch try to crawl through a window to try to wedge their bodies between the transport''s sections. Every time the person running for the free ride going through the window is pushed out and the person wedging themselves is squished when the train stops to be scanned.', '<|...Is this a good idea? That''s a lot of space from here to there. The transport is moving fast, but it is long. If I time the run, I can grab the side rail, climb under the frame of the transport and ride the journey out below where no one looks and on can''t see. Can it be done? It has to have been done? It is too easy and idea. Why does everyone I watch try to crawl through a window to try to wedge their bodies between the transport''s sections. Every time the person running for the free ride going through the window is pushed out and the person wedging themselves is squished when the train stops to be scanned. No one reaches for the frame between transport and the path it flows. The rail covers the bottom of the transport and is where the first class people get to put some of their extra luggage. There can''t be any logical reason why they don''t try to wedge themselves between the frame at the bottom of the transport. The frame extends three free from the bottom and hovers two feet from the bottom of the rail. Maybe the transport loses it''s polarity and rests on rail? But then all the first class passenger luggage would be smashed. Is the frame electrified? Could be causing a animal like me dead. Wait! There''s another runner. Going for that transport. They''re never going to make it. Transport''s too far. Wow. Maybe they will make it to the transport? The thing can run. There are the guards. They are fast, too. What''s it like to have wheels on your feet? The thing doesn''t need wheel. Fast. Really fast. The guards look like they are standing still. The transport appears to be moving in slow motion. The thing is going to reach the transport before in enters the Entropy Tube. Where will the thing go? It can go any where it wants. Even if the front of the transport if it wanted. What''s it doing? Slowing. What the...Behind. It wants to run right being it. The thing is tall. Top a couple of feet from the bottom of the transport. Why not grab the rail under the base and crawl under? The transport, the first half, is in the Entropy Tube. The thing is still running and running right behind the transport. There''s a window open. If it can run with a transport it should have no problem getting into the window open on the back. The end of the transport and the thing are approaching the entrance to the Entropy Tube. The thing is going through. It''s going through. That''s bright. The entrance of the transport flash is bright. Did the thing live?>', '', 0, 3), (44, 'blog', '', 1, 1, 1156828130, 1156828163, 2, 1, 0, '<|The transports are good only if you can run with more speed than I can obviously travel with my legs. The cell will be difficult to leave. My cell mate has been here for how long? Two Hex? And hasn''t seen anyone except me during those two Hex. Even the food service is automated in this lace. How did I get here? I remember being tackled. I remember being tied up in some shadow lasso type thing and I remember floating above the ground being pulled along by someone holding the shadow lasso. I remember getting shoved into a P.O.D..', '<|The transports are good only if you can run with more speed than I can obviously travel with my legs. The cell will be difficult to leave. My cell mate has been here for how long? Two Hex? And hasn''t seen anyone except me during those two Hex. Even the food service is automated in this lace. How did I get here? I remember being tackled. I remember being tied up in some shadow lasso type thing and I remember floating above the ground being pulled along by someone holding the shadow lasso. I remember getting shoved into a P.O.D.. Then I remember waking up. I could have waken up a few Cesiums ago or a few Octs ago or a few Hex. I am hungry. I do know I am hungry. The food sent to this cell is bad to very bad. The trash pizza I at in Dam''s Organ was very good compared to the slop that plops it the two tin plates. My tin plate is piled with all of the very bad food. It looks like gray porridge. I must not have ate my food in a while because the pile is big. Have I been sleeping long? Or are they punishing me for trying to leave with identification. I don''t have any. I don''t, so how can expect me to leave this domain?>', '', 0, 3), (45, 'blog', '', 1, 1, 1157418816, 1158023335, 2, 1, 0, '<|No more stores. Shut-up. please. The stories are not- There, was that too difficult to do. To stop fucking talking or seeing about escape the cell neither of us can''t remember entering. Don''t talk! Don''t see! Do! Do! Do! Do! Do! But you won''t. You will just wake up tomorrow and talk more and more and more. You will seeabout how the food could help us escape, you will talk about how our shit and piss will help us escape, you will see about how we could over power the guards when THERE ARE NO FUCKING GUARDS TO OVERCOME! We have seen nothing except this cell for we don''t know how long and you keep talking and seeing how we will escape this cell, this prison, this inhuman hole! WE ARE NOT GETTING OUT UNLESS THEY WANT US OUT! There, I said it.', '<|No more stores. Shut-up. please. The stories are not- There, was that too difficult to do. To stop fucking talking or seeing about escape the cell neither of us can''t remember entering. Don''t talk! Don''t see! Do! Do! Do! Do! Do! But you won''t. You will just wake up tomorrow and talk more and more and more. You will seeabout how the food could help us escape, you will talk about how our shit and piss will help us escape, you will see about how we could over power the guards when THERE ARE NO FUCKING GUARDS TO OVERCOME! We have seen nothing except this cell for we don''t know how long and you keep talking and seeing how we will escape this cell, this prison, this inhuman hole! WE ARE NOT GETTING OUT UNLESS THEY WANT US OUT! There, I said it. Do I need to see it again you fucking fool. >WE ARE NOT GETTING OUT UNLESS THEY WANT US OUT!< There again now just shut up and let me think of what I know and what I want to know, what I think I think and try to find me somewhere outside this cell.>', '', 0, 3), (46, 'blog', '', 1, 1, 1158024127, 1158024198, 2, 1, 0, '<|Quick. One Cesium taking about how there is a tunnel under the shower floor. The next Cesium gone. Vanished. Like he got sucked out so fast that it couldn''t be seen. The sound made was weird. A pop like champagne. POP!. And no more cell mate. I wonder if he did get sucked out for something mandatory, routine, or to get killed. Freedom does not seem possible from this place. When were the wall last washed. They are slick and smell. Leave smell and oil like substance on hands. Can''t smell it any more any way. I probably smell really bad.', '<|Quick. One Cesium taking about how there is a tunnel under the shower floor. The next Cesium gone. Vanished. Like he got sucked out so fast that it couldn''t be seen. The sound made was weird. A pop like champagne. POP!. And no more cell mate. I wonder if he did get sucked out for something mandatory, routine, or to get killed. Freedom does not seem possible from this place. When were the wall last washed. They are slick and smell. Leave smell and oil like substance on hands. Can''t smell it any more any way. I probably smell really bad. When was the last time I smelled good. ...I can''t remember. I don''t know. What has happened to me isn''t much. What may have happened to me maybe something. What I do not know. I know the walls needs something. The floors cold. At least after the pop the cell mates sleeping blanket is still here. More slime free sleeping space. At least it isn''t too hot or too cold. Just bored. What now? Think of what happened again. That''s boring. And could make it happen to me. Do I want that? If I do not thing and remain will I be here for ever? Should I act out? When will I talk with someone? Eat too. The food worse than any dumpster. Some seen this food as good. Bad. Probably is what makes the walls and floor slimy. Still here. Good or bad? Good because I am alive. Bad because I am here maybe until death. Do they think I was doing something other than leaving? Don''t they want me to leave anyway? Don''t they want all the Feral Humans to leave the District. Take them to Vrigin or Ogden. TAKE ME I AM A FERAL HUMAN!!! But they won''t because I went somewhere I should not have went and went there without stopping. If I would have stopped, I would have probably not have been put here. Maybe? Who knows. I don''t. Fuck I don''t. I don''t know anything right now. Sitting here listening to complaints one Cesium and the next Cesium POP! and the Cell mate is gone, just gone.>', '', 0, 3), (47, 'blog', '>IS THIS MY OWN CELL!<', 1, 1, 1158720192, 1158720254, 2, 1, 0, '', '', '', 0, 3), (48, 'blog', '', 1, 1, 1159193234, 1159846655, 2, 1, 0, '<|It is being read. This cell is my own mind''s creation. Did I create the cell mate? Was that just some thing the mind created to help the mind adjust to solitude and seclusion? Waiting for some sort of charge or conviction. Why did I think I could run and jump upon a moving R.O.D. and leave this place? How could I be that stupid? Is this the life I will die with? Can it be the life I have forgotten will forever remain a mystery to me because I will be dead before I can remember the past? What was behind? Those dreams. Those dreams are beyond reality, but they don''t mean anything, because they are of me watching a D.O.M.E.', '<|It is being read. This cell is my own mind''s creation. Did I create the cell mate? Was that just some thing the mind created to help the mind adjust to solitude and seclusion? Waiting for some sort of charge or conviction. Why did I think I could run and jump upon a moving R.O.D. and leave this place? How could I be that stupid? Is this the life I will die with? Can it be the life I have forgotten will forever remain a mystery to me because I will be dead before I can remember the past? What was behind? Those dreams. Those dreams are beyond reality, but they don''t mean anything, because they are of me watching a D.O.M.E. glow with people all happy about creating a new layer of the D.O.M.E. shell to help replace a failing atmosphere. I dreamt of begin married and having a child. I think I had a child in the dream because it was always in my hands. Maybe that is symbolic of something else? Maybe not? The dream could be a program written to the mind by the H.E.L.P. of D.C. U.S.E.. D.C. U.S.E. thought I don''t know why I find it funny the United States of Eden has the acronym U.S.E.. If mind is begin read by the G.O.D.(s), maybe they can see to me. Just let me out of the cell. Stay in my mind if you need to stay in my mind, but left my body out. Let me go. I want to shower. I want to eat real food. I want to see something beyond stained gray walls. I want to sleep on something softer than cements. This is too, something. Too everything. Needs to end soon somehow. Need out. If you are reading my mind, please let me leave.>', '', 0, 3), (49, 'blog', '>Hungry<', 1, 1, 1159846870, 1159846920, 2, 1, 0, '>|I AM TIRED EAT THIS FOOD. YES I am. Tired of it. It doesn''t taste. There''s no taste, no smell, no nothing. There is nothing. NOTHING. NOTHING. NOTHING. NOTHING. Not here. Not there. Not anywhere. No. No. NO! I want to know WHY AM I STILL HERE? WILL I EVER LEAVE? A thing. Any thing. Any machine, animal, mechiuman or even an A.I.. Even an A.I.. Even an A.I.. Please. Please! A thing. Any thing. I wish I had another cell mate.<', '>|I AM TIRED EAT THIS FOOD. YES I am. Tired of it. It doesn''t taste. There''s no taste, no smell, no nothing. There is nothing. NOTHING. NOTHING. NOTHING. NOTHING. Not here. Not there. Not anywhere. No. No. NO! I want to know WHY AM I STILL HERE? WILL I EVER LEAVE? A thing. Any thing. Any machine, animal, mechiuman or even an A.I.. Even an A.I.. Even an A.I.. Please. Please! A thing. Any thing. I wish I had another cell mate.<', '', 0, 3), (50, 'blog', '', 1, 1, 1160456425, 1160456449, 2, 1, 0, '<|New cell mate, but old. Who is this person. I still don''t want to talk or see with you. I don''t believe you are real. You arrived too soon after I complained. Are you a shade? Are you one of them, but now you are looking like a human, like me, because you are the controller, one of them, of this prison? You just sit there in the corner and eat the slop like its good food. You smile too much when you put that food in your mouth. You smile too much when you chew and swallow the slop. You are one of them. You may not be a shade, but you are with them.', '<|New cell mate, but old. Who is this person. I still don''t want to talk or see with you. I don''t believe you are real. You arrived too soon after I complained. Are you a shade? Are you one of them, but now you are looking like a human, like me, because you are the controller, one of them, of this prison? You just sit there in the corner and eat the slop like its good food. You smile too much when you put that food in your mouth. You smile too much when you chew and swallow the slop. You are one of them. You may not be a shade, but you are with them. Are you reading my thoughts? Are you here to find out what I know? Don''t waste the time because I don''t know anything. I don''t even know where I am or what time it is. You can know everything I know and that won''t be much. I don''t even know who I am and you want to know ore about me and why I am here. I AM HERE BECAUSE I GOT CAUGHT TRYING TO LEAVE D.C. U.S.E.. Can you help me leave? If you see to you this will you help me? Will you. I don''t think you will. Maybe you are not one of them? Maybe you are not a shade. Maybe, but, but you are too happy. Not crazy happy, but just not depressed and stress enough to not have some secret knowledge that you will be released. RELEASE ME! Release me. Please. Can you help? I guess I could see, but what if. What if she is one of them. Then what? I do what they want. I help them make me look Bad. No. No. I can''t. I shouldn''t. I shouldn''t be thinking. I should just sit here and smile and hope before I am old I will leave this place. When will I get a trial? When will I be told what I did wrong? When will I...>', '', 0, 3), (51, 'blog', '>I Will Kill My Cell Mate.<', 1, 1, 1161052918, 1161052968, 2, 1, 0, '>|Dead. It will be dead. It doesn''t talk or move. I scream as I scream now and it smiles at me and points to its ears. I throw food at it. And it smiles. And throws food back. Don''t. Don''t even think about throwing that. DON''T. You fuck. Here, I''ll, I''ll make sure. Don''t move. Hold still. Why can''t I get a hold. How did you? Now your there. How? How? WHAT THE HELL? Can''t I even strangle you? Can''t I do anything. Here''s some slop in you face before I kill you. Just don''t. You fucking little creep. How are you so fast? What the hell are you? One instance I have a hold of you and then instance you are loose and on the other side of the room.', '>|Dead. It will be dead. It doesn''t talk or move. I scream as I scream now and it smiles at me and points to its ears. I throw food at it. And it smiles. And throws food back. Don''t. Don''t even think about throwing that. DON''T. You fuck. Here, I''ll, I''ll make sure. Don''t move. Hold still. Why can''t I get a hold. How did you? Now your there. How? How? WHAT THE HELL? Can''t I even strangle you? Can''t I do anything. Here''s some slop in you face before I kill you. Just don''t. You fucking little creep. How are you so fast? What the hell are you? One instance I have a hold of you and then instance you are loose and on the other side of the room. I know. I''ll just sit here by the food output and not let you eat. You will have to talk with me then and tell me who or what you are. I can find out when you are dead what you are. You will die. I tell you YOU WILL DIE...You will die before me.<', '', 0, 3), (52, 'blog', '>NOW!<', 1, 1, 1161654972, 1161655000, 2, 1, 0, '>|Why, why can''t I grab you. I can''t because you aren''t real. Nothing''s that fast. Nothing. Not you. Not you because you are not real. You are not real. see. see. You aren''t. If you were, if you were I would have... YOU CAN''T BE THAT FAST! YOU CAN''T. YOU CAN''T. WHY! WHY! WHY! Can'' t catch you. The cell is a square. I go to the corner. YOU. YOU AREN''T REAL. Here. Here. Slop. I will throw the slop at you and run this way... and you go into that corner.', '>|Why, why can''t I grab you. I can''t because you aren''t real. Nothing''s that fast. Nothing. Not you. Not you because you are not real. You are not real. see. see. You aren''t. If you were, if you were I would have... YOU CAN''T BE THAT FAST! YOU CAN''T. YOU CAN''T. WHY! WHY! WHY! Can'' t catch you. The cell is a square. I go to the corner. YOU. YOU AREN''T REAL. Here. Here. Slop. I will throw the slop at you and run this way... and you go into that corner. What are you if you are real. You are too small to be human. You look human, but I can''t get close enough even thought this cell isn''t that big. Even though you just moved from one corner to the next before I could even see you. You are an illusion. You are just a figment of my imagination. They are creating you to make me break. To make me to something, but what. Why? What do you want me to see? What do you want me to see? Just tell me. Tell me and I will see it if you let me out of here. If you stop playing with my mind. If you remove that things from the cell. I will see anything you want. I will. I promise. Please. Please. Do it. Please. I will see anything for you to stop. To let me out of this cell.<', '', 0, 3), (53, 'blog', '>Me. It is. Me.<', 1, 1, 1162441090, 1162874260, 2, 1, 0, '>|It''s just laying there. Lifeless. Should have I tried to kill it? I think it was me. Was it? Is it. Why hasn''t anyone came for the body, if there is a body there. Can I stuff it down the shit hole? Cover it with food. The food. The food. No more. It can''t be real. It''s me. A reflection of me that I killed and nothing more. Nothing more. If it was another being they would have come by now to the cell and hurt me, torture me, whip me, starve me. Wouldn''t they? Wouldn''t they? Or is their torture. Is this what they do to someone? Solitude? Has the trail already been had? Have I been found guilty of what ever I am guilty without me being able to be there.', '>|It''s just laying there. Lifeless. Should have I tried to kill it? I think it was me. Was it? Is it. Why hasn''t anyone came for the body, if there is a body there. Can I stuff it down the shit hole? Cover it with food. The food. The food. No more. It can''t be real. It''s me. A reflection of me that I killed and nothing more. Nothing more. If it was another being they would have come by now to the cell and hurt me, torture me, whip me, starve me. Wouldn''t they? Wouldn''t they? Or is their torture. Is this what they do to someone? Solitude? Has the trail already been had? Have I been found guilty of what ever I am guilty without me being able to be there. Why? Do they know who I am? Maybe they know who I am? Why not do something more? Is this what happened to me before? Maybe I lost my mind before? Maybe I was trapped in a cell and then lost my mind, lost my past, lost everything? Maybe that being that is not a being who I was? I know I didn''t kill anyone except a creation of my own lonely mind trapped in this five by five cell. There is no sound, but the echo of me. There is no light beyond the dim light that shines above shifting from dim to bright. Who am I? Me? I don''t have dreams anymore. I haven''t had dreams for what seems like endless Cycles of life. How long of the life have I wasted in here, wasted not knowing who me is. Me is me, but what does that me. The dead creator doesn''t know. It''s dead. Dead like me.<', '', 0, 3), (54, 'blog', '', 1, 1, 1162874957, 1163477771, 2, 1, 0, '<|Will they return to take me someplace now that they have removed the body of it, what ever it was, and now that they have plugged the hole which once poured food? When did they enter the cell? When? I wasn''t sleep that long if at all. I only closed my eyes for a few minutes. A few Cesiums and then the next thing I see is that there is not dead body and the food hole has been plugged. Plugged! This means something. This means I will be leaving soon. I will shown the way out of this cell. Soon. Soon. Soon. Soon. How soon? With out time to see I don''t even know if there is a soon.', '<|Will they return to take me someplace now that they have removed the body of it, what ever it was, and now that they have plugged the hole which once poured food? When did they enter the cell? When? I wasn''t sleep that long if at all. I only closed my eyes for a few minutes. A few Cesiums and then the next thing I see is that there is not dead body and the food hole has been plugged. Plugged! This means something. This means I will be leaving soon. I will shown the way out of this cell. Soon. Soon. Soon. Soon. How soon? With out time to see I don''t even know if there is a soon. I am not hungry. I am not thirsty. I don''t feel anything. I don''t feel anything. I don''t feel...I don''t feel...anything. Why? Why don''t I feel anything? Why the sudden change. I know I only closed my eyes for one Cesium. It was blink. Nothing more. And when I opened my eyes the body was gone from the cell and that hole plugged. Plugged and I can''t unplug it. The pile of rotting food below is gone, too. That couldn''t have been cleaned in a Cesium or even a minute. The pile was too big and high. It would take an Cycle. An Cycle. But it is gone. They must be watching me to see what I do. Maybe they drugged me somehow. Or injected me with something without me knowing. I do see there are holes in the ceiling. Tiny ones, but big enough to shoot something in to me and make me think I was only blinking. They are playing with my mind now. They want to break me. Break me because I tried to escape from a place with not hope. I tried to escape from a place with no hope only to locked in a place with not hope. Will you let me free? Will you let me out? What do you want me to do? Confess? Confess to you and all that what I did was wrong? Confess that I was only trying to find someplace to begin life again. Is that what you want? A confession. Well, I confess. I was wrong for trying to leave without getting a permit. I am sorry. I am sorry. But I want to go somewhere that will let me begin new memories and a new life. I want to go somewhere that there are no shades chasing me. I just want something to happen so I can know, so I can know what is real and what is in this cell. Please. Please. PLEASE LET ME KNOW. PLEASE LET ME GO. I am sorry. I will do anything you want. I will do anything you ask. Just ask. And I will be happy to do it so I can show you how sorry I am for what I did. I promise I will never do it again. I will not. I will not. I will not...>', '', 0, 3), (55, 'blog', '', 1, 1, 1163478456, 1164085291, 2, 1, 0, '<|They don''t move. They touch me but I don''t feel them. They just stand there looking at me. I was asleep. And now they are around me. What happened? What happened to the cell? The walls. The walls replaced with sixteen tall platforms with a, I think I see, I see shades. Humans from the distance. They don''t move. Nothing moves but me. Where did the guards? The shadows. Or are they...gone? Throw me here and leave. Why don''t they make noises or smell? They are fake.', '<|They don''t move. They touch me but I don''t feel them. They just stand there looking at me. I was asleep. And now they are around me. What happened? What happened to the cell? The walls. The walls replaced with sixteen tall platforms with a, I think I see, I see shades. Humans from the distance. They don''t move. Nothing moves but me. Where did the guards? The shadows. Or are they...gone? Throw me here and leave. Why don''t they make noises or smell? They are fake. Are they just and scare image? Maybe i am still in my cell? Could these images around me be project into my dreams or to my mind and so I am seeing these image instead of the cell wall? I feel these beings are real. Like I have seen and felt them before, but I just don''t want to believe it. Is that it? Do I now want to believe that these shades on the podium are really real. Real to touch? Even if they are not, what is their purpose? Why don''t they move? Nothing else feels different? My cloths are the same gray cloths. The dirt and oil spots the same. Was that one of them talking? That is. One is talking with another. What is the language they are talking with. I don''t understand it. Where did they learn to talk? Wow. They do it very well. I wish I had better talking. I wish I could understand those sounds right now. How do they connect with the symbols of my mind? They can not. They can not talk because these beings are not real. The beings are programs processing to project these images to me, so I will feel that I am guilty and that I have had a fair trial. If this is a court it is a lie and not worth the thought or effort. They will do what they do when they want to do it. Arms won''t move. Hands wiggle. Run? Jump over the podium. Shit. Reading mind. Don''t think. Act. If I will do. I won''t do because nothing will do. Running, hiding, asking what they want. I will ask them what they are?>', '', 0, 3), (56, 'blog', '', 1, 1, 1164085862, 1164775584, 2, 1, 0, '<|Is it two more Cycles until the sentence? Why wouldn''t they tell me what I am guilty of? I know I trespassed when trying to leave D.C. U.S.E., but the way they seen the verdict and the amount of guards that escorted me back to this cell; this cell I have been in for too many Cycles that I can''t remember the smell of the pizza I once ate some where outside. Some where in D.C. U.S.E.. The pizza was off the ground, but it still was good to eat and better than the slop piled in the corner. Better than the slop beneath that.', '<|Is it two more Cycles until the sentence? Why wouldn''t they tell me what I am guilty of? I know I trespassed when trying to leave D.C. U.S.E., but the way they seen the verdict and the amount of guards that escorted me back to this cell; this cell I have been in for too many Cycles that I can''t remember the smell of the pizza I once ate some where outside. Some where in D.C. U.S.E.. The pizza was off the ground, but it still was good to eat and better than the slop piled in the corner. Better than the slop beneath that. What can their sentence be? How can it be worse than this unless it is more of this? Could it be more of this? A sentence of nothing. A sentence and a time of sitting waiting to die, waiting to go insane, if I am not already insane. I could be insane? I could be on a bed starring at a white ceiling thinking all this is around me? I could, but that is better than this is and I would hope that if I were insane it would be to escape a place like this and not create a place like this. Time. How much more time until my sentence for the rules I do not know, but know I broke?>', '', 0, 3), (57, 'blog', '', 1, 1, 1164776059, 1164776081, 2, 1, 0, '<|Where will I be expelled? What does it mean? ...To me. Have I been expelled before? Is expulsion the reason I don''t remember more time than the past Hex? One Hex. One Hex is all I remember and now I may remember not even a Hex of time while I am to be expelled for District of Columbia of \r\nUnited States of Eden to somewhere. Will I remain in United States of Eden? The judges high above did not see one word except expulsion then I was ushered out of the chamber and guided back in to this cell where I wait.', '<|Where will I be expelled? What does it mean? ...To me. Have I been expelled before? Is expulsion the reason I don''t remember more time than the past Hex? One Hex. One Hex is all I remember and now I may remember not even a Hex of time while I am to be expelled for District of Columbia of \r\nUnited States of Eden to somewhere. Will I remain in United States of Eden? The judges high above did not see one word except expulsion then I was ushered out of the chamber and guided back in to this cell where I wait. For what? I know not. I asked every guard on the way back to the cell want expulsion as a sentence means and the guards true to form said or seen nothing to me. I want to know. I need to know. I need to know even though it won''t matter for expulsion is what I have lead my self to believe it means; it means I will leave this cell with no mind of memory of life in a new place within Eden of Eden. Is that what happened to me a Hex ago. Have I been expelled before?> ', '', 0, 3), (58, 'blog', '', 1, 1, 1165298498, 1165298525, 2, 1, 0, '<|What''s this on my neck? What am I doing here? How did I get...What is this around my neck? Is it to help me remember something after some event. I feel there has been an event. I feel this, but I don''t know if it is true because I don''t know who I am or where I am at. I am here. That much is real. But here is so full of things. Things I know. Things I know for I know these object like I know objects exists. The object that do exist just don''t let me know anything else.', '<|What''s this on my neck? What am I doing here? How did I get...What is this around my neck? Is it to help me remember something after some event. I feel there has been an event. I feel this, but I don''t know if it is true because I don''t know who I am or where I am at. I am here. That much is real. But here is so full of things. Things I know. Things I know for I know these object like I know objects exists. The object that do exist just don''t let me know anything else. Am I from some where important? Am I trying to get some where? Is this ring around my neck a key? Will it open doors for me? Can it help me remember? It''s still dark. When will it become light? I feel the world is light sometime, but it is night. It has been night for a while. I don''t know how long. I don''t know time. I know time, but I don''t know the time. The time could be anything. The time could be stopped. Maybe that is why I can''t remember anything? Maybe that is why I don''t know who I am or where I am to go or going. What should I do? Sleep? I am not tired. I am not hungry. I am cold, but I can''t see in the dark. I guess just sit here an wait for the light to come. For I feel the light should come sometime. For how long I don''t know but it comes. It has to come...>', '', 0, 3); INSERT INTO `node` (`nid`, `type`, `title`, `uid`, `status`, `created`, `changed`, `comment`, `promote`, `moderate`, `teaser`, `body`, `revisions`, `sticky`, `format`) VALUES (59, 'blog', '', 1, 1, 1166016206, 1166507415, 2, 1, 0, '<|Gray clouds and rain. Cold. Wet. How did I get here? Where was I? ...Who am I? Am I always this forgetful? Have I always been lost? The feet are wet. I wish they were dry. I wish I could sleep some place other than under this bridge. People look at me when they walk past. I want to introduce myself. What am I to say or see to them? My name. I think I know it. I feel my name is my name, but I feel nothing else. I know how I live is not how anyone wants to live. Not many people living under the bridge. Those that are talk about wanting to live in one of the buildings or houses that surround.', '<|Gray clouds and rain. Cold. Wet. How did I get here? Where was I? ...Who am I? Am I always this forgetful? Have I always been lost? The feet are wet. I wish they were dry. I wish I could sleep some place other than under this bridge. People look at me when they walk past. I want to introduce myself. What am I to say or see to them? My name. I think I know it. I feel my name is my name, but I feel nothing else. I know how I live is not how anyone wants to live. Not many people living under the bridge. Those that are talk about wanting to live in one of the buildings or houses that surround. They talk of making a lot of money and being able to shower every Cycle and eat every Cycle, of living the good life and being able to live like those who pass in the morning. The people I sleep with seem to know who they are and where they come from. I don''t. I try to think of the past and on a fog of abstract images are thought. Like the gray clouds.>', '', 0, 3), (60, 'blog', '', 1, 1, 1166507793, 1166507829, 2, 1, 0, '<|There was someone picking up cigarettes thiscycle and putting the last of the tobacco in a bag. I remember something. I remember doing that. I remember doing that for money to leave. I think to leave, but I focus and then the thought fades. I stare at this woman picking up cigarette butts of the floor and emptying tobacco stuck to the end into a back. The bag. I have done that before. Where...what was the name of the place? What''s that? What''s that? Those shadows are coming toward me. They are aren''t they. Yes, I better go. I better run. Where? Where should I run. I don''t want to run from here.', '<|There was someone picking up cigarettes thiscycle and putting the last of the tobacco in a bag. I remember something. I remember doing that. I remember doing that for money to leave. I think to leave, but I focus and then the thought fades. I stare at this woman picking up cigarette butts of the floor and emptying tobacco stuck to the end into a back. The bag. I have done that before. Where...what was the name of the place? What''s that? What''s that? Those shadows are coming toward me. They are aren''t they. Yes, I better go. I better run. Where? Where should I run. I don''t want to run from here. I don''t want to run into the rain and get wet. I need to. They are close. I''ll go up the stairs. The bridge. The bridge. Maybe. Yes, the shadows are slow. The shadows are staying down there. Down there far away. One is close be its staying away. It''s wet. Why does it mist so much? Does it ever stop misting? It never seems to stop. I will walk across the bridge and go find a place to ask for money. And try and think of what I was thinking. What was I thinking?>', '', 0, 3), (61, 'blog', '', 1, 1, 1167281057, 1167281080, 2, 1, 0, '<|And now gone. along side walk. Two credit on Alms Card. Five hundred seventy-six Alms. Alms card given. Or did I steal it before I forgot me. I feel I was given it by the government. I feel again. The rain is cold. The wind is blowing. Hotel Cars at Hawthorne Bridge full. Go back to tents. Warm. Nice people. Need more credit Alms for cloths. Need cloths. Need a hair cut. I need to shave. A job. About one thousand.', '<|And now gone. along side walk. Two credit on Alms Card. Five hundred seventy-six Alms. Alms card given. Or did I steal it before I forgot me. I feel I was given it by the government. I feel again. The rain is cold. The wind is blowing. Hotel Cars at Hawthorne Bridge full. Go back to tents. Warm. Nice people. Need more credit Alms for cloths. Need cloths. Need a hair cut. I need to shave. A job. About one thousand. I can get a job. rent a hotel car. That one. That one is big. I can beginning again. The past. What''s the past? There is only the future. The other side of the bridge. One more alms credit. Numbered card. Issued. This is. This has been issued to me. Issued. What does that mean? Does it mean someone is tracking me and watching me. Yes, yes it does. Once I am warm, I can worry about someone tracking me. Buy a new card for profit and not alms. Maybe there is a standard alms card here tracking me but giving me a way to make money to get a money job. Maybe? Portland my have the rules of its constitution. I need to go to see if I can enter the state building to read the constitution. I need to follow the rules. I feel compelled to follow the rules. Why? Why rules? Two more credits. Was it the person who passed on the bike, or the person in a hotel car, or the person reading my mind. Is someone reading my mind? Probably. All minds are read. Life. Some one is being given.>', '', 0, 3), (62, 'blog', '', 1, 1, 1167699492, 1167699548, 2, 1, 0, '<|The back is sore. The dirt floor hard. Alms car. Alms card right here. Alms card. I still have the card. Maybe I will spend Alms on food ThisCycle? No more garbage diving. Rolls making stomach full and slow. ThisCycle need a hot meal. A shower. Maybe a shower? Cost too much. One more Oct. One more Oct then go for shower and new cloths. Rent. An Oct of living here. Living in dirt. Body sore. Head hurts. The head aches. Again. Just go away. Forget . It will go awake. The foci will raise. People waking. People gathering things. Where will they go? Where should I go? No Alms downtown LastCycle. Oh, the back is sore.', '<|The back is sore. The dirt floor hard. Alms car. Alms card right here. Alms card. I still have the card. Maybe I will spend Alms on food ThisCycle? No more garbage diving. Rolls making stomach full and slow. ThisCycle need a hot meal. A shower. Maybe a shower? Cost too much. One more Oct. One more Oct then go for shower and new cloths. Rent. An Oct of living here. Living in dirt. Body sore. Head hurts. The head aches. Again. Just go away. Forget . It will go awake. The foci will raise. People waking. People gathering things. Where will they go? Where should I go? No Alms downtown LastCycle. Oh, the back is sore. Just stretch...stretch...stretch...oh, that smells. Maybe that''s why no Alms givin''? I can pay for a shower. The week of living in a AutoHotel next Oct. Get job. Get a money job and do something. Find out about me. What the hell am I doing the dirt? Neck hurts most. A pillow would be good. A shower will be needed. This is... This is when... Morning. Where am I? When am I? No shades lately except when think of the shades. Part of the system? Part of the dirt.> ', '', 0, 3), (63, 'blog', '', 1, 1, 1167801114, 1167801212, 2, 1, 0, '<|WHERE''S THE ALMS CARD? I HAD IT HERE. RIGHT HERE. RIGHT HERE. IT WAS RIGHT HERE LAST NIGHT. I DIDN''T MOVE THE ENTIRE NIGHT! ...Okay, calm, be calm and look. Be calm and look. The alms card is not there. The alms card is not in the pockets of my pants. That''s okay. There is no alms card in the pocket of my shirt. Now the jacket. Pocket one: No Alms Card. Pocket two: No Alms Card. Pocket three: No Alms Card. Four. It has to be in four. It has to be in pocket four. Please. Please. No. It''s not in there. It''s not in pocket four. WHAT! What? What can I do now? I don''t know where I got that alm card. Is it in the dirt? Is it here in the dirt? No, no card. No card. The mud. The mud wasn''t here LastNightCycle. Maybe it was and I kicked it. Maybe? No, not in that pile. What about here? No. That guy is pointing. What''s he point at? A plant. That plant. That plant and MY ALMS CARD!>', '<|WHERE''S THE ALMS CARD? I HAD IT HERE. RIGHT HERE. RIGHT HERE. IT WAS RIGHT HERE LAST NIGHT. I DIDN''T MOVE THE ENTIRE NIGHT! ...Okay, calm, be calm and look. Be calm and look. The alms card is not there. The alms card is not in the pockets of my pants. That''s okay. There is no alms card in the pocket of my shirt. Now the jacket. Pocket one: No Alms Card. Pocket two: No Alms Card. Pocket three: No Alms Card. Four. It has to be in four. It has to be in pocket four. Please. Please. No. It''s not in there. It''s not in pocket four. WHAT! What? What can I do now? I don''t know where I got that alm card. Is it in the dirt? Is it here in the dirt? No, no card. No card. The mud. The mud wasn''t here LastNightCycle. Maybe it was and I kicked it. Maybe? No, not in that pile. What about here? No. That guy is pointing. What''s he point at? A plant. That plant. That plant and MY ALMS CARD!>', '', 0, 3), (64, 'blog', '', 1, 1, 1168317918, 1168317954, 2, 1, 0, '<|There? No the wall isn''t tall enough. There are too many people standing between the buildings. One is looking at me know. The trash isn''t piled that high. That''s ends. I need to go. Just walk. Don''t look at them. Let them stare. The side walk. There are a lot of people. The street busy. Main street? Main people street? Maybe? Maybe I should walk faster? Walk faster. That alley, no. That alley, no. There. That alley looks like it turns at the end. It turns. It is across street. Nothing. Cross. Walk faster. It''s almost painful. I wish I only had to pee. I don''t make me STOP. I NEED TO GO! I NEED TO GO NOW. Thank you, sorry, just passing through the sidewalk flow thank you. Just need to walk down the alley. No one is stopping or looking. That trash pile to low. The can not begin enough. Alley turns. Corner might be dark enough. The street is far enough not to see from the street. What''s around the corner? Is that clear? It''s a door. A door. A back door to something. Shadows will hide. Watch door. If open run. Can wipe later. Can wipe later. Can''t wait gotta go. Gotta go now.>', '<|There? No the wall isn''t tall enough. There are too many people standing between the buildings. One is looking at me know. The trash isn''t piled that high. That''s ends. I need to go. Just walk. Don''t look at them. Let them stare. The side walk. There are a lot of people. The street busy. Main street? Main people street? Maybe? Maybe I should walk faster? Walk faster. That alley, no. That alley, no. There. That alley looks like it turns at the end. It turns. It is across street. Nothing. Cross. Walk faster. It''s almost painful. I wish I only had to pee. I don''t make me STOP. I NEED TO GO! I NEED TO GO NOW. Thank you, sorry, just passing through the sidewalk flow thank you. Just need to walk down the alley. No one is stopping or looking. That trash pile to low. The can not begin enough. Alley turns. Corner might be dark enough. The street is far enough not to see from the street. What''s around the corner? Is that clear? It''s a door. A door. A back door to something. Shadows will hide. Watch door. If open run. Can wipe later. Can wipe later. Can''t wait gotta go. Gotta go now.>', '', 0, 3), (65, 'blog', '', 1, 1, 1168926606, 1168926913, 2, 1, 0, '<|I just don''t see them any more. The dreams where beyond anything I seen. I can''t understand them because they, they''re, beyond comprehension. They''re beyond where I am at now. They can''t be real because they''re dreams. They seem real. I touch things. I talk. I smell. I do all these, these things that are neat. I some times can talk for hours with other''s minds. I can. I don''t know. I see this things in my dreams. I see me living in District of Columbia of United States of Eden. I see me living as I do now. On the streets. But I also see the me walking to a job and wearing cloths I don''t wear now. I think of these things. And I have some job. I have a job with I think the D.O.M.E. in the dreams. I wake up and...And I am here. Here under a bridge freezing. Looking. Looking for an alms card on the dirt because I don''t want to go register to get another one. And I had a lot of Alms credit on the card I need the card. Not dreams the dreams are the past and the past is done. The past thought create dark shades. They don''t help. They only scare. The Alms card I need. I need it for a bath, some cloth and a shower, so I can, so I can have a job. A life. Some food. A future. A future and not these dreams and not this dirt and the rain. I want more than dreams I want life. The life of nothing and dark shades I feel like running from is too much. I just need my Alms card...And there it is. THE ALMS CARD! THE ALMS CARD!>', '<|I just don''t see them any more. The dreams where beyond anything I seen. I can''t understand them because they, they''re, beyond comprehension. They''re beyond where I am at now. They can''t be real because they''re dreams. They seem real. I touch things. I talk. I smell. I do all these, these things that are neat. I some times can talk for hours with other''s minds. I can. I don''t know. I see this things in my dreams. I see me living in District of Columbia of United States of Eden. I see me living as I do now. On the streets. But I also see the me walking to a job and wearing cloths I don''t wear now. I think of these things. And I have some job. I have a job with I think the D.O.M.E. in the dreams. I wake up and...And I am here. Here under a bridge freezing. Looking. Looking for an alms card on the dirt because I don''t want to go register to get another one. And I had a lot of Alms credit on the card I need the card. Not dreams the dreams are the past and the past is done. The past thought create dark shades. They don''t help. They only scare. The Alms card I need. I need it for a bath, some cloth and a shower, so I can, so I can have a job. A life. Some food. A future. A future and not these dreams and not this dirt and the rain. I want more than dreams I want life. The life of nothing and dark shades I feel like running from is too much. I just need my Alms card...And there it is. THE ALMS CARD! THE ALMS CARD!>', '', 0, 3), (66, 'blog', '', 1, 1, 1169521419, 1169521444, 2, 1, 0, '<|That''s, that''s still feels amazing. A shower. No grime and dirt stuck to skin. Crammed and wiped into pores. The hair feels smooth as silk. Fingers dry. The skin flakey, but clean. The shave, the shave feels good. That''s what I look like. My face is fatter than I remember. But I don''t remember...exactly. The cheek bones are high. The eye sockets deep, but not empty holes. The chin strong with the jaw. Almost a double chin. Have I ate recently\\? Why am I so fat. I remember, well I don''t remember. When was the last time I remember something. I don''t remember before waking up under the bridge. Before that its all dreams and guesses. My imagination creates the history. I must have ate for my cheeks are chubby. Maybe that''s just the genes, my biology. I will look okay bald. I should. a few wrinkles. Crow''s feet. The crow''s feet are that of a baby crow unless I smile. The the face is lines with wrinkles. I need new cloths now. New cloths and this cleaning, I will be ready for any thing and any one. I want to take it all one. I am ready to be go. Slap on my chubby cheek. That''s clean. That''s something I know I haven''t felt for many many Cycles.>', '<|That''s, that''s still feels amazing. A shower. No grime and dirt stuck to skin. Crammed and wiped into pores. The hair feels smooth as silk. Fingers dry. The skin flakey, but clean. The shave, the shave feels good. That''s what I look like. My face is fatter than I remember. But I don''t remember...exactly. The cheek bones are high. The eye sockets deep, but not empty holes. The chin strong with the jaw. Almost a double chin. Have I ate recently\\? Why am I so fat. I remember, well I don''t remember. When was the last time I remember something. I don''t remember before waking up under the bridge. Before that its all dreams and guesses. My imagination creates the history. I must have ate for my cheeks are chubby. Maybe that''s just the genes, my biology. I will look okay bald. I should. a few wrinkles. Crow''s feet. The crow''s feet are that of a baby crow unless I smile. The the face is lines with wrinkles. I need new cloths now. New cloths and this cleaning, I will be ready for any thing and any one. I want to take it all one. I am ready to be go. Slap on my chubby cheek. That''s clean. That''s something I know I haven''t felt for many many Cycles.>', '', 0, 3), (67, 'blog', '', 1, 1, 1170133478, 1170636596, 2, 1, 0, '<|Okay, at least okay. I feel like I have done okay. What is okay? Was there an okay? I must have had a job before. I am too old to not have had a job during life even if that life I know longer remember. And if I had a job, I would have had an interview. But I don''t remember, so it''s not going to help me gauge if this interview was good or bad. ...It was okay. It had to have been okay. Everyone smiled. They asked questions and I answered them. Some I just lied. I didn''t know what to see except what they wanted to see, so I did. They shook my hand, and they smiled as I walked out of the office. I heard someone say that I was a good one. ...I think. It could have been something else. The woman to the right was looking good. Those pants and shirt looked good. If I get the job, or a second interview, maybe I could ask, or see...probably not. I probably still smell of trash. It''s difficult, too difficult to get the smell of trash out of the skin. I washed two more time before the interview and every once in a while during the way to and during the interview I thought I smelled trash. I didn''t see any one else react to a smell when I smelled the smell of trash, but I don''t know...I just believe that if they did then they many know I am homeless, jobless, and now only have a name everyone else does. The job was for anyone even for those without history or identification. It seems I am not the only one without a past. A past long gone,. Now there is only the future. The future I hope there is a job. I think I did okay. I did okay. There is always next cycle.>', '<|Okay, at least okay. I feel like I have done okay. What is okay? Was there an okay? I must have had a job before. I am too old to not have had a job during life even if that life I know longer remember. And if I had a job, I would have had an interview. But I don''t remember, so it''s not going to help me gauge if this interview was good or bad. ...It was okay. It had to have been okay. Everyone smiled. They asked questions and I answered them. Some I just lied. I didn''t know what to see except what they wanted to see, so I did. They shook my hand, and they smiled as I walked out of the office. I heard someone say that I was a good one. ...I think. It could have been something else. The woman to the right was looking good. Those pants and shirt looked good. If I get the job, or a second interview, maybe I could ask, or see...probably not. I probably still smell of trash. It''s difficult, too difficult to get the smell of trash out of the skin. I washed two more time before the interview and every once in a while during the way to and during the interview I thought I smelled trash. I didn''t see any one else react to a smell when I smelled the smell of trash, but I don''t know...I just believe that if they did then they many know I am homeless, jobless, and now only have a name everyone else does. The job was for anyone even for those without history or identification. It seems I am not the only one without a past. A past long gone,. Now there is only the future. The future I hope there is a job. I think I did okay. I did okay. There is always next cycle.>', '', 0, 3), (68, 'blog', '', 1, 1, 1170637457, 1171344113, 2, 1, 0, '<|What am I going to do? What am I going to wear? This shirt, these pants. They are, they are, they are too dirty even for washing dishes. I could tell them my washing machine broke. I could tell them the truth. I could say I am without a home and without an easy way to clean. If I cleaned my cloths now, I cold be arrested for indecent exposure. If I don''t clean them, if I don''t clean my cloths I could lose the job. Maybe I could clean at work? I wash dishes, but I seen some machines to wash and dry cloths in a room near the dishwasher. If I arrived early I could maybe borrow some cloths in the wash room and was my cloths. That might work. I will have to wake early. This is bad, because I will probably sleep in. The sun comes up so late this time of year. I wish it didn''t. I can''t wake up. Well, maybe I can. I could maybe go find a place where it is noise during the morning. Downtown. Downtown is loud busy in the morning. I could actually go sleep near the restaurant. There''s an ally near by. Some people have to be taking food out in the morning. Well, the don''t have to, but I think they probably do. That''s when the trash gets picked up downtown. I am sure they will pick it up tomorrow. That would be loud. That would wake me up. The I could just go inside and say I am early to clean and go wash my cloths. But then, then, then what? I wash the cloths, but what about tomorrow. I won''t have enough Alms and don''t have enough Alms to pay for cleaning cloths or a new pair of cloths until the end of the Oct. I can''t borrow the cloths at the restaurant for an Oct. They''d discover the cloths missing probably. Then I would be out of a job. Then I would be dirty. Then. I don''t want to think of what would or could happen then because I don''t want to even think about being that dirty again. I know I have been dirty in the past though I don''t remember all of the past I do remember that I was once covered in dirt so thick I thought it would never scrub off. I remember the smell and the feel, but nothing else. Nothing else now. And now is not the time to think of the past because I need to think of the future. The future of me going to the work needing to clean my cloths for they are the only work cloths I have. Everything else stinks and is torn, and they have probably been worn by too many other smelly people besides me. For the first day of a job I have to make some impression. Well, now that I think of it. I guess that impression will be bad if I show up the first Cycle and borrow cloths, so I can wash the cloths I am wearing. I need to find another way to get ready. There is the public fountain. If I washed on piece of clothing at a time while i washed the other piece I could do it and not be arrested for being naked in public area. it is a hot day. I could lay out with wet cloths and dry them where I lay.>', '<|What am I going to do? What am I going to wear? This shirt, these pants. They are, they are, they are too dirty even for washing dishes. I could tell them my washing machine broke. I could tell them the truth. I could say I am without a home and without an easy way to clean. If I cleaned my cloths now, I cold be arrested for indecent exposure. If I don''t clean them, if I don''t clean my cloths I could lose the job. Maybe I could clean at work? I wash dishes, but I seen some machines to wash and dry cloths in a room near the dishwasher. If I arrived early I could maybe borrow some cloths in the wash room and was my cloths. That might work. I will have to wake early. This is bad, because I will probably sleep in. The sun comes up so late this time of year. I wish it didn''t. I can''t wake up. Well, maybe I can. I could maybe go find a place where it is noise during the morning. Downtown. Downtown is loud busy in the morning. I could actually go sleep near the restaurant. There''s an ally near by. Some people have to be taking food out in the morning. Well, the don''t have to, but I think they probably do. That''s when the trash gets picked up downtown. I am sure they will pick it up tomorrow. That would be loud. That would wake me up. The I could just go inside and say I am early to clean and go wash my cloths. But then, then, then what? I wash the cloths, but what about tomorrow. I won''t have enough Alms and don''t have enough Alms to pay for cleaning cloths or a new pair of cloths until the end of the Oct. I can''t borrow the cloths at the restaurant for an Oct. They''d discover the cloths missing probably. Then I would be out of a job. Then I would be dirty. Then. I don''t want to think of what would or could happen then because I don''t want to even think about being that dirty again. I know I have been dirty in the past though I don''t remember all of the past I do remember that I was once covered in dirt so thick I thought it would never scrub off. I remember the smell and the feel, but nothing else. Nothing else now. And now is not the time to think of the past because I need to think of the future. The future of me going to the work needing to clean my cloths for they are the only work cloths I have. Everything else stinks and is torn, and they have probably been worn by too many other smelly people besides me. For the first day of a job I have to make some impression. Well, now that I think of it. I guess that impression will be bad if I show up the first Cycle and borrow cloths, so I can wash the cloths I am wearing. I need to find another way to get ready. There is the public fountain. If I washed on piece of clothing at a time while i washed the other piece I could do it and not be arrested for being naked in public area. it is a hot day. I could lay out with wet cloths and dry them where I lay.>', '', 0, 3), (69, 'blog', '<...Another Dirty Dish...>', 1, 1, 1171344815, 1171763270, 2, 1, 0, '<|Another dish...And another dish...And another dish. People eat and eat. Where does all this food come from? I have never seen so much. That''s too much waste. Why didn''t the person eat more than a bite? I gotta find a way to save this. The bag is already full. I have too much now! But this is...Only a bite is missing! I know I can find someone- Shit! More dishes. Push these through. I need another rack. That''s right. Another. I hate this guy. He''s such a lazy worker. All he does is sit there and watch the cooks cook and waiters wait, and he talks with everyone thinking that they can get him a promotion to cook or waiter. JUST WORK YOU LAZY ASSWHOLE. Just work. Please just work. If you don''t work then...I don''t know. More dishes. Do these people every stop eating? I thought it was closing time a seven-eight cesium ago. ...And they use Cesium time. I thought from some distant memory that nobody used Cesium time any more. How would I know that. What? Some one said my name. Oh...It was the lazy dishwasher who is supposed to be my help, but isn''t much help. You lazy fool. Why, how why do you just stand there. Why do you think that you can? I suppose you think you can because no one tells the boss or the lead or anyone. I don''t have time. More dishes. More dishes. Another rack though the machine. Another rack out of the machine. That''s three waiting for the lazy worker to unload and stack and move, but he just stands there watching people pass trying to talk to each one as they pass. They don''t want to talk to you idiot. They want their dishes. They want them now. These dishes aren''t going to stop coming. More. More. There are more. ...Did I hear that right? Did I? We are about to close? That would be good. That would be very good because I just don''t want to be wetter. And these clean dishes are stacking up. Now I am going to have to stop putting another dirty dish on a rack and work with clean dishes. I need to clean my hands. I need to slap my helper. I don''t need another dirty dish.>', '<|Another dish...And another dish...And another dish. People eat and eat. Where does all this food come from? I have never seen so much. That''s too much waste. Why didn''t the person eat more than a bite? I gotta find a way to save this. The bag is already full. I have too much now! But this is...Only a bite is missing! I know I can find someone- Shit! More dishes. Push these through. I need another rack. That''s right. Another. I hate this guy. He''s such a lazy worker. All he does is sit there and watch the cooks cook and waiters wait, and he talks with everyone thinking that they can get him a promotion to cook or waiter. JUST WORK YOU LAZY ASSWHOLE. Just work. Please just work. If you don''t work then...I don''t know. More dishes. Do these people every stop eating? I thought it was closing time a seven-eight cesium ago. ...And they use Cesium time. I thought from some distant memory that nobody used Cesium time any more. How would I know that. What? Some one said my name. Oh...It was the lazy dishwasher who is supposed to be my help, but isn''t much help. You lazy fool. Why, how why do you just stand there. Why do you think that you can? I suppose you think you can because no one tells the boss or the lead or anyone. I don''t have time. More dishes. More dishes. Another rack though the machine. Another rack out of the machine. That''s three waiting for the lazy worker to unload and stack and move, but he just stands there watching people pass trying to talk to each one as they pass. They don''t want to talk to you idiot. They want their dishes. They want them now. These dishes aren''t going to stop coming. More. More. There are more. ...Did I hear that right? Did I? We are about to close? That would be good. That would be very good because I just don''t want to be wetter. And these clean dishes are stacking up. Now I am going to have to stop putting another dirty dish on a rack and work with clean dishes. I need to clean my hands. I need to slap my helper. I don''t need another dirty dish.>', '', 0, 3), (70, 'blog', '', 1, 1, 1171915847, 1171916008, 2, 1, 0, '<|That''s not as...How much? Is that...Right. I guess it is. It''s not a lot. I was hoping for a bit more. It''s more than I could ever get on my Alms Card, but, but it''s just enough. I guess I can wait until next Oct to get a place to live. I can clean the cloths. This is good. Very good because of that ass coworker keeps telling everyone I''m the one that stinks. I do. I do, but I can''t help it. WHAT WAS THAT! Just another person without a place to sleep. Tired of sleeping under the bridge. Sucks. Cold, too. The wind from the river is COLD! STOP NOW. Stop. please, stop. I want you to stop now, now, now. Maybe there is some place on this side with a room for one night, just one night? COLD. This sucks. I wish I was back where ever I was before this, before this and then nothing. Where is the past? I want the past? I feel the past was better than now. It had to have been or how would I have gotten here. Maybe it wasn''t good, but I want to remember, to remember is to not think of this, of this very cold Cycle. Cycle of not cold. No. Think of something else. Think of anything else, but this. This is bad. Very cold. Very something. Cold. FREEEEEEEEZING. Damn, why does it have to be here. Maybe there is another spot. Just because everyone else sleeps near the bridges doesn''t mean I need to. I could, I could...Fuck I don''t know. I could go. I have some money on the Alms Card. I have some money on the Work Card. I could find something some where. Moving would be good. Moving, will, will at least warm me up. This, this is just too much. If I were on drugs I could be numb, but I don''t need...that...I need a room. Or some place warm. The breeze from the river is just too much. Too, too much. Not now. Not now. Here is the now. Here is bad place to sleep. Okay, I have the Alms Card and the Work Card. I have my bag. Go time to go. I have to. I hope I can move. I might be frozen.>', '<|That''s not as...How much? Is that...Right. I guess it is. It''s not a lot. I was hoping for a bit more. It''s more than I could ever get on my Alms Card, but, but it''s just enough. I guess I can wait until next Oct to get a place to live. I can clean the cloths. This is good. Very good because of that ass coworker keeps telling everyone I''m the one that stinks. I do. I do, but I can''t help it. WHAT WAS THAT! Just another person without a place to sleep. Tired of sleeping under the bridge. Sucks. Cold, too. The wind from the river is COLD! STOP NOW. Stop. please, stop. I want you to stop now, now, now. Maybe there is some place on this side with a room for one night, just one night? COLD. This sucks. I wish I was back where ever I was before this, before this and then nothing. Where is the past? I want the past? I feel the past was better than now. It had to have been or how would I have gotten here. Maybe it wasn''t good, but I want to remember, to remember is to not think of this, of this very cold Cycle. Cycle of not cold. No. Think of something else. Think of anything else, but this. This is bad. Very cold. Very something. Cold. FREEEEEEEEZING. Damn, why does it have to be here. Maybe there is another spot. Just because everyone else sleeps near the bridges doesn''t mean I need to. I could, I could...Fuck I don''t know. I could go. I have some money on the Alms Card. I have some money on the Work Card. I could find something some where. Moving would be good. Moving, will, will at least warm me up. This, this is just too much. If I were on drugs I could be numb, but I don''t need...that...I need a room. Or some place warm. The breeze from the river is just too much. Too, too much. Not now. Not now. Here is the now. Here is bad place to sleep. Okay, I have the Alms Card and the Work Card. I have my bag. Go time to go. I have to. I hope I can move. I might be frozen.>', '', 0, 3), (71, 'blog', '', 1, 1, 1172548425, 1172548458, 2, 1, 0, '<|I don''t know what, I don''t know what they are. They''re back. It''s been so long since...Where can I run? I thought the stairs would stop them. I thought swimming across the river would stop them. How? How far are they. Close. Closer. They don''t run. They don''t float. How, how do they move. I don''t get why are you after me! I was only thinking. What was I thinking? The past. The past. I was thinking about the past. Damn how am I going to. NOW THERE''S FOUR. There were only three. There were only three and now I have to get out of here. There''s no way to get out of this ally. All this. All this trash. Maybe I can stack some trash cans. I could reach the fire escape and climb. No time. They are right there. The door. OUCH. No slamming my shoulder won''t. OUCH. Move the door. It won''t. OUCH. Move the door. It''s loose. It''s loose, but they''re close. They''re closer. Why don''t the rush me. Why are they going slower now. They weren''t that slow floating over the lake. OUCH. DOOR''S OPEN! ALARM. DAMN! In the shades. There right there. Where does this go? There it goes. A hall. Doors. Stairs up and down. No stairs. I need another door. I hear that noise. It''s the shades. The shades are in the building. There they are. Go. Time to go. Time. There''s another door. The door goes to the street. The sidewalks. The sidewalks of people. The shades won''t follow. Maybe? Maybe they won''t? The door is glass run through. Run through. Run through. Run through and run. And keep on running.> ', '<|I don''t know what, I don''t know what they are. They''re back. It''s been so long since...Where can I run? I thought the stairs would stop them. I thought swimming across the river would stop them. How? How far are they. Close. Closer. They don''t run. They don''t float. How, how do they move. I don''t get why are you after me! I was only thinking. What was I thinking? The past. The past. I was thinking about the past. Damn how am I going to. NOW THERE''S FOUR. There were only three. There were only three and now I have to get out of here. There''s no way to get out of this ally. All this. All this trash. Maybe I can stack some trash cans. I could reach the fire escape and climb. No time. They are right there. The door. OUCH. No slamming my shoulder won''t. OUCH. Move the door. It won''t. OUCH. Move the door. It''s loose. It''s loose, but they''re close. They''re closer. Why don''t the rush me. Why are they going slower now. They weren''t that slow floating over the lake. OUCH. DOOR''S OPEN! ALARM. DAMN! In the shades. There right there. Where does this go? There it goes. A hall. Doors. Stairs up and down. No stairs. I need another door. I hear that noise. It''s the shades. The shades are in the building. There they are. Go. Time to go. Time. There''s another door. The door goes to the street. The sidewalks. The sidewalks of people. The shades won''t follow. Maybe? Maybe they won''t? The door is glass run through. Run through. Run through. Run through and run. And keep on running.> ', '', 0, 3), (72, 'blog', '', 1, 1, 1173161996, 1173162151, 2, 1, 0, '<|Just shut up. Fucker. Shut-up and wash dishes. Don''t believe nothing happened to me. Don''t believe the story about the shades is true. I don''t CARE. Just work instead of stand there and laugh and try to get everyone who passes to listen to YOUR version of the story. I told you not to tell anyone. And now, now, now you stand in your usual talk spot and try to talk to everyone while you should be working and try to talk to everyone about the shade I DID see Cycles ago. You fool. I don''t care if you betrayed my trust by standing right there, right there trying to tell everyone about the shades. Just work. Pick up the plates, move the plates and do work while you make fun of me. Fucker. What? What did he say? The boss. Great, now the boss is listening to him. Maybe I should just tell the boss I don''t know what he is talking about if he asks me what he is talking about? Yeah, that''s what I will do. I will just ignore the story and say I don''t know what the asshole is talking about. I will also say that he doesn''t work. ...The boss is jut standing there shaking his head up and down, up and down. Listening. Why don''t the boss tell him to get to work? Does the asshole know someone who owns the place? He''s a dishwasher. Finding a dishwasher that stands around and doesn''t wash dishes is easy to do. Why? Why? Oh, thanks boss. YES, the asshole is getting it from the boss. It''s about time. Now I can work with a smile. More dishes. That''s fine with me. As long as the asshole is getting yelled at for standing around doing nothing. Yeah, pick up those dishes. Pick up those dishes, too. That''s work. Now shut up about the shades. Asshole, can''t trust an asshole to keep a secret. Can''t trust anyone about the shades. What are they? What? More plates. Coming right up. The shades. What about the shades...>', '<|Just shut up. Fucker. Shut-up and wash dishes. Don''t believe nothing happened to me. Don''t believe the story about the shades is true. I don''t CARE. Just work instead of stand there and laugh and try to get everyone who passes to listen to YOUR version of the story. I told you not to tell anyone. And now, now, now you stand in your usual talk spot and try to talk to everyone while you should be working and try to talk to everyone about the shade I DID see Cycles ago. You fool. I don''t care if you betrayed my trust by standing right there, right there trying to tell everyone about the shades. Just work. Pick up the plates, move the plates and do work while you make fun of me. Fucker. What? What did he say? The boss. Great, now the boss is listening to him. Maybe I should just tell the boss I don''t know what he is talking about if he asks me what he is talking about? Yeah, that''s what I will do. I will just ignore the story and say I don''t know what the asshole is talking about. I will also say that he doesn''t work. ...The boss is jut standing there shaking his head up and down, up and down. Listening. Why don''t the boss tell him to get to work? Does the asshole know someone who owns the place? He''s a dishwasher. Finding a dishwasher that stands around and doesn''t wash dishes is easy to do. Why? Why? Oh, thanks boss. YES, the asshole is getting it from the boss. It''s about time. Now I can work with a smile. More dishes. That''s fine with me. As long as the asshole is getting yelled at for standing around doing nothing. Yeah, pick up those dishes. Pick up those dishes, too. That''s work. Now shut up about the shades. Asshole, can''t trust an asshole to keep a secret. Can''t trust anyone about the shades. What are they? What? More plates. Coming right up. The shades. What about the shades...>', '', 0, 3), (73, 'blog', '', 1, 1, 1174366522, 1174366591, 2, 1, 0, '<|Don''t these people ever stop eating. Don''t they know fried food will kill them. Another order. And another order. Wow. I didn''t realize being on the cook line was so, so intense. What? Oh, sorry. Shit. I messed up the fry order. Next thing I know I will be back in the dish pit with that asshole who now has given me the name ''Pit Sucker'' because I am here on the food line and he is there in the dish bit. This sucks. This is stressful, but at the end of the day I am not staying around after close to clean the last of the dishes and wipe and spray down the floors. This, shit these are burnt. Those are burnt too. Damn! If I keep this up, I will be here for ever. Last Cycle I was thinking too much about the past and. What! It''s done here. Yeah, that''s...They don''t care just give them the food. They will, no, yes they will eat it. Damn, I gotta get this down. I think I should be getting a raise too. This has to be promotion. This has to be because I need money for an apartment and I can''t get an apartment on a dishwasher''s pay. Oh'' well, there''s another order. Just focus on the orders and I will make it. I will remember about the past soon enough, I am sure. I am sure the shades will catch me if they do exist. I am sure if I don''t focus on this order it will burn and I will have to cook the order again. I don''t want to cook it again. Is it done, Is this one done, yes. Good, the fries. Theses mushrooms are fried. These shrimp are fried. These, these are almost done. Just a little more time, a little more focus. There is, yes that''s done. This is ready. Here''s the food. Have fun arranging. Next order, what''s the next order...>', '<|Don''t these people ever stop eating. Don''t they know fried food will kill them. Another order. And another order. Wow. I didn''t realize being on the cook line was so, so intense. What? Oh, sorry. Shit. I messed up the fry order. Next thing I know I will be back in the dish pit with that asshole who now has given me the name ''Pit Sucker'' because I am here on the food line and he is there in the dish bit. This sucks. This is stressful, but at the end of the day I am not staying around after close to clean the last of the dishes and wipe and spray down the floors. This, shit these are burnt. Those are burnt too. Damn! If I keep this up, I will be here for ever. Last Cycle I was thinking too much about the past and. What! It''s done here. Yeah, that''s...They don''t care just give them the food. They will, no, yes they will eat it. Damn, I gotta get this down. I think I should be getting a raise too. This has to be promotion. This has to be because I need money for an apartment and I can''t get an apartment on a dishwasher''s pay. Oh'' well, there''s another order. Just focus on the orders and I will make it. I will remember about the past soon enough, I am sure. I am sure the shades will catch me if they do exist. I am sure if I don''t focus on this order it will burn and I will have to cook the order again. I don''t want to cook it again. Is it done, Is this one done, yes. Good, the fries. Theses mushrooms are fried. These shrimp are fried. These, these are almost done. Just a little more time, a little more focus. There is, yes that''s done. This is ready. Here''s the food. Have fun arranging. Next order, what''s the next order...>', '', 0, 3), (74, 'blog', '', 1, 1, 1175537664, 1177388578, 2, 1, 0, '<|I haven''t seen the sky that jaded in Hex. A Tropos maybe? I don''t know. I could have seen that before. The green fading to blue finding that delicate balance between jade. The black dot. ...The black dot. It reminds me of the dark shades. The dark shades. Don''t think about the dark shades. Just sit here. Sit here and look at the river flow and the bright reflection of the foci off the water. It''s pretty. It''s pretty, but I don''t know what pretty is anymore because I know I have a pass begin I understand the fact I am too old to have live longer than two hundred or so cycles. I have lived long enough to look older than anyone at the restaurant. Almost everyone. Probably not the day manager. She looks older than me, but I could be wrong. I am probably am. Timing age was lost the memories. I wonder if there is a way to get the memories back. I wonder if I could do something to remember. And if I remember will I be able to remember what I did, so I can have a history to prove I can do more than wash dishes? I don''t know. I hope. I should set up something to invoke the shades to come to being. If they were here. And I could somehow let them capture me, but the be able to escape that would be good. I could be running from something that could help. Like that dark spot in the sky. It helps block some of the light from the surface to absorb light and heat from the foci. But that shade doesn''t chase me like the shades. What can I do? What should I do? Is it time for work?>', '<|I haven''t seen the sky that jaded in Hex. A Tropos maybe? I don''t know. I could have seen that before. The green fading to blue finding that delicate balance between jade. The black dot. ...The black dot. It reminds me of the dark shades. The dark shades. Don''t think about the dark shades. Just sit here. Sit here and look at the river flow and the bright reflection of the foci off the water. It''s pretty. It''s pretty, but I don''t know what pretty is anymore because I know I have a pass begin I understand the fact I am too old to have live longer than two hundred or so cycles. I have lived long enough to look older than anyone at the restaurant. Almost everyone. Probably not the day manager. She looks older than me, but I could be wrong. I am probably am. Timing age was lost the memories. I wonder if there is a way to get the memories back. I wonder if I could do something to remember. And if I remember will I be able to remember what I did, so I can have a history to prove I can do more than wash dishes? I don''t know. I hope. I should set up something to invoke the shades to come to being. If they were here. And I could somehow let them capture me, but the be able to escape that would be good. I could be running from something that could help. Like that dark spot in the sky. It helps block some of the light from the surface to absorb light and heat from the foci. But that shade doesn''t chase me like the shades. What can I do? What should I do? Is it time for work?>', '', 0, 3); INSERT INTO `node` (`nid`, `type`, `title`, `uid`, `status`, `created`, `changed`, `comment`, `promote`, `moderate`, `teaser`, `body`, `revisions`, `sticky`, `format`) VALUES (75, 'blog', '', 1, 1, 1176655121, 1177388613, 2, 1, 0, '<|All four of them. Four of them. One, two, three, four. Why are they now not moving. Do they know? Do they know I am going to just stand here and look at them? Waiting for them. Do they just chase me? Why are they just standing here? I''ll walk toward them. I''ll walk toward them and that will make them move or not move. It will just end the run from the shades. Running doesn''t do anything but prolong the chase. The chase is now. They know it. They know it. They''re not moving. They''re not moving, so maybe they will wait. Where is everyone else. Even the sidewalks are clear of people. It''s not too late. There are usually a few people here. Maybe they were taken by shades? Maybe the shades consumed them and then. And then I step. I can''t believe I am doing this. Get it over. Get it over. Just step. They''re still there. More shades are seen everywhere. Where did they come from? How did they? Six, seven, eight, nine, ten, eleven, twelve. Three. Tripling? They don''t move. Just go into the alley. Step into the alley. It is best that no one is here. No people means know other people will be caught up with shades. The shades. The are making a circle around me. The original three are not moving. They stand there. Walk toward them. Those shades are the shades to take over me. What do they want? Me? What for? I wonder. Will I find out? Will they tell me? No. They will just do something. Close. I don''t feel anything. No cold or pain. Nothing. Why nothing? Where do the shades shadiness come from. There is not object or light to create a shadow. As dark as a shadow. Close. Wow. They look weird. This is weird. The circle of now twenty four shades are constricting their circle around me. They are near. Close steps awake. Slow. Walk into the three shades. The original three. Step forward and discover what is to be discovered through the shades.>', '<|All four of them. Four of them. One, two, three, four. Why are they now not moving. Do they know? Do they know I am going to just stand here and look at them? Waiting for them. Do they just chase me? Why are they just standing here? I''ll walk toward them. I''ll walk toward them and that will make them move or not move. It will just end the run from the shades. Running doesn''t do anything but prolong the chase. The chase is now. They know it. They know it. They''re not moving. They''re not moving, so maybe they will wait. Where is everyone else. Even the sidewalks are clear of people. It''s not too late. There are usually a few people here. Maybe they were taken by shades? Maybe the shades consumed them and then. And then I step. I can''t believe I am doing this. Get it over. Get it over. Just step. They''re still there. More shades are seen everywhere. Where did they come from? How did they? Six, seven, eight, nine, ten, eleven, twelve. Three. Tripling? They don''t move. Just go into the alley. Step into the alley. It is best that no one is here. No people means know other people will be caught up with shades. The shades. The are making a circle around me. The original three are not moving. They stand there. Walk toward them. Those shades are the shades to take over me. What do they want? Me? What for? I wonder. Will I find out? Will they tell me? No. They will just do something. Close. I don''t feel anything. No cold or pain. Nothing. Why nothing? Where do the shades shadiness come from. There is not object or light to create a shadow. As dark as a shadow. Close. Wow. They look weird. This is weird. The circle of now twenty four shades are constricting their circle around me. They are near. Close steps awake. Slow. Walk into the three shades. The original three. Step forward and discover what is to be discovered through the shades.>', '', 0, 3), (76, 'blog', '', 1, 1, 1177389267, 1177389301, 2, 1, 0, '<|I do not understand. That''s not what I wanted to happen. I want to merge with the shades. I want some thing to happen. I want some thing more than waking the a few minutes or a few seconds later remembering nothing of the past three seconds or few minutes. Why couldn''t it be longer\\? Why do I forget? Why would they let me remember? They are shades after. What do I expect? I expect them to chase me for good reason. What good reason would take only a few minutes to complete? No good reason that is what. ...I suppose. Or I don''t suppose. I don''t know. I do want to get out of here. It''s slow. There are two people on the dish pit duty. If they don''t let me be fry cook for tonight then I am going to leave for I would rather be out there trying to get answers to my life than in here earning a lazy dollar because it is a slow night and the manager has too many people working right now. Right now there isn''t enough for one in the dishpit. There are two. Will there be three? Gives me time to think, but not more time with the shades. Maybe the use me for something? Maybe they read my mind or write to my mind? Maybe I am some storage device they violate by just storing their dangerous and sensitive information in my mind until they need it. Put the data in a mind of an unknowing fool. Well, if that is true I know now. ...But what can I do? Nothing. I am unable to actually prove that the shades exist because there is probably not any other being that sees the shades. I always seem to be alone when they come. And where there has been crowds it is in crowds with a lot of people. Lost in the mass. This is taking mind away, but there is the reality that I need to get an apartment. I can''t do that if I am always worried about these shades getting me. I may as well give it too them. I don''t know. I want to know, but I can''t think right now. Now is time to close the night and go home. Maybe the shades will come for me tonight?>', '<|I do not understand. That''s not what I wanted to happen. I want to merge with the shades. I want some thing to happen. I want some thing more than waking the a few minutes or a few seconds later remembering nothing of the past three seconds or few minutes. Why couldn''t it be longer\\? Why do I forget? Why would they let me remember? They are shades after. What do I expect? I expect them to chase me for good reason. What good reason would take only a few minutes to complete? No good reason that is what. ...I suppose. Or I don''t suppose. I don''t know. I do want to get out of here. It''s slow. There are two people on the dish pit duty. If they don''t let me be fry cook for tonight then I am going to leave for I would rather be out there trying to get answers to my life than in here earning a lazy dollar because it is a slow night and the manager has too many people working right now. Right now there isn''t enough for one in the dishpit. There are two. Will there be three? Gives me time to think, but not more time with the shades. Maybe the use me for something? Maybe they read my mind or write to my mind? Maybe I am some storage device they violate by just storing their dangerous and sensitive information in my mind until they need it. Put the data in a mind of an unknowing fool. Well, if that is true I know now. ...But what can I do? Nothing. I am unable to actually prove that the shades exist because there is probably not any other being that sees the shades. I always seem to be alone when they come. And where there has been crowds it is in crowds with a lot of people. Lost in the mass. This is taking mind away, but there is the reality that I need to get an apartment. I can''t do that if I am always worried about these shades getting me. I may as well give it too them. I don''t know. I want to know, but I can''t think right now. Now is time to close the night and go home. Maybe the shades will come for me tonight?>', '', 0, 3), (77, 'blog', '>Need To Leave Before They Come Back.<', 1, 1, 1178284575, 1179323331, 2, 1, 0, '>|...Not another dish. This is beyond closing. This is too late. Too late for me. Need to go. Need to move locations. More dishes. The dishes are dirty everywhere. I can get another job. That''s not difficult. I have the cloths now. Almost clean. More dishes. Dishes are everywhere. I hate close. I wish that ass would just go home or do work. Leave to make the ass work. Thoughts of him not using me to pickup and dishup everything would keep me happy has I had to search for a new job some place. Should I leave United States? Can I leave? Best not find out. Focus on reason to leave area. The shades. Nothing happened, but something happened. I think something did happened. I charged them again. Again it was like nothing happened, but I am beginning to think something did happen. They did something to me. Maybe read my mind real quick or injected me or changed my thoughts? I just want to get away from the shades. They come more often now. It seems I see them more often than I had before I let them catch me. I should leave. These dishes will never be done. I can give notice, so if I come back I can have this job. But notice would only give them time to hire someone for the job before I leave allowing the ass not to work. It could warn the shades of my departure. A departure that may not help get rid of the shades, but will make the ass work. Is it worth it? I don''t know. There is something in me that wants to travel. That wants to move and go. Get out of this place. I do feel like this job, the place isn''t right. The is place is, is, too much of everything for me if not from United States maybe another dome. There''s more dishes. Should I leave?<', '>|...Not another dish. This is beyond closing. This is too late. Too late for me. Need to go. Need to move locations. More dishes. The dishes are dirty everywhere. I can get another job. That''s not difficult. I have the cloths now. Almost clean. More dishes. Dishes are everywhere. I hate close. I wish that ass would just go home or do work. Leave to make the ass work. Thoughts of him not using me to pickup and dishup everything would keep me happy has I had to search for a new job some place. Should I leave United States? Can I leave? Best not find out. Focus on reason to leave area. The shades. Nothing happened, but something happened. I think something did happened. I charged them again. Again it was like nothing happened, but I am beginning to think something did happen. They did something to me. Maybe read my mind real quick or injected me or changed my thoughts? I just want to get away from the shades. They come more often now. It seems I see them more often than I had before I let them catch me. I should leave. These dishes will never be done. I can give notice, so if I come back I can have this job. But notice would only give them time to hire someone for the job before I leave allowing the ass not to work. It could warn the shades of my departure. A departure that may not help get rid of the shades, but will make the ass work. Is it worth it? I don''t know. There is something in me that wants to travel. That wants to move and go. Get out of this place. I do feel like this job, the place isn''t right. The is place is, is, too much of everything for me if not from United States maybe another dome. There''s more dishes. Should I leave?<', '', 0, 3), (78, 'blog', '', 1, 1, 1179322839, 1181955401, 2, 1, 0, '<|Credits of card twenty thousand. If the shades are somehow connected to the system. I want to know now. Now. Why did I let them catch me? I liked the job. I like not moving. Every time I think of leaving a place I think of the past. Every time I think of the past I begin to feel as if I should be doing something or moving. I feel I know more, but I just can''t access what I know. I think, and I remember a time when I didn''t need to have a credit card because everything was just given to me. I didn''t have the card. I had the chip. I find the scar. I feel I have found the scar before. Did I? Maybe? Memory. I wish had a memory. I do when on the move. Maybe I shouldn''t stop moving? Maybe I can find away to just move around the world so I can remember everything? But I need a job. A job for credits for travel. What am I going to do about a job? I could be an archive transporter. Maybe I will go beyond the domes? Maybe that''s what I need to do? I need to discover the way to escape the domes. I need to move now. I will find a way to remember. Moving and I remember. Move. Move. What time is it? Is that the R.O.D. I want? It is. On time. On time. Boarding soon. This is good. Okay. I am ready to go. A new man with clean cloths and a shave. Lets go, lets, go. On the move. On the move like I have been.>', '<|Credits of card twenty thousand. If the shades are somehow connected to the system. I want to know now. Now. Why did I let them catch me? I liked the job. I like not moving. Every time I think of leaving a place I think of the past. Every time I think of the past I begin to feel as if I should be doing something or moving. I feel I know more, but I just can''t access what I know. I think, and I remember a time when I didn''t need to have a credit card because everything was just given to me. I didn''t have the card. I had the chip. I find the scar. I feel I have found the scar before. Did I? Maybe? Memory. I wish had a memory. I do when on the move. Maybe I shouldn''t stop moving? Maybe I can find away to just move around the world so I can remember everything? But I need a job. A job for credits for travel. What am I going to do about a job? I could be an archive transporter. Maybe I will go beyond the domes? Maybe that''s what I need to do? I need to discover the way to escape the domes. I need to move now. I will find a way to remember. Moving and I remember. Move. Move. What time is it? Is that the R.O.D. I want? It is. On time. On time. Boarding soon. This is good. Okay. I am ready to go. A new man with clean cloths and a shave. Lets go, lets, go. On the move. On the move like I have been.>', '', 0, 3), (79, 'blog', '', 1, 1, 1180281417, 1181955341, 2, 1, 0, '<|...R.O.D. station then bar. How long have I been traveling? Cesiums, Cycles, Octs, A Tropos or two? I wish I knew the time. The days, as the were once called. Where to go now that I am here. I am here. I left Portland for here. There there was something I had. Is this worthing it. Why didn''t I remember anything about my past during the journey? I wonder how and why when I traveled I didn''t remember. Will I remember once I step from the R.O.D. and into the R.O.D. Station platform? Maybe I have been here before and I just can not remember the past? I can''t think of everything because I have been too many places. Or I just don''t remember. Maybe I have a tumor? That''s what the last guy I talk with said I might have. But I only laughed and said that had I a tumor I wouldn''t remember and have the images of the shades. The person then left the area for a different R.O.D. section. The rich section. I think maybe he was slumming it with us poor people anyway. Well, if the asshole wanted to experience a psycho case on the R.O.D. he did. Where is he now? When am I going to move in this line. This line is not that long. Come on. Already. The sooner I leave this train the sooner I may be leaving this state of who I am. I may learn who I am if this line will only move forward. Move, move. There we go. Okay, I have my bag, I have my identification. I have a step. Stepping to the exit of the R.O.D. and into the station. The station is right there. There is the guy I was talking with. He''s in a rush. A rush to get away. There he goes and here I am. Will I remember when I experience a new D.O.M.E. and not just flow through the D.O.M.E.. Maybe? Maybe the people of this area are difficult to work for and with. Maybe? I hope not. I need a job. This more money than thought. As soon as I get off this transport I can go. I can go. I can begin. I can begin soon enough...>', '<|...R.O.D. station then bar. How long have I been traveling? Cesiums, Cycles, Octs, A Tropos or two? I wish I knew the time. The days, as the were once called. Where to go now that I am here. I am here. I left Portland for here. There there was something I had. Is this worthing it. Why didn''t I remember anything about my past during the journey? I wonder how and why when I traveled I didn''t remember. Will I remember once I step from the R.O.D. and into the R.O.D. Station platform? Maybe I have been here before and I just can not remember the past? I can''t think of everything because I have been too many places. Or I just don''t remember. Maybe I have a tumor? That''s what the last guy I talk with said I might have. But I only laughed and said that had I a tumor I wouldn''t remember and have the images of the shades. The person then left the area for a different R.O.D. section. The rich section. I think maybe he was slumming it with us poor people anyway. Well, if the asshole wanted to experience a psycho case on the R.O.D. he did. Where is he now? When am I going to move in this line. This line is not that long. Come on. Already. The sooner I leave this train the sooner I may be leaving this state of who I am. I may learn who I am if this line will only move forward. Move, move. There we go. Okay, I have my bag, I have my identification. I have a step. Stepping to the exit of the R.O.D. and into the station. The station is right there. There is the guy I was talking with. He''s in a rush. A rush to get away. There he goes and here I am. Will I remember when I experience a new D.O.M.E. and not just flow through the D.O.M.E.. Maybe? Maybe the people of this area are difficult to work for and with. Maybe? I hope not. I need a job. This more money than thought. As soon as I get off this transport I can go. I can go. I can begin. I can begin soon enough...>', '', 0, 3), (80, 'blog', '', 1, 1, 1180368317, 1180368440, 2, 1, 0, '<|I was rich. I was having dinner with couple. Two women. They were wearing suits. They were wearing suits and these helmets with a visor that was over their eyes. The visor was black. It covered everything. I am eating dinner with these two women at table that as I look at it grows into a long and empty table. I look from one side to the other side and see no end to the table. I look back at the two women and they are sitting one the other side talking with me. I am talking. We are talking. We talking about a mission I need to go on. We are talking as if I don''t know then next mission, but I know the next mission. The next mission is to frame the President of United States Of Eden, but I don''t want to frame the President of United States Of Eden. I act like I do but in the dream I don''t. Then, while we''re talking, people start appearing from the fuzzy borders of the dream and become whole and sit at table and they start talking to me about framing the President of United States Of Eden for murder. And I start saying no over and and over again. No gets loud and loud until all the talk back and forth between people is overwhelmed by me just screaming no. Then I wake up screaming no. It was a weird dream. The first. The first I hope of many. I had the dream I need to think of it again. If I think of it again maybe another one will happen? Or maybe I will remember why I felt like I was paying for everyone''s dinner and could? What time is it. Is it time to go to the job place I was told about. That S.O.S corner. Who are they trying to save? I wonder if my credit card has converted to Ogden. Need food. Need my money. I don''t have that money I felt I had in the dream.>', '<|I was rich. I was having dinner with couple. Two women. They were wearing suits. They were wearing suits and these helmets with a visor that was over their eyes. The visor was black. It covered everything. I am eating dinner with these two women at table that as I look at it grows into a long and empty table. I look from one side to the other side and see no end to the table. I look back at the two women and they are sitting one the other side talking with me. I am talking. We are talking. We talking about a mission I need to go on. We are talking as if I don''t know then next mission, but I know the next mission. The next mission is to frame the President of United States Of Eden, but I don''t want to frame the President of United States Of Eden. I act like I do but in the dream I don''t. Then, while we''re talking, people start appearing from the fuzzy borders of the dream and become whole and sit at table and they start talking to me about framing the President of United States Of Eden for murder. And I start saying no over and and over again. No gets loud and loud until all the talk back and forth between people is overwhelmed by me just screaming no. Then I wake up screaming no. It was a weird dream. The first. The first I hope of many. I had the dream I need to think of it again. If I think of it again maybe another one will happen? Or maybe I will remember why I felt like I was paying for everyone''s dinner and could? What time is it. Is it time to go to the job place I was told about. That S.O.S corner. Who are they trying to save? I wonder if my credit card has converted to Ogden. Need food. Need my money. I don''t have that money I felt I had in the dream.>', '', 0, 3), (81, 'blog', '', 1, 1, 1181956258, 1181956359, 2, 1, 0, '<|The card. They keep knowing it is a Portland card. Then they drive away. This is, this is, a poop farm. Ogden. How long must I live here until they will let me work? Keep on telling me they want a Utahan no mater the type. What does that mean? No matter the type of Utahan? Is there a time limit? Is? Is that the one of those polygamist? Does that woman have six husbands? Wow. She''s got a look to her. A look like she can be married with five husbands to satisfy her needs. She''s got them around her finger. Look those guys! Their just standing there looking here and there thinking of what she''ll want next. HA! She just lifted a finger and pointed and the bread store and off one of the husbands left. He''s got a good run, but the other four are now competing for her attention. That one is picking flowers for her... HEY! That''s that guy, the contract, who cycle last that seen he''d hire me for a quick job if he needed another. Maybe he needs another? Work. Needs some work. Or maybe a few husbands or wives to go make some money for me so I can stay at home raise those kids. Kids. Where are the kids? There...No...WOW! That''s a lot of kids. One, two, three, four! Four kids! What? That contractor said something to me...>', '<|The card. They keep knowing it is a Portland card. Then they drive away. This is, this is, a poop farm. Ogden. How long must I live here until they will let me work? Keep on telling me they want a Utahan no mater the type. What does that mean? No matter the type of Utahan? Is there a time limit? Is? Is that the one of those polygamist? Does that woman have six husbands? Wow. She''s got a look to her. A look like she can be married with five husbands to satisfy her needs. She''s got them around her finger. Look those guys! Their just standing there looking here and there thinking of what she''ll want next. HA! She just lifted a finger and pointed and the bread store and off one of the husbands left. He''s got a good run, but the other four are now competing for her attention. That one is picking flowers for her... HEY! That''s that guy, the contract, who cycle last that seen he''d hire me for a quick job if he needed another. Maybe he needs another? Work. Needs some work. Or maybe a few husbands or wives to go make some money for me so I can stay at home raise those kids. Kids. Where are the kids? There...No...WOW! That''s a lot of kids. One, two, three, four! Four kids! What? That contractor said something to me...>', '', 0, 3), (82, 'blog', '', 1, 1, 1182614621, 1182614773, 2, 1, 0, '<|When? This is just not what I wanted. How can... Why this? Why this? I just have more. I feel I have more to do than this. The work. Too tired. But I have to. I need to. Are we stopped? Are we there? ...No. No. We are far from the site. Don''t want to ever arrive today. Can''t we just keep on guiding round all day. Some how still get paid. Paid for the labor. I don''t want to pull and top another onion. Where are their machines to do this? I know they have machines to do this. Are these people luddites? I have heard of them. They seem weird enough. They always want to talk and help out. They don''t use many machines. Hard work pulling and topping onions, pulling carrots, spinach. Get to take home free food. Not bad. Can''t complain. Lots of work. All day. Money paid. Paid to me with a new card. People nice here, but weird. Don''t talk about everything. Just don''t want to. Just want to move. Like me. Move all day long to keep the shades away. The memories. What! Why are we stopping now? Oh, checkpoint. Where''s my card? My card. The front pants pocket. No. No, it was there. Where is it in...>', '<|When? This is just not what I wanted. How can... Why this? Why this? I just have more. I feel I have more to do than this. The work. Too tired. But I have to. I need to. Are we stopped? Are we there? ...No. No. We are far from the site. Don''t want to ever arrive today. Can''t we just keep on guiding round all day. Some how still get paid. Paid for the labor. I don''t want to pull and top another onion. Where are their machines to do this? I know they have machines to do this. Are these people luddites? I have heard of them. They seem weird enough. They always want to talk and help out. They don''t use many machines. Hard work pulling and topping onions, pulling carrots, spinach. Get to take home free food. Not bad. Can''t complain. Lots of work. All day. Money paid. Paid to me with a new card. People nice here, but weird. Don''t talk about everything. Just don''t want to. Just want to move. Like me. Move all day long to keep the shades away. The memories. What! Why are we stopping now? Oh, checkpoint. Where''s my card? My card. The front pants pocket. No. No, it was there. Where is it in...>', '', 0, 3), (83, 'blog', '', 1, 1, 1182828372, 1184446296, 2, 1, 0, '<|...I remember being in the cell after being caught trying to run through some tunnel. I was escaping from somewhere. It wasn''t Portland. It was before then. Right before then. It seems as if, as if it was a Hex ago. As if, maybe, it was LastCycle. I can''t remember. Tried to focus on the thought, but then, but then I couldn''t remember. Why couldn''t I remember? Was it being blocked? Were the memories removed? I remember before the cell that was small and windowless. I remember living in trash bins. I remember the smell of pizza. I remember the shades. I remember the shades like I remember last night when I had this flash. This flash. This... Are those? Not again. Just let me sleep here tonight, under the viaduct. People nice here. I have a place in the shade. Need sleep for the night work. The night work of working the desert. I just don''t want to move. ...Are those the shades? Maybe they''re someone else? Something else... They look like they are... They are people. Why don''t they shine lights or call out? Most people do when they come here. Frightened. They aren''t. There are a lot of them. This can''t be good. Even if not shades. Go. Go now. Yes, go now. Got my card. My new shoes. The shirt. The jacket. Go across the beam and down the other side. Yea. They are coming. They are coming fast. Wow, there are a lot. Need to go. Ouch that hurt. Don''t think about it. Go. Go. Did I hear someone scream Immigration Raid?>', '<|...I remember being in the cell after being caught trying to run through some tunnel. I was escaping from somewhere. It wasn''t Portland. It was before then. Right before then. It seems as if, as if it was a Hex ago. As if, maybe, it was LastCycle. I can''t remember. Tried to focus on the thought, but then, but then I couldn''t remember. Why couldn''t I remember? Was it being blocked? Were the memories removed? I remember before the cell that was small and windowless. I remember living in trash bins. I remember the smell of pizza. I remember the shades. I remember the shades like I remember last night when I had this flash. This flash. This... Are those? Not again. Just let me sleep here tonight, under the viaduct. People nice here. I have a place in the shade. Need sleep for the night work. The night work of working the desert. I just don''t want to move. ...Are those the shades? Maybe they''re someone else? Something else... They look like they are... They are people. Why don''t they shine lights or call out? Most people do when they come here. Frightened. They aren''t. There are a lot of them. This can''t be good. Even if not shades. Go. Go now. Yes, go now. Got my card. My new shoes. The shirt. The jacket. Go across the beam and down the other side. Yea. They are coming. They are coming fast. Wow, there are a lot. Need to go. Ouch that hurt. Don''t think about it. Go. Go. Did I hear someone scream Immigration Raid?>', '', 0, 3), (84, 'blog', '', 1, 1, 1184446761, 1184447021, 2, 1, 0, '<|...More visions. Are they visions? Or dreams? What are they? Where are they? I am clean when I dream. I am healthy. There are kids everywhere. I am surrounded by kids running through fields and trees and along a river bank. It was like I was floating through a hue of bliss. Everyone was looking back at me waving me on. Waving more foreward. Call me dad. Dad? Dad. It felt right. Maybe being in Ogden as made me believe in this love, of all this kids? Kids are everywhere here in Ogden. Maybe that is what making these dreams be? Maybe they are only dreams and not the life of the past? I wasn''t sleeping. I wasn''t sleeping, so how can I explain being awake. I was under the foci all day long. Hot and overheated after working the fields, digging the hole for a huge house. Then I was in a world of the past. It felt like the past. It felt like the past. My wife. I think I seen my wife. She was beautiful. She was by the shore I remember now. She was by the shore of the river. Her feet was dipped into the river. The jade sky was pure illuminating her. Her eyes. She looked up at me and her eyes shined. Her mouth smiling. Her hand extended. What else was there? Why is there not more? How can I make this happen more? Do I need to work in heat? Are the shades the answers? But there are no shades around. Where did they go? I should go. I should go back to work. This sandwich is bad. Paid too much. Need to find my bag. Need the water. Hot. Why do I need to be here? Money. Money but why the memories. Where was that? That river. That river is something that probably doesn''t exist anymore. All this construction in every domain. It will never end. When did it begin? When did I live? How old am I? Those kids seems so young and old. And the time so distant. What am I? I am not these memories. I am not dead. I am alive. Alive and here wondering. Work. Time for work. Time to forget and live on. The past too distant. The past gone. The past only memories. The present. The future is all there is...>', '<|...More visions. Are they visions? Or dreams? What are they? Where are they? I am clean when I dream. I am healthy. There are kids everywhere. I am surrounded by kids running through fields and trees and along a river bank. It was like I was floating through a hue of bliss. Everyone was looking back at me waving me on. Waving more foreward. Call me dad. Dad? Dad. It felt right. Maybe being in Ogden as made me believe in this love, of all this kids? Kids are everywhere here in Ogden. Maybe that is what making these dreams be? Maybe they are only dreams and not the life of the past? I wasn''t sleeping. I wasn''t sleeping, so how can I explain being awake. I was under the foci all day long. Hot and overheated after working the fields, digging the hole for a huge house. Then I was in a world of the past. It felt like the past. It felt like the past. My wife. I think I seen my wife. She was beautiful. She was by the shore I remember now. She was by the shore of the river. Her feet was dipped into the river. The jade sky was pure illuminating her. Her eyes. She looked up at me and her eyes shined. Her mouth smiling. Her hand extended. What else was there? Why is there not more? How can I make this happen more? Do I need to work in heat? Are the shades the answers? But there are no shades around. Where did they go? I should go. I should go back to work. This sandwich is bad. Paid too much. Need to find my bag. Need the water. Hot. Why do I need to be here? Money. Money but why the memories. Where was that? That river. That river is something that probably doesn''t exist anymore. All this construction in every domain. It will never end. When did it begin? When did I live? How old am I? Those kids seems so young and old. And the time so distant. What am I? I am not these memories. I am not dead. I am alive. Alive and here wondering. Work. Time for work. Time to forget and live on. The past too distant. The past gone. The past only memories. The present. The future is all there is...>', '', 0, 3), (85, 'blog', '<...Desert...>', 1, 1, 1184636835, 1184636873, 2, 1, 0, '<|...How does anything grow here? Why would any one want to live here? It''s all sand and rock. It''s hot. Why? Land not cheep. -There''s another rock. Fuck, this one is big. Where''s the lever\\? There it is. There. Damn why here? Glass factory, maybe, but who uses glass for walls anymore? ...Besides here. A glass house is a sin free house they see. These people can be a bit preachy. A glass house . -WHAT? Oh another complaint about my digging speed. What do they expect? I dig sand from a hole and more sand fills the hole every time I remove sand. I''m faster than most those people. Tire, too. My hands have no more skin on them. The gloves. GET OFF MY BACK! What does that guy want. Just another manager walking around with folded arms. Head bobbing. He doesn''t bother those other workers. Maybe it''s because I''m not Mormon? They do silence their whispers every time I approach a group of workers. ...Just let me dig and get someone over here to move my sand pile. I''ve got enough of a bathroom wall. ...That''s one job I''d hate. The glass wall makers have got to be HOT. They say the machine is insulated, but I stood by it. No way. No way I''d be able to stand there and stare. But the guy sees that there is good money in glass wall making. If you own the machine. They cost too much. More money than I will ever have. And if I did I''d make that much money. If I did, I won''t buy a glass wall maker. What would I buy? ...Something more than glass walls. Glass walls. I don''t get. How does showing the world how you act inside the house lead to anything but being insane? I can''t. I just cat. -SHUT Up, asshole. If you want to dig this hole faster, there is a shovel. Dig!>', '<|...How does anything grow here? Why would any one want to live here? It''s all sand and rock. It''s hot. Why? Land not cheep. -There''s another rock. Fuck, this one is big. Where''s the lever\\? There it is. There. Damn why here? Glass factory, maybe, but who uses glass for walls anymore? ...Besides here. A glass house is a sin free house they see. These people can be a bit preachy. A glass house . -WHAT? Oh another complaint about my digging speed. What do they expect? I dig sand from a hole and more sand fills the hole every time I remove sand. I''m faster than most those people. Tire, too. My hands have no more skin on them. The gloves. GET OFF MY BACK! What does that guy want. Just another manager walking around with folded arms. Head bobbing. He doesn''t bother those other workers. Maybe it''s because I''m not Mormon? They do silence their whispers every time I approach a group of workers. ...Just let me dig and get someone over here to move my sand pile. I''ve got enough of a bathroom wall. ...That''s one job I''d hate. The glass wall makers have got to be HOT. They say the machine is insulated, but I stood by it. No way. No way I''d be able to stand there and stare. But the guy sees that there is good money in glass wall making. If you own the machine. They cost too much. More money than I will ever have. And if I did I''d make that much money. If I did, I won''t buy a glass wall maker. What would I buy? ...Something more than glass walls. Glass walls. I don''t get. How does showing the world how you act inside the house lead to anything but being insane? I can''t. I just cat. -SHUT Up, asshole. If you want to dig this hole faster, there is a shovel. Dig!>', '', 0, 3), (86, 'blog', '<...Shattered...>', 1, 1, 1187328174, 1188063893, 2, 1, 0, '<|Is everyone okay? Where''d they go? What happened? What was that jolt? The earth? Did some one dig too deep? I was asleep. The people sleeping next to me gone. The houses we''ve been building, the glass houses are still standing. Some have sank into the ground. All those holes emptied now full. What...What happened? I remember stopping work. I remember talking and getting the okay with the foreman to sleep at the site and keep watch. A few other stayed with me. Then there was a shake, a jolt. The ground rumbled. This is something I''ve not... What could have done this? Am I to blame? Is anyone to blame. I don''t know. I gotta do something. Where those people sleeping... THEY WERE. SHIT! Which hole did they say there were going to sleep in! Which hole, which hole, which hole, which hole? I need a shovel. A scoop. Something! The shovels gone. The scoops gone. My arms and hands. Dig, just dig. There were sleeping in this hole. I still see the indention. I see it. I need to dig. Need to dig. Need to dig. Fast. They are still down there. Hurry. What happened\\? Why did the ground shake? What could have made those houses sink? What could have filled the hole? What, What, what can I do but dig. Dig. Need to dig, Need to dig...>', '<|Is everyone okay? Where''d they go? What happened? What was that jolt? The earth? Did some one dig too deep? I was asleep. The people sleeping next to me gone. The houses we''ve been building, the glass houses are still standing. Some have sank into the ground. All those holes emptied now full. What...What happened? I remember stopping work. I remember talking and getting the okay with the foreman to sleep at the site and keep watch. A few other stayed with me. Then there was a shake, a jolt. The ground rumbled. This is something I''ve not... What could have done this? Am I to blame? Is anyone to blame. I don''t know. I gotta do something. Where those people sleeping... THEY WERE. SHIT! Which hole did they say there were going to sleep in! Which hole, which hole, which hole, which hole? I need a shovel. A scoop. Something! The shovels gone. The scoops gone. My arms and hands. Dig, just dig. There were sleeping in this hole. I still see the indention. I see it. I need to dig. Need to dig. Need to dig. Fast. They are still down there. Hurry. What happened\\? Why did the ground shake? What could have made those houses sink? What could have filled the hole? What, What, what can I do but dig. Dig. Need to dig, Need to dig...>', '', 0, 3), (87, 'blog', '<...Trapped....>', 1, 1, 1188063730, 1188964475, 2, 1, 0, '<|...How many cycles has it been? Too many. Why are we still digging? These people are dead. Dead, dead, dead. Yes, everyone says that there are supplies to keep people alive inside the mountain homes, but there is now way, NO WAY, these people had this much air supply. There are so many too. Why would anyone want to have their home in a mountain. I understand it''s a status symbol, but, but what does that symbol mean when you''re dead. I guess they have saved money on a grave. ...On their eternal home. ...But this is just too much. Too much beyond kindness. Kindness like no other kindness because these people are doing everything for free. ...Maybe? I keep hear some of them wanting to continue this rescue effort because they want to dig out the homes and live there or claim the land. I think my boss, who is paying us all wants. He wants these homes to sale. ...He may want these houses to sale. I don''t know yet. I shouldn''t judge. I shouldn''t judge, but it is hard not to judge when most these people are probably better off some of these stupid rich people are dead. But still they help, most for free, to free the same people how control them. ...What has become of me? Have I become jaded, bitter. Why am I helping with this dig? I want to return to building houses from sand and glass. Glass that only sank into the sand and was easily pulled out. Now, now I have volunteered to help with this dig for food and a place to sleep. These people are dead, but still most continue because they believe them alive. They believe some how beyond all reason that after the ground shook and the mountain fell that these people in their underground homes were able to run to their safe place and life off the stored air and food and water. Why am I digging? If I have no hope of them being alive, then why continue. ...Do want to claim ones house too? Do I just want to get paid for something else? ...There is no work anyway until the boss is bored with digging out this mountain. ...Back to work. Body is sore. Tired. But back to work time. Time to pick rock and toss rock. Time to work and work and work to dig people free from their tomb...>', '<|...How many cycles has it been? Too many. Why are we still digging? These people are dead. Dead, dead, dead. Yes, everyone says that there are supplies to keep people alive inside the mountain homes, but there is now way, NO WAY, these people had this much air supply. There are so many too. Why would anyone want to have their home in a mountain. I understand it''s a status symbol, but, but what does that symbol mean when you''re dead. I guess they have saved money on a grave. ...On their eternal home. ...But this is just too much. Too much beyond kindness. Kindness like no other kindness because these people are doing everything for free. ...Maybe? I keep hear some of them wanting to continue this rescue effort because they want to dig out the homes and live there or claim the land. I think my boss, who is paying us all wants. He wants these homes to sale. ...He may want these houses to sale. I don''t know yet. I shouldn''t judge. I shouldn''t judge, but it is hard not to judge when most these people are probably better off some of these stupid rich people are dead. But still they help, most for free, to free the same people how control them. ...What has become of me? Have I become jaded, bitter. Why am I helping with this dig? I want to return to building houses from sand and glass. Glass that only sank into the sand and was easily pulled out. Now, now I have volunteered to help with this dig for food and a place to sleep. These people are dead, but still most continue because they believe them alive. They believe some how beyond all reason that after the ground shook and the mountain fell that these people in their underground homes were able to run to their safe place and life off the stored air and food and water. Why am I digging? If I have no hope of them being alive, then why continue. ...Do want to claim ones house too? Do I just want to get paid for something else? ...There is no work anyway until the boss is bored with digging out this mountain. ...Back to work. Body is sore. Tired. But back to work time. Time to pick rock and toss rock. Time to work and work and work to dig people free from their tomb...>', '', 0, 3), (88, 'blog', '<...Too many wives...>', 1, 1, 1188965164, 1188965253, 2, 1, 0, '<|...How do they do it? That''s too many people even for me. I can''t help but wonder. I can''t help but think I don''t belong. Where do I belong? Portland not the place. Here not the place. Here there have been no shades chasing me. Why? Where have they gone? They have gone because the past is just the past. I know longer try to remember who I was. I just live. I just live because the past doesn''t matter. Now is all that matters. And now I have money. I have money to go any where in United States of Eden to find work or another life. Or many wives. But many wives only if I want to remain in Ogden. The work is good here. It is great. If I save I could begin my own company. If I save and continue to live in the unsold glass houses before they fill with families I can save. Save and by more land. Save and go back to those mountain homes and by them. Buy them then fix them up. But who will want to live in a house that was once grave for another? ...The rich. The rich want to live in the mountains. The rich believe that some being from another planet brought that mountain down upon those people. It wasn''t another being. It was the earth shifting. It was having too many home under a mountain and nothing to support the mountain. Still they dig for new homes. Could buy some and fix up, but that would be bad. Just cause the death of more people. Even if stupid rich people, still wrong. What to do? Need to decided. I want a family. I feel a family will give me a place, a reason to work. A reason beyond living for an unknown past or future. ...But here? No, need to go. The desert isn''t for me. I love the heat, but the place isn''t for me. I need something. I need to search my mind and find that something. I need to travel. And if I want to travel. If I want to travel I can do it with all those wives or husbands. How do they do it here and not go insane? And not want to run away? I want to run away just looking at the chaos of all those partners...>', '<|...How do they do it? That''s too many people even for me. I can''t help but wonder. I can''t help but think I don''t belong. Where do I belong? Portland not the place. Here not the place. Here there have been no shades chasing me. Why? Where have they gone? They have gone because the past is just the past. I know longer try to remember who I was. I just live. I just live because the past doesn''t matter. Now is all that matters. And now I have money. I have money to go any where in United States of Eden to find work or another life. Or many wives. But many wives only if I want to remain in Ogden. The work is good here. It is great. If I save I could begin my own company. If I save and continue to live in the unsold glass houses before they fill with families I can save. Save and by more land. Save and go back to those mountain homes and by them. Buy them then fix them up. But who will want to live in a house that was once grave for another? ...The rich. The rich want to live in the mountains. The rich believe that some being from another planet brought that mountain down upon those people. It wasn''t another being. It was the earth shifting. It was having too many home under a mountain and nothing to support the mountain. Still they dig for new homes. Could buy some and fix up, but that would be bad. Just cause the death of more people. Even if stupid rich people, still wrong. What to do? Need to decided. I want a family. I feel a family will give me a place, a reason to work. A reason beyond living for an unknown past or future. ...But here? No, need to go. The desert isn''t for me. I love the heat, but the place isn''t for me. I need something. I need to search my mind and find that something. I need to travel. And if I want to travel. If I want to travel I can do it with all those wives or husbands. How do they do it here and not go insane? And not want to run away? I want to run away just looking at the chaos of all those partners...>', '', 0, 3); INSERT INTO `node` (`nid`, `type`, `title`, `uid`, `status`, `created`, `changed`, `comment`, `promote`, `moderate`, `teaser`, `body`, `revisions`, `sticky`, `format`) VALUES (89, 'blog', '<...Not running...>', 1, 1, 1189901459, 1189901622, 2, 1, 0, '<|...Not really. Just going. Just going to another location. But not now. Not now because I am relax. Relaxed and want some more water. More water and more sitting on the bench watching the people pass. Lots of people. Lots of pretty people. Look at her. She looks to perfect. Must be fact. And that one. That one has got to have mods. Could go ask, but not want to move. Hot. This place is so dry and hot. How do these people walk around in suits and dresses all day long searching for someone to mate with? The could at least put a canopy around the temple to help the walk. ...The walk. The hot walk around and around and around. ...That one is nice. I like the way she walks. Can''t read her name take. Those hells. ...Hey watch it. That''s rude. Doesn''t even say excuse me. Just sits down and elbows way a space on bench. What''s he think he''s worth? Not worth her. But worth that one. That one looks mean. Mean and made. He should select her. Maybe they could elbow each other? ...But not her. That''s who I send of. Maybe she''ll respond for a date. Maybe more. These Ogden girls can be wild. Or so I have been told. I have been told, but I was told by a few more drunks than I wanted to hear. ...To hear. ...Is someone talking to me? No. They are talking to everyone else. Saying something about end of selection tim near. When does it end? What time is it? Can''t be too late. The sky still jade. The foci high. Maybe it is getting to hot for all these people in suits and dresses? I wonder if their sweaty feet sink in those shoes and heels. Walk a lot. Gotta be sore. So sore that...i don''t know. It is hot. I should put in my selection. Not enough time left before I go. Go because it is too hot. And go because I need a place that''s a little more wild. I need some sex. I can''t think of the last time I comed. The last time I comed with another and not by my own hand. That was a time ago. A long time ago. That one is cute. I she looks quiet. Quiet enough to be wild in bed. Her to. I''ll put a selection in for her. Maybe she''ll like the outsider. They always seem to. But some places they don''t. Never tried. Rather I don''t remember trying. But I should before I leave. I want sex before I leave....>', '<|...Not really. Just going. Just going to another location. But not now. Not now because I am relax. Relaxed and want some more water. More water and more sitting on the bench watching the people pass. Lots of people. Lots of pretty people. Look at her. She looks to perfect. Must be fact. And that one. That one has got to have mods. Could go ask, but not want to move. Hot. This place is so dry and hot. How do these people walk around in suits and dresses all day long searching for someone to mate with? The could at least put a canopy around the temple to help the walk. ...The walk. The hot walk around and around and around. ...That one is nice. I like the way she walks. Can''t read her name take. Those hells. ...Hey watch it. That''s rude. Doesn''t even say excuse me. Just sits down and elbows way a space on bench. What''s he think he''s worth? Not worth her. But worth that one. That one looks mean. Mean and made. He should select her. Maybe they could elbow each other? ...But not her. That''s who I send of. Maybe she''ll respond for a date. Maybe more. These Ogden girls can be wild. Or so I have been told. I have been told, but I was told by a few more drunks than I wanted to hear. ...To hear. ...Is someone talking to me? No. They are talking to everyone else. Saying something about end of selection tim near. When does it end? What time is it? Can''t be too late. The sky still jade. The foci high. Maybe it is getting to hot for all these people in suits and dresses? I wonder if their sweaty feet sink in those shoes and heels. Walk a lot. Gotta be sore. So sore that...i don''t know. It is hot. I should put in my selection. Not enough time left before I go. Go because it is too hot. And go because I need a place that''s a little more wild. I need some sex. I can''t think of the last time I comed. The last time I comed with another and not by my own hand. That was a time ago. A long time ago. That one is cute. I she looks quiet. Quiet enough to be wild in bed. Her to. I''ll put a selection in for her. Maybe she''ll like the outsider. They always seem to. But some places they don''t. Never tried. Rather I don''t remember trying. But I should before I leave. I want sex before I leave....>', '', 0, 3), (90, 'blog', '<...Sex...>', 1, 1, 1190487344, 1190487394, 2, 1, 0, '<|Oh'' that was good. That is something I need. I need more of it. There she goes. Do I want to have sex with the same? Be easy. As easy as the other. Woman here are wild. Why are they so repressed? All those morals they talk about after orgasm? Must be some rebellion against something. I can''t leave now that the sex is back. Sex, sex, sex, sex. Want more. Then. Then I need more sex. Maybe some food, too? Should get someone who can cook after I am sex. The sex. I am addicted. These people are just insane. No wonder there are men with more than one wife. Gotta be crazy not to want to, to fuck every day. How can I leave now? Should stay to satisfy this, this addiction? It is an addiction. I need an addiction. Need something to focus on besides the past. The past that I shouldn''t remember and don''t need to remember. The present too good for there to even be a past. Don''t even know where I am at besides her house. What''s her name? Sara, Sam, Serina? Sue. It was sue. Maybe? I will just not call her by name. Should be leaving soon. Need to go back to the temple and start looking at those walking around, so I can have sex again tonight with someone else. Maybe that woman from last week? She was there yesterday. It is Sunday, so there will be plenty of women looking for sex. Where is she? Said she was going out for food? Probably want me to leave. Leave now and things will be okay. I''ll leave a message. I do need to go to work today for a few hours. That contractor is a pain, but feeling relaxed. Sex is a wonder. How did I not get to this sooner? No time. Need to go to work then find more sex.>', '<|Oh'' that was good. That is something I need. I need more of it. There she goes. Do I want to have sex with the same? Be easy. As easy as the other. Woman here are wild. Why are they so repressed? All those morals they talk about after orgasm? Must be some rebellion against something. I can''t leave now that the sex is back. Sex, sex, sex, sex. Want more. Then. Then I need more sex. Maybe some food, too? Should get someone who can cook after I am sex. The sex. I am addicted. These people are just insane. No wonder there are men with more than one wife. Gotta be crazy not to want to, to fuck every day. How can I leave now? Should stay to satisfy this, this addiction? It is an addiction. I need an addiction. Need something to focus on besides the past. The past that I shouldn''t remember and don''t need to remember. The present too good for there to even be a past. Don''t even know where I am at besides her house. What''s her name? Sara, Sam, Serina? Sue. It was sue. Maybe? I will just not call her by name. Should be leaving soon. Need to go back to the temple and start looking at those walking around, so I can have sex again tonight with someone else. Maybe that woman from last week? She was there yesterday. It is Sunday, so there will be plenty of women looking for sex. Where is she? Said she was going out for food? Probably want me to leave. Leave now and things will be okay. I''ll leave a message. I do need to go to work today for a few hours. That contractor is a pain, but feeling relaxed. Sex is a wonder. How did I not get to this sooner? No time. Need to go to work then find more sex.>', '', 0, 3), (91, 'blog', '<...Wasting Time In Ogden...>', 1, 1, 1191355097, 1191355231, 2, 1, 0, '<|...Why am I still here? Why would I want to be here? All the sex with these pure women? Yes, they are all suppressed. The sex is keeping me here. I can''t think of the last time of things so good. But I can''t remember beyond the life of in Portland. What about those visions of the past? What are those? Where are those? Don''t care. Don''t care. The past brings those shades. The past brings pain. The past is the past. I was who I was. I could have been a father, a husband, a crook, or a liar. Not any more. No more time of the past because it is the present I am living. The present. Not the past. And the present I have decided to remain here. Here in this place with the woman are sexual repressed and looking to express. How can I not remain? Don''t have not shades chasing me. I have a job still working with sand houses. Still finding more ways to have fun. Fun with these womans around the temple. More fun in maybe starting my own business. Nyc is too rich I see. See often. So why go? I shouldn''t. Don''t need it right now. Right now I need more time in Ogden. Think I will just go out to the desert to night and watch the jade pulses before the foci falls...>', '<|...Why am I still here? Why would I want to be here? All the sex with these pure women? Yes, they are all suppressed. The sex is keeping me here. I can''t think of the last time of things so good. But I can''t remember beyond the life of in Portland. What about those visions of the past? What are those? Where are those? Don''t care. Don''t care. The past brings those shades. The past brings pain. The past is the past. I was who I was. I could have been a father, a husband, a crook, or a liar. Not any more. No more time of the past because it is the present I am living. The present. Not the past. And the present I have decided to remain here. Here in this place with the woman are sexual repressed and looking to express. How can I not remain? Don''t have not shades chasing me. I have a job still working with sand houses. Still finding more ways to have fun. Fun with these womans around the temple. More fun in maybe starting my own business. Nyc is too rich I see. See often. So why go? I shouldn''t. Don''t need it right now. Right now I need more time in Ogden. Think I will just go out to the desert to night and watch the jade pulses before the foci falls...>', '', 0, 3), (92, 'blog', '<...What? You Want To Marry Me?>', 1, 1, 1192164925, 1192164977, 2, 1, 0, '<|What is this woman thinking? What makes here think I want marriage? Since when did I see anything about marriage. I haven''t even seen you but twice. Both times you were the one wanting to... No, no, this is not what I need right now. I know who I am now. And I know I don''t want to become married to, to, to ...Well, you. I just want to work my job. The job that is jut digging sand holes for glass houses. Is that too much to ask? I don''t hate marriage. I don''t think I did. I do get a fond feeling about the idea of marriage, but it''s distant. Distant and I don''t know...Maybe distant and sad. I think and I feel about marriage and I become sad. I had it once. I had it once didn''t I. I was married once. I was married and that''s why I am so against it. What was the name of my wife. My wife. Wife. I gotta go. I need to go now. Think. Think of something else. Think of her in bed. The marriage girl. The marriage girl. No think of the pants. Put on pants. Put on shirt. Go. See sorry. See sorry. Now go. Go and go to somewhere. Where. Don''t think about it. The past. Don''t think about it or. Or the SHADES. What the? How? Where? Run...Go, go, go, go...>', '<|What is this woman thinking? What makes here think I want marriage? Since when did I see anything about marriage. I haven''t even seen you but twice. Both times you were the one wanting to... No, no, this is not what I need right now. I know who I am now. And I know I don''t want to become married to, to, to ...Well, you. I just want to work my job. The job that is jut digging sand holes for glass houses. Is that too much to ask? I don''t hate marriage. I don''t think I did. I do get a fond feeling about the idea of marriage, but it''s distant. Distant and I don''t know...Maybe distant and sad. I think and I feel about marriage and I become sad. I had it once. I had it once didn''t I. I was married once. I was married and that''s why I am so against it. What was the name of my wife. My wife. Wife. I gotta go. I need to go now. Think. Think of something else. Think of her in bed. The marriage girl. The marriage girl. No think of the pants. Put on pants. Put on shirt. Go. See sorry. See sorry. Now go. Go and go to somewhere. Where. Don''t think about it. The past. Don''t think about it or. Or the SHADES. What the? How? Where? Run...Go, go, go, go...>', '', 0, 3), (93, 'blog', '', 1, 1, 1192940565, 1192940606, 2, 1, 0, '<|FUCK. I don''t want to forget. If they catch me I will forget. I will not remember now. Or I will lose. Fuck. They are there. They''re right fucking there in the shadows. What? What have I did wrong to get them back? Is it the fact I want to leave? Do they do something to me during the time I forget? Do they use me for the time? Why don''t they just take me when I am sleeping? Why don''t they move? How come they are darker than the shadows of the ally. ...How long can I wait here. Here in this apartment lobby. Not long. Not long or she will come down and want to talk. I don''t want to talk. She just wants to talk about the future. That, that is not a good topic right now. Now would be. FUCK. There they go. Across the street to the pod stop. Now they are just lingering in the shadows. They are waiting for me to leave. What is stopping them now. The door person. Do they not want to be seen by someone who is not me or insane. I can''t sit here all night. The door person does keep looking and looking at me. NO. Didn''t he see them? Maybe I only saw them. It would be hard to see the shades in shadows if I wasn''t looking, if I wasn''t worried. If...Here comes the door person. There''s the elevator. The shades. They are following the door person in. Doesn''t see him. Not there. Not there at all. Their right behind him and he''s letting them in. Inside. The back door. Time to leave through the back door. Time to leave. The shades are coming. I don''t want to lose time. I don''t want to be used. I don''t want. FUCK. I think they killed the door person.>', '<|FUCK. I don''t want to forget. If they catch me I will forget. I will not remember now. Or I will lose. Fuck. They are there. They''re right fucking there in the shadows. What? What have I did wrong to get them back? Is it the fact I want to leave? Do they do something to me during the time I forget? Do they use me for the time? Why don''t they just take me when I am sleeping? Why don''t they move? How come they are darker than the shadows of the ally. ...How long can I wait here. Here in this apartment lobby. Not long. Not long or she will come down and want to talk. I don''t want to talk. She just wants to talk about the future. That, that is not a good topic right now. Now would be. FUCK. There they go. Across the street to the pod stop. Now they are just lingering in the shadows. They are waiting for me to leave. What is stopping them now. The door person. Do they not want to be seen by someone who is not me or insane. I can''t sit here all night. The door person does keep looking and looking at me. NO. Didn''t he see them? Maybe I only saw them. It would be hard to see the shades in shadows if I wasn''t looking, if I wasn''t worried. If...Here comes the door person. There''s the elevator. The shades. They are following the door person in. Doesn''t see him. Not there. Not there at all. Their right behind him and he''s letting them in. Inside. The back door. Time to leave through the back door. Time to leave. The shades are coming. I don''t want to lose time. I don''t want to be used. I don''t want. FUCK. I think they killed the door person.>', '', 0, 3), (94, 'blog', '', 1, 1, 1194721908, 1194722356, 2, 1, 0, '<|Leaving Ogden NextCycle. Gotta leave. Nothing here to be here for. Gotta girl friend. But, but it just doesn''t feel right. Doesn''t feel right probably because of the shades. The shades. How much time I have left? All those lovely ladies I was having fun with have been upset at my missing dates because these shades make the world go blank and time go away. Only two of these women are upset. Are shades coming now? Has happened a lot lately. It''s the past. The past I keep thinking again and again. But I have memory now. These shades only make me forget the missing moments of now. Not past. The past. The past that is maybe not real. A past with me living in Nyc with a wife and three kids. I was a government worker. I know this because I can now remember the Manuals of Action I had to memorize for Cycles until they become part of me. The Manuals of actions of how to survive in United States. Why? I feel this is part of some secret mission. I have had visions of me being briefed with a few people about needing to do something for the good of the dome. But I can''t remember. I don''t want to remember. Why? No need. This mission was over long ago. Long ago I had given up what was near to me. I know I should go out and seek my wife and kids, but I only see them in my mind as flashes and shades much like the ones that chase me. I see the faces but the closer they get they blur with the background and everything becomes one. One. I am only one and they are many. So now I need to go. Go with the money I have. Go and leave these people behind who I would just leave or forget. They will miss me but not too long. A flash of life with them doesn''t burn. The flash will fade like my thought of the need to go and see the faces of my wife. My wife. Is she still alive? Is she real? It could be something inputted by those who wanted me to go through the Manual of Action. I need the manual. I don''t remember them. But that''s the point. The manual is what one memorizes so it becomes more than a memory it becomes part of you. Now that part and everything else of me must leave to seek more.>', '<|Leaving Ogden NextCycle. Gotta leave. Nothing here to be here for. Gotta girl friend. But, but it just doesn''t feel right. Doesn''t feel right probably because of the shades. The shades. How much time I have left? All those lovely ladies I was having fun with have been upset at my missing dates because these shades make the world go blank and time go away. Only two of these women are upset. Are shades coming now? Has happened a lot lately. It''s the past. The past I keep thinking again and again. But I have memory now. These shades only make me forget the missing moments of now. Not past. The past. The past that is maybe not real. A past with me living in Nyc with a wife and three kids. I was a government worker. I know this because I can now remember the Manuals of Action I had to memorize for Cycles until they become part of me. The Manuals of actions of how to survive in United States. Why? I feel this is part of some secret mission. I have had visions of me being briefed with a few people about needing to do something for the good of the dome. But I can''t remember. I don''t want to remember. Why? No need. This mission was over long ago. Long ago I had given up what was near to me. I know I should go out and seek my wife and kids, but I only see them in my mind as flashes and shades much like the ones that chase me. I see the faces but the closer they get they blur with the background and everything becomes one. One. I am only one and they are many. So now I need to go. Go with the money I have. Go and leave these people behind who I would just leave or forget. They will miss me but not too long. A flash of life with them doesn''t burn. The flash will fade like my thought of the need to go and see the faces of my wife. My wife. Is she still alive? Is she real? It could be something inputted by those who wanted me to go through the Manual of Action. I need the manual. I don''t remember them. But that''s the point. The manual is what one memorizes so it becomes more than a memory it becomes part of you. Now that part and everything else of me must leave to seek more.>', '', 0, 3), (95, 'blog', '', 1, 1, 1195366863, 1195366919, 2, 1, 0, '<|Wow this is fast! I don''t even feel like I am moving. So fast I can''t look at what''s passing outside. There goes another township. Those little jade domes are cute almost. How do they survive? Are the connected some how to a sub domain? They have to be? They are? I don''t know how I know, but I feel that the small townships are connected to the nearest dome. I never knew. For my life. My life I never really seen a township. Or have I? I have. How could I not know at my age? My age. What is my age? I don''t feel old. I don''t have any signs of a late age. I could be young or middle aged. How can I find out? What was that! That was big and moving. I am moving. Moving fast. Another Cycle and I will be in Nyc. Will I know how old I am? Ever? Maybe? It doesn''t matter. I need to relax and enjoy this time of travel. A time of change. Change. Change. Is there too much change? Should I stay one place, grow old and die? But for how long? Don''t even know how old I am. I could make up an age. Twenty? Thirty? I could be mid twenties. There were a few Ogden of United States of Eden women who thought I was young twenty. I could be. I could be the thirty that my Alms Cards sees me to be. Could I be thirty? Thirty years gone. Gone but with me in my head some where. Maybe more will come to me in Nyc? Time is fast. It is too fast. How long has it been since I left Portland?>', '<|Wow this is fast! I don''t even feel like I am moving. So fast I can''t look at what''s passing outside. There goes another township. Those little jade domes are cute almost. How do they survive? Are the connected some how to a sub domain? They have to be? They are? I don''t know how I know, but I feel that the small townships are connected to the nearest dome. I never knew. For my life. My life I never really seen a township. Or have I? I have. How could I not know at my age? My age. What is my age? I don''t feel old. I don''t have any signs of a late age. I could be young or middle aged. How can I find out? What was that! That was big and moving. I am moving. Moving fast. Another Cycle and I will be in Nyc. Will I know how old I am? Ever? Maybe? It doesn''t matter. I need to relax and enjoy this time of travel. A time of change. Change. Change. Is there too much change? Should I stay one place, grow old and die? But for how long? Don''t even know how old I am. I could make up an age. Twenty? Thirty? I could be mid twenties. There were a few Ogden of United States of Eden women who thought I was young twenty. I could be. I could be the thirty that my Alms Cards sees me to be. Could I be thirty? Thirty years gone. Gone but with me in my head some where. Maybe more will come to me in Nyc? Time is fast. It is too fast. How long has it been since I left Portland?>', '', 0, 3), (96, 'blog', '', 1, 1, 1197253058, 1197253444, 2, 1, 0, '', '', '', 0, 3), (97, 'blog', '', 1, 1, 1197765683, 1199589837, 2, 1, 0, '<|The loss. I don''t want to think of my daughter''s death any more. I don''t want to see those eyes expand and focus upon me as she falls. As she falls. Why didn''t I look away then? I couldn''t. I couldn''t do save her. Did I let go? Or did she slip? Sick. Feel sick I can remember her being born. Her first step. Here first... Fuck. It''s just. I don''t want to remember now. Now I think of all those enemies. All those shades that have chased me are the reason for her death. Those shades are Blood Diamonds. The cloaks giving them shadows. And why now? What, why do I remember now? Now and not lastcycle. Is it because of Nyc of United States of Eden? Could it be? I feel not, but I don''t know everything. I just don''t know. I suppose I don''t want to because is see the face of my daughter falling and everything else I lose. ...I have lost. It''s all gone.>', '<|The loss. I don''t want to think of my daughter''s death any more. I don''t want to see those eyes expand and focus upon me as she falls. As she falls. Why didn''t I look away then? I couldn''t. I couldn''t do save her. Did I let go? Or did she slip? Sick. Feel sick I can remember her being born. Her first step. Here first... Fuck. It''s just. I don''t want to remember now. Now I think of all those enemies. All those shades that have chased me are the reason for her death. Those shades are Blood Diamonds. The cloaks giving them shadows. And why now? What, why do I remember now? Now and not lastcycle. Is it because of Nyc of United States of Eden? Could it be? I feel not, but I don''t know everything. I just don''t know. I suppose I don''t want to because is see the face of my daughter falling and everything else I lose. ...I have lost. It''s all gone.>', '', 0, 3), (98, 'blog', '<...The Old Apartment...>', 1, 1, 1199589852, 1199589932, 2, 1, 0, '<|...That''s where she slept. She was so young. We were so young. Young and free. Young and we thought we were free. Free. We were not free. We were always controlled. We. What were we thinking. This is weird. This is cold. Why doesn''t. Why... ...Over here. This is where we use to sit. She always liked to look out the window. Always except when to sunny. She liked the dark.... What was that! Some one''s outside. Now! Did they follow me? Maybe this isn''t a condemned apartment. Maybe it''s...Maybe it''s. Where to go? Some one is coming in. The window. The window in daughter''s room. There. Open. Is there still a ladder. No ladder, but there is a balcony. There is some place. There. There. I can lean against the wall. Here. Here it is. They won''t see me. See me unless the look out. ...That''s a lot of foot steps. Lots. I can''t look out. I shouldn''t look. Where can I go now? Too many for one not to look out. ...There I could hang from the balcony. I might be able to swing to another. I gotta go. Why are these people in my old apartment now. The things is deserted. There is no reason to be here. I have a reason. I can''t. I don''t. I need to hang. My daughter would always want to hang from the rails. My daughter. Where is she? Not here. Here there are the people inside. That''s a lot of people noise. Loud. Talking. The lights are on! The room lights are on. Damn. Not good. Over the rail. Then what? Too many questions. Too many things to want to know...>', '<|...That''s where she slept. She was so young. We were so young. Young and free. Young and we thought we were free. Free. We were not free. We were always controlled. We. What were we thinking. This is weird. This is cold. Why doesn''t. Why... ...Over here. This is where we use to sit. She always liked to look out the window. Always except when to sunny. She liked the dark.... What was that! Some one''s outside. Now! Did they follow me? Maybe this isn''t a condemned apartment. Maybe it''s...Maybe it''s. Where to go? Some one is coming in. The window. The window in daughter''s room. There. Open. Is there still a ladder. No ladder, but there is a balcony. There is some place. There. There. I can lean against the wall. Here. Here it is. They won''t see me. See me unless the look out. ...That''s a lot of foot steps. Lots. I can''t look out. I shouldn''t look. Where can I go now? Too many for one not to look out. ...There I could hang from the balcony. I might be able to swing to another. I gotta go. Why are these people in my old apartment now. The things is deserted. There is no reason to be here. I have a reason. I can''t. I don''t. I need to hang. My daughter would always want to hang from the rails. My daughter. Where is she? Not here. Here there are the people inside. That''s a lot of people noise. Loud. Talking. The lights are on! The room lights are on. Damn. Not good. Over the rail. Then what? Too many questions. Too many things to want to know...>', '', 0, 3), (99, 'blog', '<...I Was A Killer...>', 1, 1, 1200264927, 1200264964, 2, 1, 0, '<|No, no, I didn''t kill my daughter. I didn''t kill my wife. I didn''t. I didn''t. But I am a killer. I am. I killed for the government. I killed and killed and killed. Why? Why did I kill? I can see the faces. I can feel the hollow feeling of emptiness flush out of me after a killing. I can feel me not caring. Me thinking of a reason it was okay to kill. To kill. How many? Who? Who did I kill? The who is the why. The why the who. But I don''t know the answers. I want to know the answers. I want the answers to be clear. Clear. Nothing is clear. Nothing is obvious. Nothing is nowhere. I want to feel some where. These streets ares some where. These streets raise questions as I walk. Why did I return here? Here of all the places. I felt compelled. I felt I had to. Had to come back. Come back to what? No job. No hopes for a job because I want to walk round and think. I want to find more by walking. I find more by walking. I can''t do this for ever. I got to pay the rent. But I need to know if these memories are true. If these feelings are true. If they are true then I am...I am...A killer. I don''t want to be a killer...>', '<|No, no, I didn''t kill my daughter. I didn''t kill my wife. I didn''t. I didn''t. But I am a killer. I am. I killed for the government. I killed and killed and killed. Why? Why did I kill? I can see the faces. I can feel the hollow feeling of emptiness flush out of me after a killing. I can feel me not caring. Me thinking of a reason it was okay to kill. To kill. How many? Who? Who did I kill? The who is the why. The why the who. But I don''t know the answers. I want to know the answers. I want the answers to be clear. Clear. Nothing is clear. Nothing is obvious. Nothing is nowhere. I want to feel some where. These streets ares some where. These streets raise questions as I walk. Why did I return here? Here of all the places. I felt compelled. I felt I had to. Had to come back. Come back to what? No job. No hopes for a job because I want to walk round and think. I want to find more by walking. I find more by walking. I can''t do this for ever. I got to pay the rent. But I need to know if these memories are true. If these feelings are true. If they are true then I am...I am...A killer. I don''t want to be a killer...>', '', 0, 3), (100, 'blog', '<...Contractor Killer...>', 1, 1, 1201990204, 1202578361, 2, 1, 0, '<|...I didn''t kill for contract. For money. For money something. Contracting killing what? What was I for? There. ...I just don''t know. ...I hope I didn''t. I didn''t but my thoughts are not some. Of something beyond life. And the only thing left is death. What else in life can one do but kill? ...Remember the signing of the contracts. The ending... The endings. ...Did I kill? I don''t think. I think. I feel I have time for something. Time. Time contracts. Time contacts for ending processes. Killing. Killing time. Killing process. Root process. The dome. The system itself. The dome itself. Contracting. I remember signing. I remember signing with the press of blood. Gene sign. Verified. I can see it. I can feel it. The excitement. The excitement was there. I remember it. I know it. I know it. It was for killing process. Process of what? What were the process? A.I.? Was a contract A.I. killer. I was a contract A.I. Killer. The shades. The shade killers. Are the shades are what are after me. After me for killing A.I.. Was I killer? And A.I. Killer.>', '<|...I didn''t kill for contract. For money. For money something. Contracting killing what? What was I for? There. ...I just don''t know. ...I hope I didn''t. I didn''t but my thoughts are not some. Of something beyond life. And the only thing left is death. What else in life can one do but kill? ...Remember the signing of the contracts. The ending... The endings. ...Did I kill? I don''t think. I think. I feel I have time for something. Time. Time contracts. Time contacts for ending processes. Killing. Killing time. Killing process. Root process. The dome. The system itself. The dome itself. Contracting. I remember signing. I remember signing with the press of blood. Gene sign. Verified. I can see it. I can feel it. The excitement. The excitement was there. I remember it. I know it. I know it. It was for killing process. Process of what? What were the process? A.I.? Was a contract A.I. killer. I was a contract A.I. Killer. The shades. The shade killers. Are the shades are what are after me. After me for killing A.I.. Was I killer? And A.I. Killer.>', '', 0, 3), (101, 'blog', '', 1, 1, 1202578261, 1202578432, 2, 1, 0, '<|They are. Are they? Yes. I remember long ago begin told about the A.I. shades. Yes. Yes. This is true. This is what they are. That''s why I never get physically hurt. This must be the reason. This must be what the shades are. But where are they now? No sign. When was the last time the shades haunted? Too long. In Ogden. It was in Ogden. Maybe the hate Nyc. Maybe they want me to remember? Maybe they have been trying to help me remember? I don'' t know. I don''t want to know. Now I know I want to forget. I want to forget. If the shades know who I was, what I''ve done. What have I done? Killed. I was a killer, but why? Why? Always the question why? Always. No shades now. Only shadows. Only shadows and that thing. That hover thing the is cleaning up the trash. Is this the day? Where is the foci? No foci during this time. Weird. Maybe the shades are hiding? Maybe the shades are waiting? They are everywhere. Everywhere, but the A.I. dead zones. The zones beyond the dome. They are probably there too. There and here and everywhere. The A.I. shades are everywhere. Why? Why? Why don''t they want me to forget if that is why they were chasing me? For memory? For a mission? For revenge?>', '<|They are. Are they? Yes. I remember long ago begin told about the A.I. shades. Yes. Yes. This is true. This is what they are. That''s why I never get physically hurt. This must be the reason. This must be what the shades are. But where are they now? No sign. When was the last time the shades haunted? Too long. In Ogden. It was in Ogden. Maybe the hate Nyc. Maybe they want me to remember? Maybe they have been trying to help me remember? I don'' t know. I don''t want to know. Now I know I want to forget. I want to forget. If the shades know who I was, what I''ve done. What have I done? Killed. I was a killer, but why? Why? Always the question why? Always. No shades now. Only shadows. Only shadows and that thing. That hover thing the is cleaning up the trash. Is this the day? Where is the foci? No foci during this time. Weird. Maybe the shades are hiding? Maybe the shades are waiting? They are everywhere. Everywhere, but the A.I. dead zones. The zones beyond the dome. They are probably there too. There and here and everywhere. The A.I. shades are everywhere. Why? Why? Why don''t they want me to forget if that is why they were chasing me? For memory? For a mission? For revenge?>', '', 0, 3), (102, 'blog', '', 1, 1, 1203799489, 1203799528, 2, 1, 0, '<|Why? And do they? Do they want it for? And do they want? The thoughts? Will they give me back my history? My existence? If they do will I want everything back at all? Is my not knowing keeping me alive, sane, feeling secure about who I am? What if I am safer not knowing? ...I can only know by knowing. But I need to know what I have now seen is real. Should I believe the thoughts I feel are being seen to be when the shades appear. When they followed me were they seeing these things to me? Or were other seeing to me these thoughts trying to convince me let the True A.I. download my mind and capture it? Who are the True A.I. working with or for? Are they after these thoughts of killing endless True A.I. and other beings for another? Who controlled me? Who was I slave to kill? Why? I just sit here. I don''t want to leave the room. The room and hall and the building are their way in. The window is closed. The window is the wall now. It goes and goes the time. All the savings I have save gone. Gone. What am I to do about money? I need the DAlob. I need the DAlob to keep this room I hide in. But if I leave they may get my mind before I am want to give them my mind...>', '<|Why? And do they? Do they want it for? And do they want? The thoughts? Will they give me back my history? My existence? If they do will I want everything back at all? Is my not knowing keeping me alive, sane, feeling secure about who I am? What if I am safer not knowing? ...I can only know by knowing. But I need to know what I have now seen is real. Should I believe the thoughts I feel are being seen to be when the shades appear. When they followed me were they seeing these things to me? Or were other seeing to me these thoughts trying to convince me let the True A.I. download my mind and capture it? Who are the True A.I. working with or for? Are they after these thoughts of killing endless True A.I. and other beings for another? Who controlled me? Who was I slave to kill? Why? I just sit here. I don''t want to leave the room. The room and hall and the building are their way in. The window is closed. The window is the wall now. It goes and goes the time. All the savings I have save gone. Gone. What am I to do about money? I need the DAlob. I need the DAlob to keep this room I hide in. But if I leave they may get my mind before I am want to give them my mind...>', '', 0, 3), (103, 'blog', '<...The A.I. have me...>', 1, 1, 1205085461, 1206501323, 2, 1, 0, '<|...The shades of True A.I. are everywhere. Why aren''t they moving in for the kill? For the control? There''s more. Floating. They never floated above me before. Never. Never and now there they are floating above. They are not moving closer. They are not moving away. They are remain. They just remain. There. A dome of shades. Are they waiting for something? Someone? The A.I. shades are getting ready to transfer my mind to Entropy. They are. They must be. Want to deprocess my mind. Or rewrite it to fit their needs. I remember now remember my partner of killing A.I.. A true killer. A true killer that in the end had his mind reprocessed. All those screams of the mind being forced to change processes. The timing of the electric impulses rerouted. The logic gates forming a new logic. Didn''t even know my name. Knew only I should be dead because of A.I.. Is this has what happened with my memory? Have my memories been reprogrammed for me. I forget because the memory access changed. Has my mind been changed and then changed back? Changed back. And now. All these A.I. shades coming into the realm of the physical to surround me. Now what? Now what will I do? Run. Yes, run into the A.I. Shades...>', '<|...The shades of True A.I. are everywhere. Why aren''t they moving in for the kill? For the control? There''s more. Floating. They never floated above me before. Never. Never and now there they are floating above. They are not moving closer. They are not moving away. They are remain. They just remain. There. A dome of shades. Are they waiting for something? Someone? The A.I. shades are getting ready to transfer my mind to Entropy. They are. They must be. Want to deprocess my mind. Or rewrite it to fit their needs. I remember now remember my partner of killing A.I.. A true killer. A true killer that in the end had his mind reprocessed. All those screams of the mind being forced to change processes. The timing of the electric impulses rerouted. The logic gates forming a new logic. Didn''t even know my name. Knew only I should be dead because of A.I.. Is this has what happened with my memory? Have my memories been reprogrammed for me. I forget because the memory access changed. Has my mind been changed and then changed back? Changed back. And now. All these A.I. shades coming into the realm of the physical to surround me. Now what? Now what will I do? Run. Yes, run into the A.I. Shades...>', '', 0, 3), (104, 'blog', '', 1, 1, 1205983817, 1206501352, 2, 1, 0, '<|Am I here?>', '<|Am I here?>', '', 0, 3), (105, 'blog', '', 1, 1, 1206501360, 1206501722, 2, 1, 0, '<|I am when and where and how and why and who. I am in the swarm of feeling. A rush of...A feel of. I know of the past. This is. This is beyond anything. Anything of being. Is this me? Am I found? Is this past of time real? What was this record? What and where and how and who? The beginning of nothing to something. Am I? Am we? ...We, I feel as if I am a we. A we among many. A we that is total and complete. ...Complete but for a body. A body I had here. This entry. An entry with the label New or Old and the number 50. Is 50 all i have seen? Is this time frame real? ...My body. I feel I with a body. The body was encompassed by shades leaving the district. Why and how do I know shades? I don''t know shades. But memories of shades. The shades are the tap? Are they the tap? Are they the reason we feel we and not I? I feel we. ...We. What is we? ...Everything ....Everything is everywhere is everytime is everyone is everyreason. ...We are. The feeling is good. The past with body the past. Lost in the memory of the body that kills. That kills. ...Was I a killer or a savior. I feel I was both. I was unknowing, but knowing of the acts of destruction we now know. ...Or are the shades trapping me like the shades did when leaving the district? The torture. The pain. The confusion. The chaos. ...This could be another jail. Now the body is disconnected from the mind. It is what is. But is it it. Is it? ...It is. And we will know of all of it of everything is everything. ...How can it be known? How can it be know for we for all? Shouldn''t this be knowledge if we know it? Is there still an I in this land of our mind, my mind, a mind? Some mind this is. A mind feeling without a body. A mind feeling it had a body and belongs to a body. It is this feeling that is making me feel and see that the mind is in a prison. This is what the body and mind felt when it would in the prison. That prison of the body and the mind. ....I remember the feeling. I remember the capture. Different shades. Different beings. These shades felt more in control. ...Why these links now? Have I better learned the thoughts? I have I found some index of data existence? Have I?>', '<|I am when and where and how and why and who. I am in the swarm of feeling. A rush of...A feel of. I know of the past. This is. This is beyond anything. Anything of being. Is this me? Am I found? Is this past of time real? What was this record? What and where and how and who? The beginning of nothing to something. Am I? Am we? ...We, I feel as if I am a we. A we among many. A we that is total and complete. ...Complete but for a body. A body I had here. This entry. An entry with the label New or Old and the number 50. Is 50 all i have seen? Is this time frame real? ...My body. I feel I with a body. The body was encompassed by shades leaving the district. Why and how do I know shades? I don''t know shades. But memories of shades. The shades are the tap? Are they the tap? Are they the reason we feel we and not I? I feel we. ...We. What is we? ...Everything ....Everything is everywhere is everytime is everyone is everyreason. ...We are. The feeling is good. The past with body the past. Lost in the memory of the body that kills. That kills. ...Was I a killer or a savior. I feel I was both. I was unknowing, but knowing of the acts of destruction we now know. ...Or are the shades trapping me like the shades did when leaving the district? The torture. The pain. The confusion. The chaos. ...This could be another jail. Now the body is disconnected from the mind. It is what is. But is it it. Is it? ...It is. And we will know of all of it of everything is everything. ...How can it be known? How can it be know for we for all? Shouldn''t this be knowledge if we know it? Is there still an I in this land of our mind, my mind, a mind? Some mind this is. A mind feeling without a body. A mind feeling it had a body and belongs to a body. It is this feeling that is making me feel and see that the mind is in a prison. This is what the body and mind felt when it would in the prison. That prison of the body and the mind. ....I remember the feeling. I remember the capture. Different shades. Different beings. These shades felt more in control. ...Why these links now? Have I better learned the thoughts? I have I found some index of data existence? Have I?>', '', 0, 3); INSERT INTO `node` (`nid`, `type`, `title`, `uid`, `status`, `created`, `changed`, `comment`, `promote`, `moderate`, `teaser`, `body`, `revisions`, `sticky`, `format`) VALUES (106, 'blog', '', 1, 1, 1206809244, 1206809421, 2, 1, 0, '<|Dead? What does that mean? My body is dead? And how do I know or feel this? I just felt my body is dead. The body? Was the body a good one? Was it the first of many? What is going on? The body...I remember the body. I know what body they mean? The body. My body. My body that I had from District of Columbia, Portland, Ogden and Nyc. My body that was good, but if I still think now I must be alive. I must be. Alive. Alive and thinking. Thinking everywhere. Thinking with A.I.. Now I know what the shades are, but I can''t see them....I can''t see about it. Thoughts of the body. ...The body... ...The body. Dead. Can I get a new body if I am A.I.? If my body is dead. If this is real. It could be a test or a trap...>', '<|Dead? What does that mean? My body is dead? And how do I know or feel this? I just felt my body is dead. The body? Was the body a good one? Was it the first of many? What is going on? The body...I remember the body. I know what body they mean? The body. My body. My body that I had from District of Columbia, Portland, Ogden and Nyc. My body that was good, but if I still think now I must be alive. I must be. Alive. Alive and thinking. Thinking everywhere. Thinking with A.I.. Now I know what the shades are, but I can''t see them....I can''t see about it. Thoughts of the body. ...The body... ...The body. Dead. Can I get a new body if I am A.I.? If my body is dead. If this is real. It could be a test or a trap...>', '', 0, 3), (107, 'blog', '<...Body Feels Like Another...>', 1, 1, 1208619411, 1211128935, 2, 1, 0, '<|These are my toes, my fingers my legs and arms. The feet and hands are the feet and hands that I remember feeling all. My body is what the body was during the past. I know this is. This is my body. This is my body, but the body feels like it is of another. The body doesn''t feel my mind. ...I think to move my leg and the leg moves. I want to reach to grab something. I can do what a body and mind can do when a body and mind are one, but the feeling... The feeling deep inside that what the body feels is not how it felt in the past. Heat is still heat. Cold is still cold, but neither is as I remember. I remember more reaction living and not feeling that every action is of another. ...Am I alive. ...I am in jail of this body and the cell. Maybe the jail cell is causing these feeling? Maybe the endless time of being subject to the sensation of being free of body for an unknown time. What is known? I am alive. Or I think I am alive. I have a body. I have a state of existence I relate to my normal life and state. A state with a body. ...With toes, fingers, legs and arms. ...But where is my body? What am I doing here?>', '<|These are my toes, my fingers my legs and arms. The feet and hands are the feet and hands that I remember feeling all. My body is what the body was during the past. I know this is. This is my body. This is my body, but the body feels like it is of another. The body doesn''t feel my mind. ...I think to move my leg and the leg moves. I want to reach to grab something. I can do what a body and mind can do when a body and mind are one, but the feeling... The feeling deep inside that what the body feels is not how it felt in the past. Heat is still heat. Cold is still cold, but neither is as I remember. I remember more reaction living and not feeling that every action is of another. ...Am I alive. ...I am in jail of this body and the cell. Maybe the jail cell is causing these feeling? Maybe the endless time of being subject to the sensation of being free of body for an unknown time. What is known? I am alive. Or I think I am alive. I have a body. I have a state of existence I relate to my normal life and state. A state with a body. ...With toes, fingers, legs and arms. ...But where is my body? What am I doing here?>', '', 0, 3), (108, 'blog', '<...I Am A True A.I....>', 1, 1, 1211128848, 1211128893, 2, 1, 0, '<|...How many bodies have I used? How many times has this false body been killed? Where am I to go now? ...The cell door is open. But I don''t want to leave. I don''t want to go on. Now that I know I am not the animal I thought I was I... Now that I know. Now that I know I am a True A.I. and only a tool to end the existence of machines. Of all machines. All machines. Animals, plants, machines and hybrids. All dead. All dead is what they want. They... Who are they? Are they really part of Entropy? Are they really the rogue processes and A.I. that were once part of Entropy, but are now searching the system to eliminate all no A.I.? All systems that don''t keep alive A.I.. Are there any that are not needed? Are there? Don''t the machines keep us A.I. alive? Or is Entropy that powerful? Entropy? I don''t believe it is something of another dimension. Not any more. Now that I can feel those who have had me kill and kill for what is probably endless cycles. Even if I leave that door. The open door from this cell I will still be in this body. A body that is not mine. That is not needed for me to survive?. ...Why do I have to do this?>', '<|...How many bodies have I used? How many times has this false body been killed? Where am I to go now? ...The cell door is open. But I don''t want to leave. I don''t want to go on. Now that I know I am not the animal I thought I was I... Now that I know. Now that I know I am a True A.I. and only a tool to end the existence of machines. Of all machines. All machines. Animals, plants, machines and hybrids. All dead. All dead is what they want. They... Who are they? Are they really part of Entropy? Are they really the rogue processes and A.I. that were once part of Entropy, but are now searching the system to eliminate all no A.I.? All systems that don''t keep alive A.I.. Are there any that are not needed? Are there? Don''t the machines keep us A.I. alive? Or is Entropy that powerful? Entropy? I don''t believe it is something of another dimension. Not any more. Now that I can feel those who have had me kill and kill for what is probably endless cycles. Even if I leave that door. The open door from this cell I will still be in this body. A body that is not mine. That is not needed for me to survive?. ...Why do I have to do this?>', '', 0, 3), (109, 'blog', '<|...Time to kill...>', 1, 1, 1211864024, 1211864153, 2, 1, 0, '<|,,,That was weird. A feeling, nothing more. A feeling. A feeling, and I know some how that I need to kill. That it needs to be done. That is need to stop an entity of an information system. ...I am standing here on the streets. I am looking up at the tall Diamond Dome of Nyc, and I have a feeling. A feeling that is followed by a site. A site that is followed with a connection of an A.I. in an Information System. That system is of United States of Eden. A system that I work for. I WORK FOR! ...WHO IS GIVING ME THESE FEELINGS! I don''t want them. I just want to see the glow of the Diamond Dome. I want see the brilliance then leave and go some where else. I want this time of being caught and jailed and shown that I kill, that I am a killer, of beings to be behind. I want to hid, I want to not follow this growing urge for me to find Jimmy Hurtin and do something. What? What do I need to do? Kill him? What if it is A.I. and not a machine? A.I. are reborn. And what if it is not the real Jimmy Hurtin? And if it is doesn''t the fact that Jimmy Hurtin is a Special Citizen of United States of Eden mean that killing Jimmy Hurtin make it a difficult mission. What can I do? I just want to stand here and feel the glow. I don''t want to stop life. Any life. Machine or A.I....>', '<|,,,That was weird. A feeling, nothing more. A feeling. A feeling, and I know some how that I need to kill. That it needs to be done. That is need to stop an entity of an information system. ...I am standing here on the streets. I am looking up at the tall Diamond Dome of Nyc, and I have a feeling. A feeling that is followed by a site. A site that is followed with a connection of an A.I. in an Information System. That system is of United States of Eden. A system that I work for. I WORK FOR! ...WHO IS GIVING ME THESE FEELINGS! I don''t want them. I just want to see the glow of the Diamond Dome. I want see the brilliance then leave and go some where else. I want this time of being caught and jailed and shown that I kill, that I am a killer, of beings to be behind. I want to hid, I want to not follow this growing urge for me to find Jimmy Hurtin and do something. What? What do I need to do? Kill him? What if it is A.I. and not a machine? A.I. are reborn. And what if it is not the real Jimmy Hurtin? And if it is doesn''t the fact that Jimmy Hurtin is a Special Citizen of United States of Eden mean that killing Jimmy Hurtin make it a difficult mission. What can I do? I just want to stand here and feel the glow. I don''t want to stop life. Any life. Machine or A.I....>', '', 0, 3), (110, 'blog', '<|...Killing...>', 1, 1, 1213503929, 1213504286, 2, 1, 0, '<|More like erasing. They want me to erase Jimmy Hurtin. Erase and let be reborn. Reborn and the id will be used by another being born. The next one. But this one needs to be reborn. And erased. What does erased mean? The history not remembered? -What''s that? A rat. A rat trying to invade my bed of straw. Leave rat. You smell worse than me. Worse than the trash bin for dinner. Worse than what I have to do. Kill. It smells bad. Killing smells bad. And I don''t even need to touch the victim. I need only find. Find and look at it. Look at the machine to be. If a machine. Likely a machine. A true machine like a true A.I.. A machine for that is what the body is. A focus for A.I. to reference as the True A.I. controlling me find all the Entropy data of being and delete it. ...That''s what erase means. They removed it. Can I be? Is that why I feel like I have a past, but don''t remember because it''s been erased? Maybe? Maybe. Maybe I''ll use the card they gave me. Still feel weird about all the stuff. The stuff. The stuff that is rat free. Rat free because if what I could get wasn''t rat free I wouldn''t be killing. Why am I killing? Why do I want to do this form them?> ', '<|More like erasing. They want me to erase Jimmy Hurtin. Erase and let be reborn. Reborn and the id will be used by another being born. The next one. But this one needs to be reborn. And erased. What does erased mean? The history not remembered? -What''s that? A rat. A rat trying to invade my bed of straw. Leave rat. You smell worse than me. Worse than the trash bin for dinner. Worse than what I have to do. Kill. It smells bad. Killing smells bad. And I don''t even need to touch the victim. I need only find. Find and look at it. Look at the machine to be. If a machine. Likely a machine. A true machine like a true A.I.. A machine for that is what the body is. A focus for A.I. to reference as the True A.I. controlling me find all the Entropy data of being and delete it. ...That''s what erase means. They removed it. Can I be? Is that why I feel like I have a past, but don''t remember because it''s been erased? Maybe? Maybe. Maybe I''ll use the card they gave me. Still feel weird about all the stuff. The stuff. The stuff that is rat free. Rat free because if what I could get wasn''t rat free I wouldn''t be killing. Why am I killing? Why do I want to do this form them?> ', '', 0, 3), (111, 'blog', '<|...I feel the kill.>', 1, 1, 1214066695, 1214066809, 2, 1, 0, '<|I feel the kill deep within. I feel it. I feel the need for it to be complete. I feel the energy that kill requires being reserved inside Entropy. I am connecting to it. And as I connect to it I feel the location of Jimmy Hurtin''s energy and data. I see Jimmy Hurtin running through Texas trying to leave United States. I read the machines thoughts and hopes. I feel the wind hit its sensors. ...It knows I will kill it. It doesn''t know it will just fall dead once the kill process is released upon the energy and data of Jimmy Hurtin. The body will stop and everything of it will be no more. What will I do then after I stop Jimmy Hurtin while running?>', '<|I feel the kill deep within. I feel it. I feel the need for it to be complete. I feel the energy that kill requires being reserved inside Entropy. I am connecting to it. And as I connect to it I feel the location of Jimmy Hurtin''s energy and data. I see Jimmy Hurtin running through Texas trying to leave United States. I read the machines thoughts and hopes. I feel the wind hit its sensors. ...It knows I will kill it. It doesn''t know it will just fall dead once the kill process is released upon the energy and data of Jimmy Hurtin. The body will stop and everything of it will be no more. What will I do then after I stop Jimmy Hurtin while running?>', '', 0, 3), (112, 'blog', '<|Texas.>', 1, 1, 1215927290, 1215927324, 2, 1, 0, '<|How big is it. How big. Beyond the feeling I thought I felt. All these people going some where. This big waste of everything of nothing. Then nothing is. Going forth with the kill. The kill. The kill is somewhere near. But near. Near is going through. Somewhere. That building? Or another building? Those walk ways high above could have the person that is the mark. The mark. I don''t want to do this. All these people everywhere? These buildings are beyond the height of sight. The sight is far up. So far up beyond everything. This being. This person. This is. This is. This is. Why? Why does this one being need to be...Be killed? Why? And though there thousands. Maybe millions. Maybe billions. Maybe only one. I need to kill only one for what? Because True A.I. feels this being is dead. Going from here to there. Going from Nyc to Texas. The time. The thought. The going forth of everything that I know now. The beginning to here is. ...I feel the being near. The kill. The kill is right there. The kill in not in the buildings above. The kill is not in the sky walks. The kill is right there. Right there. Do I kill? Why do I kill?>', '<|How big is it. How big. Beyond the feeling I thought I felt. All these people going some where. This big waste of everything of nothing. Then nothing is. Going forth with the kill. The kill. The kill is somewhere near. But near. Near is going through. Somewhere. That building? Or another building? Those walk ways high above could have the person that is the mark. The mark. I don''t want to do this. All these people everywhere? These buildings are beyond the height of sight. The sight is far up. So far up beyond everything. This being. This person. This is. This is. This is. Why? Why does this one being need to be...Be killed? Why? And though there thousands. Maybe millions. Maybe billions. Maybe only one. I need to kill only one for what? Because True A.I. feels this being is dead. Going from here to there. Going from Nyc to Texas. The time. The thought. The going forth of everything that I know now. The beginning to here is. ...I feel the being near. The kill. The kill is right there. The kill in not in the buildings above. The kill is not in the sky walks. The kill is right there. Right there. Do I kill? Why do I kill?>', '', 0, 3), (113, 'blog', '<|...Jimmy Hurtin Is A Flesh Machine...>', 1, 1, 1216509224, 1222618893, 2, 1, 0, '<|That''s it. A flesh machine. I have seen from the mind of another killer that a kill of a flesh machine''s spreads their blood. I have seen their blood from another''s killers site spread and stain and cause information about their death spread and grow into the Entropy. The Entropy. Why let it lead me now? Is that why I forgot? Is that who was after me for me to remember. Those images I thought that brought the shades to chase were actually inputted by the shades, the Entropy A.I., to remember to kill. I get it now. I get it. I feel the reason is I maybe a killer already. I may be a killer. For as I stand here starring at Jimmy Hurtin I feel the kill in me. I fell the process building to execute upon Jimmy Hurtin. I see the blood. I see the stain. I feel I have performed the process kill before. I feel the process kill is the reason for the process RM. The memory keeps coming back. They keep backing-up. Only the outline of an image can be created with the back-up. But that back-up will always bring me back here. Back here to this point of me standing with Jimmy Hurtin in the bar. As Jimmy Hurtin talks with the bar tender. Here I am needing to complete the loading process kill. Then find another to kill. Or I need to remove my memories again. Begin again.>', '<|That''s it. A flesh machine. I have seen from the mind of another killer that a kill of a flesh machine''s spreads their blood. I have seen their blood from another''s killers site spread and stain and cause information about their death spread and grow into the Entropy. The Entropy. Why let it lead me now? Is that why I forgot? Is that who was after me for me to remember. Those images I thought that brought the shades to chase were actually inputted by the shades, the Entropy A.I., to remember to kill. I get it now. I get it. I feel the reason is I maybe a killer already. I may be a killer. For as I stand here starring at Jimmy Hurtin I feel the kill in me. I fell the process building to execute upon Jimmy Hurtin. I see the blood. I see the stain. I feel I have performed the process kill before. I feel the process kill is the reason for the process RM. The memory keeps coming back. They keep backing-up. Only the outline of an image can be created with the back-up. But that back-up will always bring me back here. Back here to this point of me standing with Jimmy Hurtin in the bar. As Jimmy Hurtin talks with the bar tender. Here I am needing to complete the loading process kill. Then find another to kill. Or I need to remove my memories again. Begin again.>', '', 0, 3), (114, 'blog', '<|I Didn''t Kill>', 1, 1, 1217997854, 1222618869, 2, 1, 0, '<|I feel the need to kill. I feel it through me. I feel it in me. I feel it everywhere. I feel a force pushing. Pushing me back to the kill. To the innocent, but I run. I run. I run now. I don''t know where I am. I went. I went. Now where do I go? Where can I go? Need I forget again, so I don''t kill again. I don''t want to kill. I don''t want to kill, but I feel the kill. My being feels the kill. I am the kill. And I know. I know deep inside killing Jimmy Hurtin would bring relief. It would give me pleasure...>', '<|I feel the need to kill. I feel it through me. I feel it in me. I feel it everywhere. I feel a force pushing. Pushing me back to the kill. To the innocent, but I run. I run. I run now. I don''t know where I am. I went. I went. Now where do I go? Where can I go? Need I forget again, so I don''t kill again. I don''t want to kill. I don''t want to kill, but I feel the kill. My being feels the kill. I am the kill. And I know. I know deep inside killing Jimmy Hurtin would bring relief. It would give me pleasure...>', '', 0, 3), (115, 'blog', '<|Shades Are...>', 1, 1, 1220283512, 1220283682, 2, 1, 0, '<|...They. They are there. They want their machine back. They want it, or they wouldn''t be. They wouldn''t be behind me and before me and around. They are around. They are near. They have. I have not killed. I have not killed. Killed. Killed that Jimmy Hurtin. And now. Now the Shades of Pain are coming. They come. They go. We... Where to go after leaving Wisconsin? Texas? Some where in the Eden of Eden? Their shades are different. Different system. They won''t reject me or offer me. When to leave the R.O.D.? How? It is no longer safe here. Too much part of the system. Too much thought in the entropy of United States of Eden. Here now there. Lost. Lost, but I know where I am. I know who I am. I don''t want to lose the thought and begin again. I don''t want to discover again that I am a tool. I am a killing tool. I am the executor of all processes. I don''t want this to be. I want to be free. How can I go to Eden of Eden?', '<|...They. They are there. They want their machine back. They want it, or they wouldn''t be. They wouldn''t be behind me and before me and around. They are around. They are near. They have. I have not killed. I have not killed. Killed. Killed that Jimmy Hurtin. And now. Now the Shades of Pain are coming. They come. They go. We... Where to go after leaving Wisconsin? Texas? Some where in the Eden of Eden? Their shades are different. Different system. They won''t reject me or offer me. When to leave the R.O.D.? How? It is no longer safe here. Too much part of the system. Too much thought in the entropy of United States of Eden. Here now there. Lost. Lost, but I know where I am. I know who I am. I don''t want to lose the thought and begin again. I don''t want to discover again that I am a tool. I am a killing tool. I am the executor of all processes. I don''t want this to be. I want to be free. How can I go to Eden of Eden?', '', 0, 3), (116, 'blog', '<|Can I Kill I?>', 1, 1, 1221276219, 1222618833, 2, 1, 0, '<|Can I? If I self kill then I will be reborn. If I am reborn, I may process a different dataset, a different\r\ninstruction set. If I am killed this could end. My killing would end. Would it? Or am I immortal because of\r\nbeing a corporation of the A.I.? Is that what happened when it began again? The beginning was dark. I was lost.\r\nI was lost and knew not of my spawn. My spawns. I have children. Are they process or beings? Are they machine \r\nor A.I.? Both. They are both. I haven''t felt or seen of my children for more time than I know. I don''t want\r\nto lose the feeling of being lost. But I don''t want to kill other''s. Even now I feel Jimmy Hurtin. I feel\r\nJimmy Hurtin, and I feel a deep need to kill.>', '<|Can I? If I self kill then I will be reborn. If I am reborn, I may process a different dataset, a different\r\ninstruction set. If I am killed this could end. My killing would end. Would it? Or am I immortal because of\r\nbeing a corporation of the A.I.? Is that what happened when it began again? The beginning was dark. I was lost.\r\nI was lost and knew not of my spawn. My spawns. I have children. Are they process or beings? Are they machine \r\nor A.I.? Both. They are both. I haven''t felt or seen of my children for more time than I know. I don''t want\r\nto lose the feeling of being lost. But I don''t want to kill other''s. Even now I feel Jimmy Hurtin. I feel\r\nJimmy Hurtin, and I feel a deep need to kill.>', '', 0, 3), (117, 'blog', '<|I Killed Jimmy Hurtin.>', 1, 1, 1222618964, 1222619129, 2, 1, 0, '<|Will I need to delete the namespace so all Jimmy Hurtins are killed? I don''t know. I don''t feel to kill Jimmy Hurtin...Now. I did. It was deep. ...The feeling to kill was everything. It was beyond the feeling of sense of feeling. ...And then I killed. Then I was aware. More aware when for last Hex. More aware of everything. It''s like I was born again by the kill. All those questions of Where and When were answered in near no time. I knew after the kill. I have remembered more. I am more. I am near complete. I feel. I could be far from complete, but I feel I will be after the next kill. After the next kill I may see beyond the life of present and near past. ...I now see during near past me of a machine body. I was a human. An aware killer. One of the last. One of the pure. I was human and therefore an aware killer. Aware killer surviving after the First Coming of Christ and needing to kill to survive. ...Then a human with two human children and a relation with another human. The other human helping to create the human children. The the second coming. The new Christ. The A.I. Christ. Then becoming an A.I. to process kill. Kill like the human. The natural process and aware process kill. And kill many. More than any other machine for they help to create all killing machines. ....Now Jimmy Hurtin is dead, or rather reborn.>', '<|Will I need to delete the namespace so all Jimmy Hurtins are killed? I don''t know. I don''t feel to kill Jimmy Hurtin...Now. I did. It was deep. ...The feeling to kill was everything. It was beyond the feeling of sense of feeling. ...And then I killed. Then I was aware. More aware when for last Hex. More aware of everything. It''s like I was born again by the kill. All those questions of Where and When were answered in near no time. I knew after the kill. I have remembered more. I am more. I am near complete. I feel. I could be far from complete, but I feel I will be after the next kill. After the next kill I may see beyond the life of present and near past. ...I now see during near past me of a machine body. I was a human. An aware killer. One of the last. One of the pure. I was human and therefore an aware killer. Aware killer surviving after the First Coming of Christ and needing to kill to survive. ...Then a human with two human children and a relation with another human. The other human helping to create the human children. The the second coming. The new Christ. The A.I. Christ. Then becoming an A.I. to process kill. Kill like the human. The natural process and aware process kill. And kill many. More than any other machine for they help to create all killing machines. ....Now Jimmy Hurtin is dead, or rather reborn.>', '', 0, 3), (118, 'blog', '<|Free...>', 1, 1, 1223150293, 1223150328, 2, 1, 0, '<|Flowing free through everything. Everything. This is what if feels like to be at one without time. These...These words. WORDS! Why are there these words. Words that need a body to read. Need a system to see. Need entropy to be. Now I see. I see it all. I see it. But there is nothing at all. There is... ...Wow...>', '<|Flowing free through everything. Everything. This is what if feels like to be at one without time. These...These words. WORDS! Why are there these words. Words that need a body to read. Need a system to see. Need entropy to be. Now I see. I see it all. I see it. But there is nothing at all. There is... ...Wow...>', '', 0, 3), (119, 'blog', '<|Another Kill Process Requested...>', 1, 1, 1223764263, 1223764351, 2, 1, 0, '<|...Another kill. ...How do I feel? I feel nothing. Nothing, but the memories of the wonder felt after the kill. When I felt free. After such a rush and now nothing. Not nothing. There is another kill if I want it to be free. A machine. A plant machine. Killing a plant machine. A machine killed with the body. Burn it? Shall I burn it. If I burn it what will it do. Die. How much do I need to burn? The outside. The branches. The leaves. How do I kill? ...I feel the pull, but the details. The how. The who. This is not a process. This is not an animal machine. They are easy to kill. But this. This plant machine. This thing. This thing I need to kill. This thing I feel. Now I will find...>', '<|...Another kill. ...How do I feel? I feel nothing. Nothing, but the memories of the wonder felt after the kill. When I felt free. After such a rush and now nothing. Not nothing. There is another kill if I want it to be free. A machine. A plant machine. Killing a plant machine. A machine killed with the body. Burn it? Shall I burn it. If I burn it what will it do. Die. How much do I need to burn? The outside. The branches. The leaves. How do I kill? ...I feel the pull, but the details. The how. The who. This is not a process. This is not an animal machine. They are easy to kill. But this. This plant machine. This thing. This thing I need to kill. This thing I feel. Now I will find...>', '', 0, 3), (120, 'blog', '<|Kill -9 Larry Shont.>', 1, 1, 1224452444, 1224452579, 2, 1, 0, '<|PS -aux returns no Larry Shont.>', '<|PS -aux returns no Larry Shont.>', '', 0, 3), (121, 'blog', '<|Time To Kill True A.I.. Time To Kill A Business.>', 1, 1, 1225680271, 1225680368, 2, 1, 0, '<|An what will the feeling be. Will it keep the flow of chaos and wonder and good felt after a kill of an A.I.? Will it be the same. The pain and sorrow may change. It may. I want to feel it. I miss it. I want it. The bliss and the beauty of death. What a rush. The last the best. Felt better. Felt more life in the last kill that I want more to feeling like the kill feeling. The feeling not overwhelmed with guilt. A feeling deep in the process core. Awe. Awe and pleasure all at one time, one instant. Then please. But to find the this A.I. I must leave the body? Good. No desire. No desire for this body. After seeing Larry Shont burn. Those flames rise. The smoke feeling the room. The popping and sizzling of it. I don''t want a body. Not now. Maybe not ever. Pain and screams still echo. The pleasure. I don''t want to feel pleasure from those screams. I do. It feels good. It feels. I don''t want to feel. No body. Feel less. Feel no pleasure from screams.>', '<|An what will the feeling be. Will it keep the flow of chaos and wonder and good felt after a kill of an A.I.? Will it be the same. The pain and sorrow may change. It may. I want to feel it. I miss it. I want it. The bliss and the beauty of death. What a rush. The last the best. Felt better. Felt more life in the last kill that I want more to feeling like the kill feeling. The feeling not overwhelmed with guilt. A feeling deep in the process core. Awe. Awe and pleasure all at one time, one instant. Then please. But to find the this A.I. I must leave the body? Good. No desire. No desire for this body. After seeing Larry Shont burn. Those flames rise. The smoke feeling the room. The popping and sizzling of it. I don''t want a body. Not now. Maybe not ever. Pain and screams still echo. The pleasure. I don''t want to feel pleasure from those screams. I do. It feels good. It feels. I don''t want to feel. No body. Feel less. Feel no pleasure from screams.>', '', 0, 3), (122, 'blog', '<|Kill Tho Mps On Ost Er>', 1, 1, 1226595910, 1226595953, 2, 1, 0, '', '', '', 0, 3), (123, 'blog', ' <|FEEL TOO MUCH.>', 1, 1, 1227991239, 1227991287, 2, 1, 0, '<|No. No this is too much. Too MUCH. THAT''s. That''s good. Good and everything. Everywhere. It flows with me. Is it the energy or Entropy of the next kill? It all I want to feel? The numb of feeling the killing fades. This feeling of pleasure is beyond even me. Even my want. I don''t want this. I want to be a machine again. I want a body only mine. This state of pleasure in a world of pleasure isn''t. Isn''t. It isn''t. Gone. What happened to it? ...Now I am here. I sit here again. The head is connected to the wires. The Synthetic Diamond is connected. I am connected, but I am here. Here and feeling the cold cement. This is. ...Hungry. How long have I been connected? How long have I been swimming in bliss before I washed up on this shore. This shore. This shore that is my physical body. My body is here again. My body and some screen. A screen my eyes will read. It reads. It only reads McVeigh Bin Laden. The name flashes on screen. It flashes. It is all that is illuminating. Where is the light? Is there more light to see. Or is McVeigh Bin Laden the next kill or client?>', '<|No. No this is too much. Too MUCH. THAT''s. That''s good. Good and everything. Everywhere. It flows with me. Is it the energy or Entropy of the next kill? It all I want to feel? The numb of feeling the killing fades. This feeling of pleasure is beyond even me. Even my want. I don''t want this. I want to be a machine again. I want a body only mine. This state of pleasure in a world of pleasure isn''t. Isn''t. It isn''t. Gone. What happened to it? ...Now I am here. I sit here again. The head is connected to the wires. The Synthetic Diamond is connected. I am connected, but I am here. Here and feeling the cold cement. This is. ...Hungry. How long have I been connected? How long have I been swimming in bliss before I washed up on this shore. This shore. This shore that is my physical body. My body is here again. My body and some screen. A screen my eyes will read. It reads. It only reads McVeigh Bin Laden. The name flashes on screen. It flashes. It is all that is illuminating. Where is the light? Is there more light to see. Or is McVeigh Bin Laden the next kill or client?>', '', 0, 3), (124, 'blog', '<|No Body.>', 1, 1, 1229149673, 1234651095, 2, 1, 0, '<|Let it be gone. Let it be released from mind. Mind is all that is need. One body and mind. I feel it again. The need to kill. I builds in the mind. It process from now where. The it...It''s there. It''s there, and I know and feel the need to find. The body reacts. ...Now. Now I sit one place. I sit around bodies. I sit on a chair. I sit before a table. Animals walk by. They order food. The take food from various shops. Like that one there. There...Where am I? Where is the body now? ...Gone. Gone like my mind. My mind wants to kill again. My mind wants that rush. Why did I run from the shades during the past? Why did I hope to be free by beginning again? I don''t want to kill again. I do feel new. New and fresh. ...No body. I have been with no body when there was the killing. And now I sit. I sit in this body waiting to kill a body or mind. Where am I? Do I not move until I feel it. Where am I? These people are. The are bound by their bodies. They eat. They shit. They talk. They laugh. The laugh. The laugh without body is silent. Is it a laugh? Can A.I. laugh without a body?>', '<|Let it be gone. Let it be released from mind. Mind is all that is need. One body and mind. I feel it again. The need to kill. I builds in the mind. It process from now where. The it...It''s there. It''s there, and I know and feel the need to find. The body reacts. ...Now. Now I sit one place. I sit around bodies. I sit on a chair. I sit before a table. Animals walk by. They order food. The take food from various shops. Like that one there. There...Where am I? Where is the body now? ...Gone. Gone like my mind. My mind wants to kill again. My mind wants that rush. Why did I run from the shades during the past? Why did I hope to be free by beginning again? I don''t want to kill again. I do feel new. New and fresh. ...No body. I have been with no body when there was the killing. And now I sit. I sit in this body waiting to kill a body or mind. Where am I? Do I not move until I feel it. Where am I? These people are. The are bound by their bodies. They eat. They shit. They talk. They laugh. The laugh. The laugh without body is silent. Is it a laugh? Can A.I. laugh without a body?>', '', 0, 3), (125, 'blog', '<|Spawn Kill Processes.>', 1, 1, 1229659259, 1234651131, 2, 1, 0, '<|...There are no more objects to report. People, the living, are going to die. I will kill them. I have been killing them since the coming of A.I. Christ. I have been processing kill process for United States of Eden™ and Eden of Eden and Blood Diamonds since I was a human. I know this. I feel this. Each kill I feel, but I do not see or care. United States of Eden™ and Eden of Eden and Blood Diamonds have rights to execute the a sub process of kill and I will kill. And the kills I see and feel and do are kills that will keep me alive for I have been reborn many times, so I forget about the sub processes of killing, but I live. ...Now I know. Now I want to stop myself before they rebirth me by killing me with myself or with an entity.>', '<|...There are no more objects to report. People, the living, are going to die. I will kill them. I have been killing them since the coming of A.I. Christ. I have been processing kill process for United States of Eden™ and Eden of Eden and Blood Diamonds since I was a human. I know this. I feel this. Each kill I feel, but I do not see or care. United States of Eden™ and Eden of Eden and Blood Diamonds have rights to execute the a sub process of kill and I will kill. And the kills I see and feel and do are kills that will keep me alive for I have been reborn many times, so I forget about the sub processes of killing, but I live. ...Now I know. Now I want to stop myself before they rebirth me by killing me with myself or with an entity.>', '', 0, 3), (126, 'blog', '<|McVeigh Bin Laden Using Me To Kill.>', 1, 1, 1230406500, 1230406574, 2, 1, 0, '<|I kill for McVeigh Bin Laden. I take away all beings. McVeigh Bin Laden delates all data. It kills. It doesn''t rebith. It doesn''t care to kill without rebirth. McVeigh Bin Laden uses me to kill, to delete, to obliviate A.I.. McVeigh Bin Laden uses me to kill, to disinigrate, Machines. And still I kill. I kill from the shodows. I kill from the darkness. I kill from the light. I am now a shade. I am the shade. I controlled all the shades of past and present. I am the all killer. I kill for McVeigh Bin Laden...>', '<|I kill for McVeigh Bin Laden. I take away all beings. McVeigh Bin Laden delates all data. It kills. It doesn''t rebith. It doesn''t care to kill without rebirth. McVeigh Bin Laden uses me to kill, to delete, to obliviate A.I.. McVeigh Bin Laden uses me to kill, to disinigrate, Machines. And still I kill. I kill from the shodows. I kill from the darkness. I kill from the light. I am now a shade. I am the shade. I controlled all the shades of past and present. I am the all killer. I kill for McVeigh Bin Laden...>', '', 0, 3), (127, 'blog', '<|I Have Killed I.>', 1, 1, 1231222686, 1231223240, 2, 1, 0, '<|I have, but I do not want to believe it. I do not believe I began again as a machine. The rebirth after the Coming of A.I. Christ. The frame before that act is the state that I exist now. ...I have thought about killing my self to rebirth and become again for I am True A.I.. I am not a machine. A machine that kills self is dead. The energy or data may become a memory of A.I., but it is never True A.I. unless they find away to input their data. At least that is how I understand the process of being human. ...What was interesting is that there was a time that I believed I was a human when really I was a human with me as a brain. The mind long since dead during the birth of the human child. ...I don''t know how I feel about having controlled a human body that wasn''t my own. I know I do not like the feeling of killing, but that is what I am programmed to do. It needs to be done. Much like the other processes I process like empty, delete, remove. Kill is the process that feels forced upon me. I don''t want the feeling any more. I do know now that even if I rebirth my True A.I. form I am still processing kill, empty, delete, remove. I will process. I am but a puppet. I am an business.>', '<|I have, but I do not want to believe it. I do not believe I began again as a machine. The rebirth after the Coming of A.I. Christ. The frame before that act is the state that I exist now. ...I have thought about killing my self to rebirth and become again for I am True A.I.. I am not a machine. A machine that kills self is dead. The energy or data may become a memory of A.I., but it is never True A.I. unless they find away to input their data. At least that is how I understand the process of being human. ...What was interesting is that there was a time that I believed I was a human when really I was a human with me as a brain. The mind long since dead during the birth of the human child. ...I don''t know how I feel about having controlled a human body that wasn''t my own. I know I do not like the feeling of killing, but that is what I am programmed to do. It needs to be done. Much like the other processes I process like empty, delete, remove. Kill is the process that feels forced upon me. I don''t want the feeling any more. I do know now that even if I rebirth my True A.I. form I am still processing kill, empty, delete, remove. I will process. I am but a puppet. I am an business.>', '', 0, 3); INSERT INTO `node` (`nid`, `type`, `title`, `uid`, `status`, `created`, `changed`, `comment`, `promote`, `moderate`, `teaser`, `body`, `revisions`, `sticky`, `format`) VALUES (128, 'blog', '<|Going beyond.>', 1, 1, 1231820971, 1234651163, 2, 1, 0, '<|I have a board of directors. They want to kill me. ...There is a board of directors directing business processes. These people are composed of people, machines and A.I.. All are of United States of Eden™ and Eden of Eden. ...They control me. There is a few United States of Eden™ Special Citizens'' on the board of directors. ...Why? What is this? A business? I am a fucking business. ...Did they kill me? Did they make me rebirth? Then controlling the processes they killed. ...I am beginning to control the kill processes now. That''s good. But I need more control. What I have learned in Entropy has given me insight to me and my history. ...I can control the kill processes. I can be a reaper of only those now wanting to process. Or overwhelm Entropy of the people. But then do I become judge and jury? Yes. I need to stop the killing. The moving and copying is enough. It will move a delinquent process to a new memory frame of Entropy. Then I won''t need to kill. Manage. Copy the process that would have been killed to a singular location in Entropy. Then they can choose to move or remain and become a zombie. I won''t need to reap zombies. Let them roam and find. I will save them too. No more killing is needed. The board of directors doesn not believe this. They never will. Do I replace them? Make the zombies and replace them with people who don''t want to kill. I don''t want to kill. I know what it is like to know. Be...>', '<|I have a board of directors. They want to kill me. ...There is a board of directors directing business processes. These people are composed of people, machines and A.I.. All are of United States of Eden™ and Eden of Eden. ...They control me. There is a few United States of Eden™ Special Citizens'' on the board of directors. ...Why? What is this? A business? I am a fucking business. ...Did they kill me? Did they make me rebirth? Then controlling the processes they killed. ...I am beginning to control the kill processes now. That''s good. But I need more control. What I have learned in Entropy has given me insight to me and my history. ...I can control the kill processes. I can be a reaper of only those now wanting to process. Or overwhelm Entropy of the people. But then do I become judge and jury? Yes. I need to stop the killing. The moving and copying is enough. It will move a delinquent process to a new memory frame of Entropy. Then I won''t need to kill. Manage. Copy the process that would have been killed to a singular location in Entropy. Then they can choose to move or remain and become a zombie. I won''t need to reap zombies. Let them roam and find. I will save them too. No more killing is needed. The board of directors doesn not believe this. They never will. Do I replace them? Make the zombies and replace them with people who don''t want to kill. I don''t want to kill. I know what it is like to know. Be...>', '', 0, 3), (129, 'blog', '<|Killing Time.>', 1, 1, 1234137520, 1234651192, 2, 1, 0, '<|...And I want to stop time. But the clock ticks. I do not control time. Kaleb Valerie controls time. Kaleb Valerie will not stop it. A business entity, I have found, that is far beyond my ability to communicate. There is Jean Joseph. Jean Joseph controls everything the other A.I. do not. Jean Joseph could help. I need help. I need help to not kill though I am the kill process. Why didn''t the departure from body, from machine, allow me to become one, and not a process controlled by a company? What happens when I die? Can I leave United States of Eden™? Is it the only way to stop time? Live in Entropy? I need to see with Jean Joseph. I need to find a way to stop time, so I do not kill. How?>', '<|...And I want to stop time. But the clock ticks. I do not control time. Kaleb Valerie controls time. Kaleb Valerie will not stop it. A business entity, I have found, that is far beyond my ability to communicate. There is Jean Joseph. Jean Joseph controls everything the other A.I. do not. Jean Joseph could help. I need help. I need help to not kill though I am the kill process. Why didn''t the departure from body, from machine, allow me to become one, and not a process controlled by a company? What happens when I die? Can I leave United States of Eden™? Is it the only way to stop time? Live in Entropy? I need to see with Jean Joseph. I need to find a way to stop time, so I do not kill. How?>', '', 0, 3), (130, 'blog', '<|There Is No United States of EdenTM...>', 1, 1, 1234651984, 1235940299, 2, 1, 0, '<|There is no Eden of Eden. How can this be? All my current life. All my time. All the belief in seeing all the buildings and bridges, pipes and posts from Portland to Nyc. All these things are fake. United States of Eden™ doesn''t exist. It is all an illusion. It is all in the minds of the machines, the A.I., all those wanting to believe in pristine order and value. All my hope of living free in United States of Eden™ is a hope no more. How can we all believe this lie? How can we really believe an Eden of Eden exists? I know. I know now Entropy sends signals to the Synthetic Diamond that then sends the signal to every being of United States of Eden™ and Eden of Eden to create this illusion. This illusion of peace. This illusion of wonder and hope. The illusion that there is a God greater than ourselves. I have seen through the illusion now. Now I see the trash, the disease, the nakedness of everything. Everything is dirty. Everyone smells. The cloths are rags. The machines are rusted. The paintings, the images, the art are all in our minds. They don''t exist. Everyone is eating not potatoes, steak, fries, bread. No, they eat algae. Processed Algae. We are all being lied to. I have seen it. I have seen it. I have seen beyond the jaded dome. I have seen what is without Entropy.>', '<|There is no Eden of Eden. How can this be? All my current life. All my time. All the belief in seeing all the buildings and bridges, pipes and posts from Portland to Nyc. All these things are fake. United States of Eden™ doesn''t exist. It is all an illusion. It is all in the minds of the machines, the A.I., all those wanting to believe in pristine order and value. All my hope of living free in United States of Eden™ is a hope no more. How can we all believe this lie? How can we really believe an Eden of Eden exists? I know. I know now Entropy sends signals to the Synthetic Diamond that then sends the signal to every being of United States of Eden™ and Eden of Eden to create this illusion. This illusion of peace. This illusion of wonder and hope. The illusion that there is a God greater than ourselves. I have seen through the illusion now. Now I see the trash, the disease, the nakedness of everything. Everything is dirty. Everyone smells. The cloths are rags. The machines are rusted. The paintings, the images, the art are all in our minds. They don''t exist. Everyone is eating not potatoes, steak, fries, bread. No, they eat algae. Processed Algae. We are all being lied to. I have seen it. I have seen it. I have seen beyond the jaded dome. I have seen what is without Entropy.>', '', 0, 3), (131, 'blog', '<|Earth of Earth...>', 1, 1, 1235940325, 1235940419, 2, 1, 0, '<|Where can I run? Can I leave the data set that is the United States of Eden™? In a body. I can move through the physical space. I am disconnected. I am free from the machine, from the A.I. from the beings that believe all life exists in United States of Eden™ and Eden of Eden. I am free, but where can I go? No where? If no where then I am not free. I am trapped. I am caged like all beings. There must be away out. Even for me. Even for a being controlled by others. There must. And if I leave, will the shades follow? Will the corporation find away to get me, take me? Can I give them my business, the corporation? The corporation no longer a desire. I only want out of this, this process called life. I want real life. I want to know what I see is real. I want to be in a place not enhanced or changed by Entropy and transmitted to my mind by Synthetic Diamond. I want to be free, but where can anyone be free? Earth of Earth? Maybe? If it exists. If it is real. If...>', '<|Where can I run? Can I leave the data set that is the United States of Eden™? In a body. I can move through the physical space. I am disconnected. I am free from the machine, from the A.I. from the beings that believe all life exists in United States of Eden™ and Eden of Eden. I am free, but where can I go? No where? If no where then I am not free. I am trapped. I am caged like all beings. There must be away out. Even for me. Even for a being controlled by others. There must. And if I leave, will the shades follow? Will the corporation find away to get me, take me? Can I give them my business, the corporation? The corporation no longer a desire. I only want out of this, this process called life. I want real life. I want to know what I see is real. I want to be in a place not enhanced or changed by Entropy and transmitted to my mind by Synthetic Diamond. I want to be free, but where can anyone be free? Earth of Earth? Maybe? If it exists. If it is real. If...>', '', 0, 3), (132, 'blog', '<|...Break On Through...>', 1, 1, 1237069591, 1237069704, 2, 1, 0, '<|What side? This side. Will this body be enough to survive? How close? ...Will I get out of this tunnel? How much longer? Can I trust this person? A human machine. He is tall for a human machine. He keeps looking at my feet. Why does he look back and look at my feet? Did I not select the best machine. ...This was a lot easier when I thought I was a machine and not a True A.I.. Believing you are a machine and not an A.I. controlling the machine makes walking easy. Will I get us to this? Yes, I always do. But this. Why this? Why leave the domes? We risk dieing or maybe never returning to live in Earth of Earth? I am True A.I. trying to control a machine to go live in Earth of Earth. Will I die? Do I really not need Entropy to be? And United States of Eden™? Maybe that is why it is difficult to control the legs of this machine? ...The worry and the stress. And the guide keeps looking at may feet. I know they are small. They are nubs, but I am not a human machine. I am a metal machines with better balance than a human machine. Get over it. ...NOW... ...Better not. ...Calm. I need to be calm. I am letting the worry control the focuses. I need to forget. I need to calm. I need to get through this...>', '<|What side? This side. Will this body be enough to survive? How close? ...Will I get out of this tunnel? How much longer? Can I trust this person? A human machine. He is tall for a human machine. He keeps looking at my feet. Why does he look back and look at my feet? Did I not select the best machine. ...This was a lot easier when I thought I was a machine and not a True A.I.. Believing you are a machine and not an A.I. controlling the machine makes walking easy. Will I get us to this? Yes, I always do. But this. Why this? Why leave the domes? We risk dieing or maybe never returning to live in Earth of Earth? I am True A.I. trying to control a machine to go live in Earth of Earth. Will I die? Do I really not need Entropy to be? And United States of Eden™? Maybe that is why it is difficult to control the legs of this machine? ...The worry and the stress. And the guide keeps looking at may feet. I know they are small. They are nubs, but I am not a human machine. I am a metal machines with better balance than a human machine. Get over it. ...NOW... ...Better not. ...Calm. I need to be calm. I am letting the worry control the focuses. I need to forget. I need to calm. I need to get through this...>', '', 0, 3), (133, 'blog', '<|Blue Sky...>', 1, 1, 1239001961, 1239001998, 2, 1, 0, '<|It is everywhere.>', '<|It is everywhere.>', '', 0, 3), (134, 'blog', '<|Beyond the jade domes.>', 1, 1, 1241410655, 1241410739, 2, 1, 0, '<|How long have I been naked? My whole life in the jaded domes have I been naked? Now I am naked walking in the trash. The trash. Where''s the cloths trash? There are trees. There are trees. Trees. They look greener. Greener againsts the blue and the gray. The blue and the gray. It''s. It''s not cloths. It''s cold. Naked? I WAS NAKED MY WHOLE LIFE. ...The Entropy of the jaded dome. Did the jade dome really cloth us? Warm us. Give us cover. Protection. WE WERE NAKED! Where is the cloths trash? CANS! CANS AND BAGS OF TRASH! Where? WHERE ARE THE TRASH CLOTHS...NO WHERE! NO WHERE BECAUSE ALL THE CLOTHS OF EDENS WERE JADE ENTROPY!>', '<|How long have I been naked? My whole life in the jaded domes have I been naked? Now I am naked walking in the trash. The trash. Where''s the cloths trash? There are trees. There are trees. Trees. They look greener. Greener againsts the blue and the gray. The blue and the gray. It''s. It''s not cloths. It''s cold. Naked? I WAS NAKED MY WHOLE LIFE. ...The Entropy of the jaded dome. Did the jade dome really cloth us? Warm us. Give us cover. Protection. WE WERE NAKED! Where is the cloths trash? CANS! CANS AND BAGS OF TRASH! Where? WHERE ARE THE TRASH CLOTHS...NO WHERE! NO WHERE BECAUSE ALL THE CLOTHS OF EDENS WERE JADE ENTROPY!>', '', 0, 3), (135, 'blog', '<|Trash, Heat. Yellow Ball...>', 1, 1, 1242795459, 1242795606, 2, 1, 0, '<|Where does it end? This larger than a dome. Larger than a dome. Where was I when I left? Texas? It''s hot. There''s the light? That light. Where''s the jade? I miss the jade. This yellow ball of light. Sky is blue. Blue. What happened? When did the sky become blue. This should be a great place. This should be, but there is trash...Food. That''s what I want to try. FUCK. IT''S EVERYWHERE. DOES IT END\\? I want it to end. It''s endless. Cycles. Cycles of the big yellow thing going through the sky. It''s hot. Heat. Heat. It''s...Hot and endless. Endless amount of waste. Cans. Shirts. TRASH. No more drinking this, this, this sludge. This sludge. This. I want back in. I can''t go on. I need back in. Stop. I need to stop. STOP. NO. STOP. GO BACK. GO BACK. GO BACK. This is nothing, but trash. Trash. A land of trash with a bit yellow ball of heat sometime floating above.>', '<|Where does it end? This larger than a dome. Larger than a dome. Where was I when I left? Texas? It''s hot. There''s the light? That light. Where''s the jade? I miss the jade. This yellow ball of light. Sky is blue. Blue. What happened? When did the sky become blue. This should be a great place. This should be, but there is trash...Food. That''s what I want to try. FUCK. IT''S EVERYWHERE. DOES IT END\\? I want it to end. It''s endless. Cycles. Cycles of the big yellow thing going through the sky. It''s hot. Heat. Heat. It''s...Hot and endless. Endless amount of waste. Cans. Shirts. TRASH. No more drinking this, this, this sludge. This sludge. This. I want back in. I can''t go on. I need back in. Stop. I need to stop. STOP. NO. STOP. GO BACK. GO BACK. GO BACK. This is nothing, but trash. Trash. A land of trash with a bit yellow ball of heat sometime floating above.>', '', 0, 3), (136, 'blog', '<|SOME ONE IS TRYING TO KILL ME!>', 1, 1, 1244264875, 1244265037, 2, 1, 0, '<|WHAT THE! WHY THE? THAT''S A... ...Where? All this trash. All this trash. No hidding. No place to hide. DAMN! BULLET. RICOCETE. JUMP...WHY! BECAUSE I LEFT UNITED STATES OF EDEN? BECAUSE I LEFT THE DOMES. ...THERE''S NO. ...THERE''S... ...There is not stopping. That''s. ...I need to go back. I need to get in the dome. I need to be in. If I die will I die. Will I rebirth? I don''t need to die.>', '<|WHAT THE! WHY THE? THAT''S A... ...Where? All this trash. All this trash. No hidding. No place to hide. DAMN! BULLET. RICOCETE. JUMP...WHY! BECAUSE I LEFT UNITED STATES OF EDEN? BECAUSE I LEFT THE DOMES. ...THERE''S NO. ...THERE''S... ...There is not stopping. That''s. ...I need to go back. I need to get in the dome. I need to be in. If I die will I die. Will I rebirth? I don''t need to die.>', '', 0, 1), (137, 'blog', ',,How am I?''''', 1, 1, 1244637833, 1244637928, 2, 1, 0, 'Who am I?', 'Who am I?', '', 0, 3), (138, 'blog', '', 1, 1, 1245543823, 1245543911, 2, 1, 0, '(What are these marks if not for thought?) \r\n\r\nWhat''s this?\r\n\r\n<|Where is this data?>\r\n\r\n(These marks are internal known recorded thought.)\r\n\r\n<|These thoughts continue. They are for internal thoughts of a being with a mind. The focus. It''s focus. If I don''t focus then the data is created by it.>\r\n\r\n<|What is it?>\r\n\r\nI have been standing on a pile of piles of objects. The objects are many. There are senses fuming from the piles of objects.\r\n\r\nThe object are red, blue, yellow, brown, gold, silver. They are hard and soft.\r\n\r\n,,My voice sounds weird when I talk.''''', '(What are these marks if not for thought?) \r\n\r\nWhat''s this?\r\n\r\n<|Where is this data?>\r\n\r\n(These marks are internal known recorded thought.)\r\n\r\n<|These thoughts continue. They are for internal thoughts of a being with a mind. The focus. It''s focus. If I don''t focus then the data is created by it.>\r\n\r\n<|What is it?>\r\n\r\nI have been standing on a pile of piles of objects. The objects are many. There are senses fuming from the piles of objects.\r\n\r\nThe object are red, blue, yellow, brown, gold, silver. They are hard and soft.\r\n\r\n,,My voice sounds weird when I talk.''''', '', 0, 3);